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Lorinda Norton January 8th, 2009 04:25 PM

Oh my gosh….that makes my head explode just looking at your workspace. You did a LOT of work to set those boys adrift on the river.

If I remember correctly, I sent you m2t files. I sent Björn AVIs that were rendered with the HDV intermediate codec. For some reason files in neither of those formats would work for Ken. So, I think I sent him H.264 files because they were the only ones that would maintain aspect. But what was killing me was that every time I rendered a clip for him and watched it, even before sending, the color was all weirded out (yeah, I know, weirded isn’t a word). I think we were messing up aspect ratios from the get-go and took a nosedive from there. It’s way over my head, that’s all I know.

Ken Bates January 8th, 2009 05:17 PM

Yeah, early on, what I remember is plain HD files (sry that's all i know AVI's I think) from Lorinda played for me with a hundred 1 px thick horizontal lines randomly shooting across the frame is constantly changing colors. Like colored organized static. I wish I could remember all the export settings/formats I tried.

Her clips she sent had some black bars top and bottom with the image inbetween a correct aspect ratio (when she viewed them) and when I was done with them, and sent them back the "bars" were thinner and the image stretched vertically a bit to fill. I never saw this effect and couldnt for the life of me figure out what she was yammering on and on about. "..it's stretched...it's stretched.." "..the hell you say..it looks fine.."
well there was 2 hours of that...

fun times..fun times... LOL

Lorinda Norton January 8th, 2009 05:37 PM

Ah it's all coming back to me now...

But who was yammering??? ;)

Now that you mention it, the aspect was wrong on the clips we did finally use. I had to crop my existing clips to match the ones you sent back....and I didn't do a very good job of it.

Robert Martens January 8th, 2009 05:53 PM

Sounds like fun. Ken, did you try installing the CineForm NEO Player? I did that just now and was able to playback a CineForm AVI that I rendered from Vegas without any problems. It was 575 megabytes for only twenty six seconds, which isn't ideal, but the uncompressed HD version was over four and a half gigs, so it could be worse.

If I might pry a bit more, which version of what software are you using? I thought it was Premiere, but After Effects was mentioned by someone at some point, I believe. With that info I could look up supported input and render formats and maybe make a suggestion.

Chris Barcellos January 8th, 2009 06:15 PM

Uhhhh, excuse me Robert, but what did you say ???? My head is spinning a bit....

Hugh DiMauro January 8th, 2009 06:20 PM

What a Cinematic Dream Team!
Our two favorite “maroons” are back! What can be safer than a duck blind? And yet, and yet… Many good things come to mind with your production. Your attention to detail with sound effects and the gentle rocking motion of the waves gave this whole scenario believability! And, so help me, that first shot had me convinced your duck blind was floating by on the river. Excellent After Effects work! Your lighting flattered your actor’s features and your sound was crisp, clear and professional. This movie was, in no way, boring. Because I liked these characters I enjoyed the interplay, no matter what they spoke of. And, that scream in the end had me laughing out loud! One little thing: Jeff “looked” colder than Mason, so Mason could have “acted” a bit chillier. That’s the only suggestion I have for this otherwise marvelous movie! I only wish it was up for judging!

Lorinda Norton January 8th, 2009 09:59 PM

We’re glad you liked our little movie, Hugh! And thanks so much for your help in getting us the blind! I enjoyed not telling you why I needed it... ;)

If you checked out Robert’s screen grab of the effects work he did (Combustion, btw, rather than AE) you can see why the blind on the river looked so real. He did a wonderful job with that. Consider, too, that I sent him separate clips of the rivers, the pallet, and the blind (stuck down in snow, no less!). I can’t imagine how he put that pallet under there. Any shots with them on the more placid Boise and Snake Rivers were created by Robert.

Björn created the clip with the boys going over Victoria Falls, complete with scream. I laughed out loud when I first played the file. That’s also his work with them in the crumpled blind floating (sort of) down the mighty Zambezi River. I overdid making it look like night on that one, but, oh well…

Halfway through shooting Jeff said something about Mason not looking cold enough. Mason’s reply was that he was tougher than Jeff (lol) so I left it alone.

Hugh DiMauro January 9th, 2009 11:15 AM

Okay, so now Mason's a method actor, eh? I appreciate all of the difficult and labor intensive behind-the-scenes work to which your creative crew had dedicated themselves. It's amazing what can be done through cooperation! You've proven it! Well done, guys (and gal!)

Trond Saetre January 10th, 2009 01:49 PM

Hi Lorinda,

Thank you for making my day! This was so fun to watch!
The actors did very well. Special effects were really cool.
So fun to watch the behind the scenes at the end.

Thank you for sharing.

Chris Barcellos January 10th, 2009 03:30 PM

By the way, the title of this thread makes it look like we are dealing with a Law Firm..

Lorinda Norton January 10th, 2009 05:30 PM

...And you have to admit it has a nice ring to it!

Robert already has the script for our first ad: "Have you been injured at a construction site? Do you need cash now from a structured settlement?" LOL

Trond, I am really happy that you enjoyed our movie. Entertainment is the main goal! :D

Meryem Ersoz January 11th, 2009 02:38 PM

"you're gonna burn down our shelter" should have made the main movie!

Marj Atkins January 12th, 2009 12:36 PM

Are you DVC people always so technically complicated? My head is in a total whirl about what actually went on here. The final outcome looks ever so simple but wow - files flying here there and everywhere and right around the world in 12 hours - that's some feat!

Fun movie! Well done.

Lorinda Norton January 12th, 2009 03:17 PM

Hi Marj,

I don’t think world-wide collaborations like this (on a technical level) are the norm for the DVC. But sometimes it’s fun to try something a little different, and this one was FUN!

Björn has taught me some things about Africa I would have never known, as well, so I am really happy he and Robert saw my SOS on the forum. (Ken and I had hooked up earlier.) You’re right; they put a lot of work into these effects that end up looking so normal.

Thanks for commenting! Glad you liked our movie. :)

Ken Bates January 12th, 2009 04:54 PM

I use Premiere 2 for editing, but I was using AE7 for the project with Lorinda. No I didn't try that CINEFORM player. Don't quite understand what that would do for me, since I don't quite understand what exactly was broken with our workflow. Only that it was a semi-organized series of trial and error.

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