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Dylan Couper July 11th, 2007 09:59 AM

DVC 9 Sign Up Thread!
Sweet number nine...
Yes! It's time for The DV Challenge #9!

DVC9 will begin Thursday August 2nd when I announce the theme and any other conditions(Other conditions?) It will end midnight of Sunday August 12th, when all URLs to entries must be submitted to me at thedvchallenge@gmail.com

Rules and details can be found at: www.thedvchallenge.com

For the lucky winner, Guy Cochran and www.dvestore.com have put a Bogen 561B fluid head monopod.

The Bogen/Manfrotto 561B video monopod has an integrated fluid tilt head and fluid cartridge in the base, giving it buttery-smooth handling with a minimal footprint. Able to handle camcorders weighing up to 8.8 lbs (4.00 kg), it is the ideal support for lightning-fast ENG work in cramped quarters.

Simply reply to this thread, stating who you are and your intent to compete.
Remember, use this thread for sign up only! Please start a new thread for other conversations. Thank you.

Pete Bauer July 11th, 2007 10:08 AM

WooHoo! I get to be the first to sign up! No Wall of Shame for me this time.

Mike Teutsch July 11th, 2007 10:24 AM

Since I didn't get to make mine for DVC #8 :), I'll try to get this one done.


Steven Hoffman July 11th, 2007 10:25 AM

one way or another I'm submitting something this time...

2 walls is enough for me. it wont be good, but It'll be a start

Lisa Shofner July 11th, 2007 10:34 AM

I'm In.

Hoping the theme is "miserable and hot in the summer" ;-)

Chris Harris July 11th, 2007 10:44 AM

I am IN! I'm ready this time around. I've got my equipment in order, I've got some time carved out. Let's go!

Robert Martens July 11th, 2007 10:48 AM

Well, I s'pose I'll tack my name on the list. I always tell myself I can get things done if I just keep at it, so I'll try this one more time despite previous failures.

And who can resist the lure of "other conditions"?

Jon-Paul Stracco July 11th, 2007 11:34 AM

I'm going to try and fit this one in.

Kris Holodak July 11th, 2007 11:42 AM

The kid and I will turn something in. Might be fun to get the 12 year old interpretation of the theme.

Marco Wagner July 11th, 2007 11:56 AM

Doin' it and doin' it and doin' it wow!
Yes please sign me up, i'm hot off of a shoot and working on UWOL now, i need more pressure so I can keep going!!!

John Lofton IV July 11th, 2007 12:00 PM

This is what I'm talkin' about! Count me in, for sure!

I know I'm fairly new to the forum, but I've had experience working on 48 Hour film contests before, so I feel I'm up to the challenge!

Chris Barcellos July 11th, 2007 12:56 PM

I'm in too...

Jeff Hendricks July 11th, 2007 03:48 PM

Im in................

Gabriel Yeager July 11th, 2007 05:49 PM

I'll sign up, but probably not get a chance to submit anything.... I'll try though!

I am still trying to get my UWOL done..

So yes, I am IN!!! And looking for some starwars geeks out there so they can enjoy it!


Chris Barton July 11th, 2007 10:37 PM

Im in. Cant wait for the theme. These next days will be so stressful not knowing.

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