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Barbara Cole July 5th, 2005 10:25 PM

Sign me up if its not too late
I have only taped a few meetings and such but this sounds like fun. So if its not too late sign me up

Benjamin Durin July 6th, 2005 12:55 AM

I have no actors, no lights, no microphone and I must check if I have a tape left.

But I'm in !

Dylan Couper July 7th, 2005 08:57 AM

Benjamin, that's the spirit we are looking for!



YES, you can still enter if you haven't. It isn't too late.

Shane Ross July 7th, 2005 10:33 PM

You are going to have to add me to the wall of shame, for I have to drop out.

Aside from my regular job, I have just been handed the job of finishing a show I just left (because the other editor is directing 2nd unit on a feature) over the weekend and first part of next week. So double shifts. AND, I am leaving for Montana on the 13th. I was planning on having this all done before I left, but...

Hang me on the wall of shame. I have no qualms.

Dylan Couper July 14th, 2005 10:47 AM


To prove a point to everyone who is dropping out... :)

I'm signing myself up, THE DAY BEFORE THE CONTEST IS OVER!!!
I won't even start today, I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon to start shooting, and I don't even have an idea, despite the fact it was my theme. I'll do it using one camera, sticks, and myself as cast/crew. No, I won't be shooting for the cinematography prize, I just want to prove how quickly you can do this if you apply yourself. And yes, I'm busy with paying gigs and running this contest.

Plus, I'm on the wall of shame from the DV Challenge #1 and want off. :)

Jonathan Jones July 14th, 2005 11:17 AM

Kudos to you Dylan...that is the spirit. Everyone has a story...some more so than others, and sympathy is definately appropriate in many cases, but the challenge is what it is...and so are the conditions. As long as there is a camera and a hosting service....something can be submitted - no matter how crumby it looks.

As for me...the experience is alot of fun, and I gain alot of needed experience just working out the finer details on a budget and time constraint. It is great practice. My friends and I had a lot of fun with the first challenge - even though it is a little laughable despite our best efforts on short, short time. As I recall, we hammered out a quick idea, and basically scripted it on the fly as we shot it in under an hour. Editing took not much longer. Now we look at it and laugh at the campiness.

My friends came over the day the theme was posted for this go-'round.

We had a bunch of good laughs about horrible possibilities, and then when the laughter died down, we discovered that we couldn't think of any good 'serious' ideas, so we went with one of the jokes (although we are trying to ham it up a bit as we developed a storyboard)

We met the other day to shoot - subsequently I threw out my back during the week while I have been busy working on 2 other paying gigs - and while being the primary for my 2 year old daughter - and hobbling around with a cane (I have blown disc in my back and it is quickly degenerating)...

But our idea seemed almost decent, we had fun shooting, and we got a kid to be the main character - he is very excited about being in it and I want to do right by him to finish and post it. The wall of shame is small potatoes if I don't finish it for his sake, so when my daughter goes down for her afternoon nap, I will try to get to my editing bay and throw something together that works.

I think it is worth it.


Tom Elliott July 14th, 2005 11:22 AM

sob, sob, wall of shame am i.

Mike Teutsch July 14th, 2005 11:57 AM

Yea Dylan!
I'm on the phone with Bellsouth right now as I type this, and attempting to gain access to my web page. So far they can't even get in.

My actors are coming this afternoon or evening, at least I have my fingers crossed.

Hey, my web site is up so I should have a place to send the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone watch out! One and a half days left and I Can now start.....


Dylan Couper July 15th, 2005 12:06 PM

Well, 13 hours left in the deadline. I basically just got up with a killer hangover. I'm going to grill up some lunch and then get started. The hardest part is going to be cleaning my set (office). :)

Tom Elliott July 15th, 2005 02:05 PM

Cheers Dylan Couper,
Boy, you sure know how to instill GUILT!!!! ;-)
Not even another word on this subject from, in the form of "next time" etc etc etc.
BTW, is Challenge #1 still viewable? My grandson and daughter would like to see it (me too). They think it would be fun to "play" with Grandpa.

Fred Finn July 15th, 2005 03:02 PM

I handed mine in today. I've also done a PSA for a corporate cable company, attended my normal job, acted as vice president for a non-profit organization, took care of a hit and run on my truck, and some other of lifes hurdles. If you want it bad enough you'll make it happen.

Jesse Bekas July 15th, 2005 04:00 PM

Hey Dylan. I'm in the same boat as you. I pretty much forgot about it until today. So I shot mine at 12 this afternoon and just started editing and scoring now. Hopefully, I make the deadline!

Chris Thiele July 15th, 2005 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Elliott
BTW, is Challenge #1 still viewable? My grandson and daughter would like to see it (me too). They think it would be fun to "play" with Grandpa.

Hi Tom,
I had a look at them yesterday. I presume the reason we can still look at them is by the good will of those that posted them in the first place; another words, they haven't removed them. You may want to check out the winning one before you show your Grandkids - great humour.

Dylan Couper July 15th, 2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse Bekas
Hey Dylan. I'm in the same boat as you. I pretty much forgot about it until today. So I shot mine at 12 this afternoon and just started editing and scoring now. Hopefully, I make the deadline!

And see, I just left mine until the last minute to prove a point. :)

Jesse Bekas July 17th, 2005 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
And see, I just left mine until the last minute to prove a point. :)

I'm so pissed. I finished everything early, and it came out all right, IMO. I couldn't get the damn thing online, though. It kept freezing at 95% uploaded. I really want people to see it, but I don't have high speed internet, and still won't be able to get it online for a few more days now.

Did it come through in the email I sent you, Dylan?

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