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Jenn Kramer October 28th, 2009 04:49 PM

For any logout/login not-sticking issues, my first suggestion is to see if it happens if you try a different browser (IE/Safari/Chrome if it happens in Firefox, Firefox if it happens in IE/Safari/Chrome). If the other browser works but your favorite doesn't, you can delete all the cookies in your browser that relate to sites that match 'dvinfo.net' and 'www.dvinfo.net'. That should do it. Here's a blog post about how to delete cookies relating to a specific site:

4 Ways to Clear Browser Cookies for Just One Site Optimize It!

If those solutions don't fix the problem the issue is probably with another piece of software on your computer (sometimes security software can interfere) or with a proxy (if your ISP is trying to do some fancy traffic/speed management stuff).

Chris Soucy November 10th, 2009 11:08 PM

Thank you, Jeff.........
Most helpfull.

I have for the last 24 hours (for the first time for about 3 months!) actually managed the seemingly impossible and stayed logged in from one refresh to another.

I followed the instructions in the link you provided some time ago, but no dice.

Yesterday I had the brain wave of actually clicking on the "remember me" box on the login (yeah, yeah, yeah, Doh!).

Job done.

Not sure whether IE8 or the latest version of Nortons was the original culprit, guess I never will.

For the moment it's "so far, so good".

Thanks again.


Richard Hunter December 26th, 2009 07:27 PM

Is it possible to switch off that annoying Rode blimp ad that pops up when I try to change threads? It really slows down the site navigation, and sometimes I doubt if I will ever buy anything from Rode again.


Jem Moore March 6th, 2010 10:06 AM

posting issue
Hi, I'm trying to make my first post in the "Private Classifieds" forum, and I keep getting the message that I'm not allowed to post there. I thought my account was activated and in good standing, so I'm not sure what to try next. Thanks for the help...Jem Moore

Andy Wilkinson March 6th, 2010 10:14 AM

Welcome. I believe you have to be a member for a period of time before you can post on that section. No doubt one of the Mods will confirm. The reason should be obvious!

Jem Moore March 6th, 2010 10:58 AM

Thanks, I guess I just didn't know how long it would take, or if I needed to make a certain number of posts, or what. Definitely understandable...

Chris Hurd March 6th, 2010 01:30 PM

Access to Classifieds is granted 30 days after your DVi account is validated.

Chris Soucy April 28th, 2010 11:59 PM

Hi guys..............
I did post this some days ago in another thread talking about problems, but think it may have been missed.

Following recent changes to DVinfo, the Google search box and more importantly, the contents of same, have shrunk in the wash to the point I can no longer easily see if I've made a blooper in the text.

The Search button isn't exactly huge either tho' I can still manage to hit it using a sniperscope.

Any chance of a bit of a blow up to save me buying yet another set of glasses?

Oh, BTW, as others have reported, yes, I too am getting the "Error on Page" message, tho' as it doesn't impinge on form, fit or function it is simply ignored, being stuck down there in the bottom LHS as it is.

IE8 and XP SP3.


Jeremy Hughes May 10th, 2010 01:16 AM

I'm getting REALLY slow or half-dead page loads where its stalling out while trying to load up page ads. Its stalling out on server.bittads.com... Anyone else having this issue? Its really killing the speed of the forum

Trond Saetre May 10th, 2010 01:23 AM

Jeremy, have you tried a different browser and/or a different computer?
I just tried with both my computer and phone. Everything works fine for me.
(But I still get the "Error on page" message in the bottom left corner of IE8, which has been reported earlier)

Mike Beckett May 12th, 2010 01:31 PM

This isn't a problem as such, just a curiousity.

Being an essentially lazy person, I sometimes like to copy and paste from (say) a forum post and search in Google (e.g. quicly copy a model number, product name etc.). I used to be able to double-click a word to select if, rather than dragging, but can't any more. I would also do this inside a text box to select a word when posting.

Has something changed on the forum? It's almost like there's an ondoubleclick being trapped for some other purpose.

As I said, it's not a big problem, just a puzzle!

Mark L. Whalen May 12th, 2010 06:13 PM

It's frequently slow to no load over the past couple weeks. The problems almost seem contemporaneous with the site redesign.

Mike Beckett May 13th, 2010 02:45 AM

Double-click continued...
Works fine in Google Chrome! Maybe it's just me.

Adam Gold May 13th, 2010 11:44 AM

It's not just you. I have the same problem, with both IE and Firefox. Haven't tried Chrome...

If you wait a while after the page loads, the ability to do this comes back. But it takes a long time.

Adam Gold June 21st, 2010 02:15 PM

This behavior persists. Any plans to address ths?

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