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Paul Firth August 10th, 2007 08:21 AM

Me too
I'm throwing my hat in also. Maybe I can get an award for late signup?

Pete Bauer August 12th, 2007 10:05 AM

Oops... I must admit I overlooked the new YouTube requirement added for this DVC:


I know I'm going to be very much in the minority as it is mainly an issue of principle rather than practicality for my amateurish filmmaking efforts, but due to a clause in YouTube's TOS I do not have an account there and am not currently willing to create one:


...by submitting User Submissions to YouTube, you hereby grant YouTube a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the YouTube Website and YouTube's (and its successors' and affiliates') business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the YouTube Website (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels.

That's way too expansive for my personal taste. Although I'm admittedly behind the power curve doing this DVC anyway (as usual), I did figure to slip in under the wire, but sorry to say, I think I'll "unsign up" -- or mount myself on the "Wall of Shame" if you prefer.

And that's not to discourage the vast majority of DVC'ers who ARE comfortable with YouTube's TOS; just ain't for me. Y'all go get 'em!

Daniel Kohl August 12th, 2007 02:11 PM

Hi Peter,

Thanks for this bit of insight... I wonder if I can un-you tube my entry?

Probably not ... I doubt it is marketable anyway pretty low res as well.

Anyway, it would be interesting to hear more about the ramifications of this clause. I will make a info.net search in a second - but if this topic has not been brought up yet in "taking care of business", it might be nice to have it.

Mike Teutsch August 12th, 2007 02:31 PM

I resisted YouTube for a long time for the same reason, but finally did sign up. I doubt they will ever find anything of mine that has any value, commercial or otherwise.

Also, you can remove your video at any time, but just clicking remove.

I will be uploading my entry here shortly. I can certainly understand Dylan's wanting a YouTube submission, as there have been many DVInfo.net movies in the past that I could not see, no matter how hard I tried. At least YouTube is drop dead easy! Remember, about $60.00 a year gets you all the web space you need to do all of your posting, with no problems!!!!!!

Good luck to all, and if an old man like me thinks he can trust YouTube, I think that you can too. By the way, all of the video sharing sites have the same clauses, that is why I have my own web space.


Daniel Kohl August 12th, 2007 02:47 PM

Thanks for that Mike,

I just started a thread in "Taking care of business" concerning this. Maybe it makes sense to post your comment there as well.

I think if you read the small print on almost anything you sign up for, that offers some kind of service for free, you will find something like this.

Of course being a little paranoid is also probably healthy. (I'm not saying your being paranoid Peter ;'))

I've had my share of problems with "fine print" issues.

I just don't want to let a worry like this get in the way of the fun, unless there is a serious issue here

Stacy Dudley August 12th, 2007 04:06 PM

I don't believe youtube has any real interest in trying to make money on peoples posted material. I would be willing to bet the reason they have such a disclaimer is simply to protect themselves from law suits such as those they have already been in.

Not that it really protects them, but in this lawsuit happy world we live in, it gives them a little something to use in court if need be.


Pete Bauer August 12th, 2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch (Post 727751)
By the way, all of the video sharing sites have the same clauses, that is why I have my own web space.


Bullseye! It is simple and cheap to have your own web site and the content is your own property; heck, almost every ISP even has free web space and simple tools to create pages. For those who aren't comfortable maintaining a web site, or otherwise don't have access to web space, well, there's YouTube and similar sites.

As I said, it isn't a practical concern for anyone here; YouTube isn't likely to rob you of your fortune -- unless your work is really THAT good! ;-) For me, I just don't want to be required to join a website with TOS I don't like just in order to do DVC. Totally a personal thing.

Best wishes to all the challengers!

Stacy Dudley August 12th, 2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pete Bauer (Post 727794)
Bullseye! It is simple and cheap to have your own web site and the content is your own property...

I really wonder how true that is?

I live in Orlando, Florida and there has been a girl (woman) missing for sometime now (beautiful blonde). Her parents made a website for her and posted pictures trying to do all they can to find her.

Recently, her pictures (those they posted) have shown up on sex date websites and her parents (furious obviously) tried to sue these companies. The judge ruled in favor of the websites claiming that the internet is open domain and the parents have no legal standing. So they lost the lawsuit.

I am no lawer and really don't know how this stuff works but anytime I post video, pictures, music, etc. I fully understand that anyone might claim it and use it for what ever they want.

Luckily I don't have to worry about that. My stuff is horrible anyway. If anything people will pay me to keep it OFF the internet! :)


Dylan Couper August 12th, 2007 04:51 PM

On the flip side:

Consider this: You just made a short film. Miramax calls. They say: "hey, we saw your short and loved it. But... we're going to steal it, market it, sell it, and keep all the money. You don't get squat, but a million people will know your name." How mad are you really going to be? I'd be dancing in the street, possibly naked.

Our problem is not copyright protection, it's obscurity.

Youtube is about exposure. The principal reason I want to post on Youtube, besides speed, is that it will get people exposure. As it is, the only views our films get are from DVinfo members, friends, and family. Youtube will bring a lot of views to DVC that we won't otherwise get. I'd personally be thrilled if Youtube took something I put up there, distributed it, sold it, whatever. It would cost a fortune to buy the amount of views a popular film can get there. Make something brilliant? Youtube is your best bet for for it to go viral.

For now, I'll just keep hoping that Youtube steals my stuff. :)

However, if anyone completely objects to it, I'll make some exceptions as long as you don't use those crappy free download sites!

Fredrik-Larsson August 12th, 2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Stacy Dudley (Post 727802)
I am no lawer and really don't know how this stuff works but anytime I post video, pictures, music, etc. I fully understand that anyone might claim it and use it for what ever they want.

Any artistic material you create, including home photos are protected by copyright. It's easier to "steal" it from websites but it doesn't make it legal to steal and use. There must be some other reason for that ruling since what he basically did is against the what the entire movie and music industry is fighting for. You as a copyright holder are protected the same way as any big company like Disney et c. Legal wise there is no difference between a home video and a blockbuster feature. Both are artistic pieces. One might be crappier but it's still protected. However bigger companies can of course hire better lawyers.

Fredrik-Larsson August 12th, 2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dylan Couper (Post 727804)
For now, I'll just keep hoping that Youtube steals my stuff. :)

I agree. If anybody steals my stuff at least I know I am that good! :) A genious can always create more masterpieces! ;)

Bruce Foreman August 12th, 2007 05:23 PM

Well, I've noticed those clauses in TOS on every hosting site I checked out.

Nonetheless I just uploaded my entry to YouTube and posted access to Dylan's dvchallenge group so it's there.

Quality is...(excrement)...But viewable and I understand Dylan's points.

I'm uploading to filefront.com and as soon as I have all the links, my email to Dylan will go out.

One problem I had when I registered there was no form of my name or commonly used usernames were allowed. Too many of me running around I guess.

So the "DanangDenizen" is me over there. (excrement)!

Dylan Couper August 12th, 2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Fredrik-Larsson (Post 727821)
I agree. If anybody steals my stuff at least I know I am that good! :) A genious can always create more masterpieces! ;)

I'll steal yours if you steal mine! :)

Fredrik-Larsson August 12th, 2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dylan Couper (Post 727835)
I'll steal yours if you steal mine! :)

roflmao! Now that's humour! :)

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