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Kakhaber Mshvidobadze April 26th, 2010 02:54 AM

wild animal filming
Hello, I wonder how can i filming a wild animal, for example wolf in the forest, what i need, which camera is better to choice, or which lens use, or what techniques i need for it. may be someone know a good article about it, i try but could not found.

thank you

Mick Jenner April 26th, 2010 10:33 AM

There plenty of people on here who could give you lots of advice but you need to go to the
Under Water Overland Forum which is the one below this one


Trond Saetre April 27th, 2010 11:17 AM

Several people here use the Canon XL2 and XLH1 for wildlife filming due to the interchangable lenses.
Basically you need a long zoom and a good tripod.
You might want to check out the UWOL forum and the videos from Per Johan and Geir Inge, to mention a few, to see what these cameras are good for.

I use the Canon XM2, but I find that I often wish I had more tele zoom for close up shots.

Kakhaber Mshvidobadze June 26th, 2011 05:34 AM

Re: wild animal filming
Thank you guys

Marc M. Myers June 27th, 2011 07:07 AM

Re: wild animal filming
Also consider what your gear weighs. There is a lot of hiking when it comes to nature subjects. I ended up with a Sony NX5 with a tele-extender because that amount of zoom was too heavy to carry otherwise.

Charles Newcomb June 28th, 2011 04:14 PM

Re: wild animal filming

Originally Posted by Kakhaber Mshvidobadze (Post 1519469)
Hello, I wonder how can i filming a wild animal, for example wolf in the forest, what i need, which camera is better to choice, or which lens use, or what techniques i need for it. may be someone know a good article about it, i try but could not found.

thank you

You mean like this?

Sony PWM EX3, stock lens, shot from farther away than it looks, but the HD footage held up amazingly when I pushed in on it during post production.

Don Litten September 20th, 2011 02:47 PM

Re: wild animal filming
Nice video Charles!

I do mostly bears and use my 7D with an 800 mm lens.A good tripod is essential unless you can find a spot to use a beanbag. Graphite is your friend.

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