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-   -   How about a "Documentary Techniques" forum? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/documentary-techniques/129358-how-about-documentary-techniques-forum.html)

Brian Standing September 4th, 2008 02:03 PM

How about a "Documentary Techniques" forum?
DVInfo already has forums for:
- Film Looks Methods and Techniques;
- Techniques for Independent (narrative) Productionsl;
- Under Water, Over Land (nature videography) techniques, and;
- Wedding/Event Videography Techniques.

What about setting up a similar forum for those of us interested in Documentary and Video Journalism techniques?

Could be a nice addition, and I know there's lots of experience in ENG, long-form docs and other nonfiction forms on this board.

If I were going to ask a question about long-form docs, I'm not sure where I'd post it.

What do you think, Chris and other DVInfo gurus?

Shaun Roemich September 4th, 2008 02:07 PM

I'm no guru but I'd support the creation of a News/Documentary/Training/Real World section to differentiate the Digital Cinema folks from the Documentary folks for more topic specific insight and discussion.

Robert Morane September 4th, 2008 05:07 PM

I totally agree. a forum for documentaries, citizen journalism and videomagazine type of features. That would be great.

Mario A. Salinas September 5th, 2008 12:17 AM

Add me to the Yea votes
This is a rich resource for all who visit & contribute. Documentary Techniques would be very helpful. Maybe I'm jumping the gun but a forum covering corporate video production techniques would also be great.



Terwingen Niels September 5th, 2008 10:23 AM

I am for, hope to see this forum soon...

Michael Nistler September 5th, 2008 11:02 AM

Yes, a documentary sections sounds like a great idea. Of course, some folks will tend to post techie stuff here that might be best located elsewhere on dvinfo, but hopefully most would stay focused more on documenary-specific discussions. I think discussions on the documentary filming process (from concept although the way through post-production to media distribution) and business issues (funding all the way through distributor contracts) would be of prime interest to most of us. And travel-related aspects would be another key area, things like ATA Carnet, etc. ATA Carnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh yeah, discussions about directing would also be an interesting area to include:
Amazon.com: Directing the Documentary: Michael Rabiger: Books
Amazon.com: Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Videos Third Edition: Alan Rosenthal: Books

Warm Regards, Michael

Michael Pulcinella September 5th, 2008 11:16 AM

I would definitely enjoy that forum if it were created!

Chris Hurd September 5th, 2008 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Nistler (Post 929711)
And travel-related aspects would be another key area, things like ATA Carnet, etc.

Well, actually we already have a forum dedicated to that:

Home, Away From Home - The Digital Video Information Network

Meanwhile I'll check on the number of pre-existing documentary-related topics to see if we have a body of them with which to jump-start such a forum. I don't like launching empty boards...

On a related note, would there be any interest in a dedicated forum for ENG (news gathering)? I know there are other sites already covering it, but that hasn't stopped us before.

Brian Standing September 5th, 2008 06:36 PM

If there's enough support for both a documentary forum AND an ENG forum, I'd be O.K. with that. On the other hand, I'd also be O.K. with starting out with a broader nonfiction forum and then creating subfora or separate fora as the demand dictates.

Basically, Chris, I'd leave it up to your impeccable judgement.

Richard Alvarez September 5th, 2008 06:47 PM

I always thought of ENG work as documentary anyway, just a particular short form of it. But yeah, I'd like to see a doc forum, as long as tech questions stay in their proper fora.

Hmmm, now that I think of it, Wedding and Event work is a subforum of "Documentary" work as well... So maybe you ALREADY have subforums of 'doc work', you just need an overall "Documentary" forum??? Wedding, Event, ENG, Corporate, "Issue", Nature???? Basically, anything that is NOT experimental or narrative fiction could be considered 'doc' work, no?

Richard Gooderick September 5th, 2008 07:18 PM

I'd go along with this as long as I don't have to call myself a videographer :-)

That seems be a self-defined subset of documentary but I've never understood what it is ie what's the difference between a videographer and a film maker.

Brian Standing September 5th, 2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Alvarez (Post 929909)
So maybe you ALREADY have subforums of 'doc work', you just need an overall "Documentary" forum??? Wedding, Event, ENG, Corporate, "Issue", Nature???? Basically, anything that is NOT experimental or narrative fiction could be considered 'doc' work, no?

It's certainly all "nonfiction." You'd still need a forum specifically for long-form and short artistic interpretations of actual events, what most people think of when they think of "documentary film."

Maybe a "Nonfiction Techniques" uber-category with the following subfora:
- Documentary and Nonfiction Essay (call it "Doc Soup" or "What's Up Doc?", maybe?)
- Wedding and Event Videography Techniques
- Training and Educational

Whatcha think?

Terwingen Niels September 9th, 2008 05:21 AM

bring it on! I would be very happy to see this non fiction forum soon!!

Chris Hurd September 9th, 2008 06:26 AM

I think you'll see it happen very soon... it's just a question of what titles to give to the new fora.

David Beisner September 9th, 2008 06:35 AM

I'd love to see it as well... and an ENG forum would be fantastic. I'd also be interested in seeing a forum specifically for live productions.

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