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Barry Gribble June 17th, 2005 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
50% on use of theme, 50% on production value. Technical theme is judged separately. Awards to Best Picture, Runner Up, and Best Use Of Technical Theme.


Is it possible to add a scoring category for artistic merit? It seems as is stands that if you produce a truly meaningless piece that solidly fits the theme and looks great you will win.

This seems a lot different than Challenge #1:


Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
No, you will not be judged on camera/picture quality. Whether you shoot on HDV or a $500 one chip camera makes no difference. The story you write and the way you deliver it will represent the majority of your score. Production value will fit into your score, but the camera itself is not important.

I would really like to see a 1-5 (or 1-10) each for Theme, Production Value, and Artistic Merit (which can include script, acting, etc.).

But that's me :).

Thanks again for running it.

Dylan Couper June 17th, 2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Barry Gribble

Is it possible to add a scoring category for artistic merit? It seems as is stands that if you produce a truly meaningless piece that solidly fits the theme and looks great you will win.

This seems a lot different than Challenge #1:

It's basicaly the same as how we scored #1. :)

If it fits the theme, how can it be meaningless? The artistic aspect is how you deal with the theme, and that goes beyond just dialogue. If someone incorperated the theme somehow else into their film then.... Hmm... Maybe I'm giving too much of a hint. Nevermind.

Dylan Couper June 18th, 2005 09:44 AM

I'm heading out of town until the 28th, if you have any general questions please post them, if you have any urgent questions, please forward them to my hotmail account. Thanks!

Dylan Couper July 6th, 2005 05:39 PM

I'm working on a shoot tomorrow, and will not be home in time to post the theme for DV Challenge #2, therefore, I will be posting it tomorrow MORNING, instead of 6pm PST. This gives y'all an extra 12 hours! You’re welcome! Don't waste it!

Just an FYI for first timers:
By this point you should have some sort of shooting schedule in place, and a cast and crew, even if it is only yourself and your cat.
A safe schedule would be something like:
-Brainstorm ideas Thursday night.
-Write script and gather resources Friday.
-Shoot Saturday. Capture footage Saturday night.
-Re-shoot ugly footage Sunday. (just kidding)
-Edit, edit, edit in all your free time until Tuesday.
-Get it online Wednesday.
-Go out and party Thursday and Friday night, but not before sending me the link to your movie.

Dylan Couper July 7th, 2005 09:03 AM

New email!


Tom Elliott July 13th, 2005 05:58 AM

Ah shame on me
It it seems as if the only exercise I get lately is "jumping to conclusions" or in this case "Jumping to challenges". My first "shame" award for having to back out, however I am consoled in that at the last minute my best client hired me for a project that will permit me to build a DIY killer box for photo retouching and .... AND NLE video editing.

Patrick Jenkins July 13th, 2005 07:05 AM

Not sure why I didn't cancel weeks ago.. (wishful thinking rocks!). Sign me up for the wall of shame. The indy feature I'm working on this summer (Deadlands - DoP) goes into production this weekend and I was hoping to get something done before that started. But all I've been doing the last week is getting ready for that.

No dice.. maybe next time.

Tom Wills July 13th, 2005 08:21 AM

I almost broke my arm this weekend because of a chair accident, and so I just basically today feel comfortable getting back to being a DP, so I doubt that I'll be able to turn one in.

Dylan Couper July 13th, 2005 09:23 AM

Everyone's got a story... :)

SOrry guys, unless someone dies or you are doing 16 hour days on a feature, there is no excuse. Anyone can find 3 hours to whip up a one minute piece for the competition. Wall of Shame it is!

Patrick Jenkins July 13th, 2005 03:06 PM

No biggy.

I dunno.. I wasn't feeling terribly inspired by the topic. It's a fine topic, the gods just didn't strike me with the inspiration I needed.

(quasi-excuse) FWIW, my best friends father did pass away last week (very close - like a 2nd father growing up). I started thinking about doing something relating to that (there are some family secrets.. legends.. etc - respectful of course - a tribute) but for various reasons just couldn't make it work.

Maybe next time.

Mitchell Stookey July 14th, 2005 12:37 AM

I can't remember if last time we were able to view the shorts before a winner was announced. Will we be able to this time? I'd love to watch them all and decide which one I think was the best before the winner is revealed.

Fredrik-Larsson July 14th, 2005 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mitchell Stookey
I can't remember if last time we were able to view the shorts before a winner was announced. Will we be able to this time? I'd love to watch them all and decide which one I think was the best before the winner is revealed.

I think so. On saturday all links are published and on sunday the winner is revealed. I am gonna hand in my entry today...

Glenn Chan July 14th, 2005 01:30 AM

Erm, I'm on track to the wall of shame. I'm probably going to be working till 6*AM* today capturing tapes (because some spots should be done by friday before client leaves for India).

Dylan Couper July 14th, 2005 02:06 AM

We will probably announce the winners Sunday night, or Monday morning, but post links to the contestants Saturday night.

Barry Gribble July 14th, 2005 05:41 AM

Yup, nail me to the wall. I got a rush paying gig, and, well, did I mention it was paying?

Good luck to all.

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