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Denis Danatzko June 26th, 2006 05:41 AM

A newbie's question:
After logging on here, I often peruse some of the older topics to get info without posting questions that have been asked before. (though things change so fast in this industry that it seems each day brings at least one question that has never been asked).

While searching older topics, it seems I often get logged out through some kind of "timeout" feature.

Is there a time limit on this site, after which we are automatically logged out? It seems to happen most often after starting a reply to a post and not finishing that reply within a couple of minutes. If I have to walk away from the keyborad for something, it seems I get logged off. Haven't timed it yet, but it seems to be very short...maybe about 3 to 5 mins. Is there some setting on my machine that I must make? Help...having to log back in relatively frequently is annoying. (Granted, not earth-shattering...but annoying).

Chris Hurd June 26th, 2006 06:54 AM

I'm aware of that bug, and I apologize for it. It's on our short list of things to fix around here.

Rob Lohman June 26th, 2006 03:44 PM

Denis: also make sure you tick the checkbox that says something along the
lines of "remember me" when you log in to DV Info.

Hugh DiMauro July 3rd, 2006 10:00 AM

Hey Chris:

Maybe you can give this website a shot of Captain Morgan. I bet then it wouldn't log people out so quickly!

Chris Hurd July 3rd, 2006 10:21 AM

Hey Hugh, I'm still trying to finalize the subsidy by Shiner.

Hugh DiMauro July 3rd, 2006 02:07 PM

Shiner... As in Shiner Bock? Dude, you ought to try the other Bock style beers from Michelob. Also, if you can find it, try and ferret out that 12 pack of beers called "Beers of America." They come in a wooden tool chest looking carry case. VERY very good beer. I would not steer you wrong, Detective Sergeant Hurd.

Chris Hurd July 3rd, 2006 02:13 PM

Thanks Hugh, I wouldn't expect a Yankee to understand, but down here, Shiner's where it's at.

Mike Teutsch July 3rd, 2006 02:38 PM

Too much Shiner's or Captain Morgan and the site may never recognize us in the first place! :)

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