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Barry Sampson September 13th, 2011 01:57 PM

Clipwrap question [simplify it's purpose]
So; Clip-wrap,

To avoid massive size increases when transcoding, can I just re-wrap the footage I have [without transcoding] and edit in iMovie or Final Cut X?

Or do I HAVE to transcode?

Thanks :0)

Colin McFadden September 13th, 2011 02:02 PM

Re: Clipwrap question [simplify it's purpose]
With iMovie, you essentially always have to transcode - even if you bring a rewrap into imovie (current versions at least) it's going to transcode the file (even if you don't check Optimize).

With FCPX, if you've got a fast enough machine, you can use rewraps. (Assuming we're talking AVCHD, if you're shooting HDV, rewraps work great with FCP 5.1.4 and later) With slower machines though, or for effects-heavy work, you'll still want to transcode.


William Hohauser September 14th, 2011 11:51 AM

Re: Clipwrap question [simplify it's purpose]
Even in FCP X, AVCHD rewraps can bog down the machine. HDV rewraps work great in FCP X. Transcoding to ProRes is the best and ClipWrap does it fast.

Barry Sampson September 18th, 2011 12:01 PM

Re: Clipwrap question [simplify it's purpose]
Thanks for the replies guys, will play around and try to free up some HD space!


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