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William Gardner April 13th, 2006 06:45 AM

DVC5 Feedback - Love Bites
Since my film got posted, I'll start off the Feedback threads.

My film is "Love Bites".

And for those who are interested, it was shot with a Sony Z1U camera, used Sennheiser G2 (?) wireless kit for sound (had a non-shotgun mike semi-boomed in for many shots, but ended up using the wireless lav for most), a Lowell light kit, and a Manfrotto tripod. It was edited on Premiere Pro 1.5 with the Cineform AspectHD codec/software, and used After Effects for the effects and titles.

This is my first shot at fiction, so please be kind if possible... :)


Meryem Ersoz April 13th, 2006 10:23 AM

this was pretty cute. nice use of location. that whole "location" requirement seems to be helping us to make better entries, i think.

the structure of it is nice and tight. it has a nice, light touch and sense of humor about it. good job!

Hugh DiMauro April 13th, 2006 10:31 AM

Please Be Kind, If Possible?
Bill, you humble bas***d!

What a story idea! Some poor schlub becomes a vampire and figures out a way to turn it into a blessing? Good music, great use of locations, FABULOUS "golden hour" shots and perfect FX mirror stuff. A mini "buddy" picture! I Loved it! Very original idea and use of storytelling tricks to move the script along in a coherent, entertaining fashion. You definitely spitballed that idea well. Alot of work went into that story arc. Thank you for an entertaining piece.

Lorinda Norton April 13th, 2006 11:13 AM

Good heavens! What an enterprising and resourceful vampire! Fun story, Bill. (Gotta love a lady vampire who takes the time to apply a bandaid before she leaves.) :)

Technically speaking, this movie (your work) is incredible. Beautiful shots, great cuts (really like the scene on the street with the cars!). And I agree with Hugh that the scenes with mirrors are so cool. I loved the tennis ball tossing, plus the fact that the guy in the liquor store couldn't see the vampire in the mirrors. LOL! Before I forget, what did he steal from there?

Your hard work paid off. This is a great movie. And I did what you asked--waited on the large wmv. It was worth it!

Bradley L Marlow April 13th, 2006 11:13 AM

Hi Bill - great job!

I liked the quirky humor that you used in your film. Gave it a nice feel. Loved the kid vampire (Alex)- especially the way he rolled his eyes. Hilarious! Your FX sequence with the mirror and tennis ball was terrific. Thought your use of locations worked very well too.

At first I thought, "What is this young boy doing in a Liquor Store?" Then knew- "Well! This kid can pretty much do whatever he wants!"

PS: I would like to acquire one of those female vampire ladies. Any help here is greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes~

Chris Barcellos April 13th, 2006 11:28 AM

Great filming, location shots, and great editing and great effects. Not sure if being able to get a bottle of booze solved his inability to work days, but it certainly would make it easier for him to get through the days.....

Jerry Porter April 13th, 2006 11:36 AM

I liked it alot. The closing sequence really tied it all together for me.

William Gardner April 13th, 2006 11:46 AM

Thanks for the kind words, everybody.

I originally wanted the closing sequence to come before the credits, but ran out of time with the 5 minute limit. Hopefully, folks will check that out as I think it helps pull it together. In the "extended" version, the shots of Jay leaving the stores is intercut with shots of his booty being sold on Ebay. Again, I think this makes it more understandable but I couldn't squeeze that into the 5 minute requirement.

Thanks again! Looking forward to seeing everybody else's work!

PS: For those looking for sexy vampire dates, check out

Bradley L Marlow April 13th, 2006 11:53 AM

Thanks for the link Bill. I used all of my credit cards, sucked a paypal account dry, wrote two rubber checks and am told she will arrive in 8 days. I'm checking the tracking number now.

Edward Slonaker April 13th, 2006 12:15 PM

Nice, nice, NICE, Bill! Really liked the night shots and the tennis ball/mirror sequence. Very well done.

I really need to dust off my Total Training DVDs on AE.....@#$%!


Philip Gioja April 13th, 2006 12:50 PM

I really liked the mirror effects -- how did you do that? (Or is that a magician's secret?)

I liked the story idea, pretty clever. I guess my one hangup is just that he has to resort to petty theft to support his blood habit, which I guess is morally better than the normal flesh fare, but felt a little depressing or flat or something at the end. Still really great stuff though -- great film. We had a good time here at the office checking it out over lunch.

Michael Fossenkemper April 13th, 2006 01:11 PM

Great effects. looks like it took a fair bit of time in post. Some really nice shots too. Good take on the reflections bit. Ok, can everyone stop raising the bar?

Robert Martens April 13th, 2006 02:02 PM

Now these are the kind of effects I love most--you've got your explosions, and your Balrogs, and they have their place, but the simple stuff that actually advances the storytelling gets me every time. Relatively simple, that is, I know how much work goes into making even a few seconds of this kind of thing.

The tennis ball, the kid rolling his eyes, all those slick looking location shots, I'm very, very impressed. And I personally feel the end sequence is better this way, as opposed to what you described; a few quick shots of the character walking away from the stores in the same fashion, it's very effective, and made me laugh.

Excellent job!

Tyler Baptist April 13th, 2006 02:03 PM

Solid gold! Really fun and inventive, and I laughed so hard when they went into the liquor store, and I cued in on the genius idea of how you played with the cameras and mirrors there to create a definately unique spin on the vampire genre. Well written, well paced, hilarious, and damn entertaining! Good work!

Hugo Pinto April 13th, 2006 02:34 PM

Really good concept, really fun script, and really good shooting.

I can only imagine the effort the FX shots must have been!

It made me laugh hard. That alone must be a sign of success.


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