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Sharon Lawler June 27th, 2004 11:53 PM

Error in Compressor
Trying to submit sequence to be compressed, and keep getting the message: Cannot submit batch. Unable to connect to background process.

Anyone seen this before or know what to do about it?

Rob Lohman June 28th, 2004 03:19 AM

Sharon: we cannot help you with the very limited amount of
information you have just given us. We are not people who
look into magic spheres for answers! :)

1) which operating system / platform (windows / mac, what version)

2) which program

3) which settings

4) how long is the footage

5) and any more information you can think of that might help


Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 07:40 AM

1) Mac OS X, Version 10.3.4.

2) Compressor, as mentioned in subject line. This is compressing a sequence created in FCP HD.

3) Settings? Trying to compress into the preset "Basic NTSC for Modem Streaming", because I can't find a preset for "I'd like to make an MPEG-4 to put onto a DVD".

4) Sequence is 17 minutes long.

5) Other info: I'm a novice with compressor, but couldn't find any "troubleshooting guide" in the Help section. Tried to export the sequence into a QT movie, and ran out of disk space. Ready to start over again out of frustration, but looking for a solution before I reach this act of desperation, as I have started over three times before due to other problems, which is probably why I'm running out of disk space, and I'm now not sure what's safe to delete!

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2004 08:54 AM

what version of Compressor are you using? You need to update to version 1.2. If you're using 1.2 you may need to re-install Compressor. There is a sequence to installing certain programs and updates. Post back if updating to 1.2 doesn't solver your issues.

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 08:56 AM

I'm using version 1.2 of Compressor.

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2004 09:04 AM

Which version of DVD SP are you using?

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 09:41 AM

Not using DVD SP, but want to import into iDVD. version 3.0.1.

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2004 09:46 AM

Compressor was either installed incorrectly or out of sequence. The first step will be to re-install Compressor 1.2

Click the Finder in the Dock.

From the Go menu, choose Go To Folder.

Enter "/Library/Receipts" and click Go.

Drag the file "CompressorUpdate1.2.pkg" to the Trash.

From the Go menu, choose Go To Folder.

Enter "/Library/Frameworks" and click Go.

Drag the file "Compressor.framework" to the Trash.

Use Software Update in System Preferences to check for new updates.

Install the Compressor 1.2 update.

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 10:29 AM

I followed the directions exactly.

But when I went to load the updated version of Compressor, it didn't show up as an update option---just two other useless updates (which I loaded anyway). Then I emptied the trash, restarted the computer, and still no Compressor update option. And now, when I try to launch Compressor, NOTHING happens--I've tried to launch it from the list of recent items, and it won't launch.

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2004 10:33 AM

Did Pro Application Support (ProApps) show as an update available to download?

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 11:29 AM

No--it was an Airport update and an iSight update. That was it.

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2004 11:54 AM

Look in <Your HD>Library>Receipts>ProAppRuntime.pkg and ProRuntime.pkg Delete both .pkg receipts. Then run software update and Pro Application support should appear. Install ProApps., then run Update again and Compressor should be listed. Install Compressor. Repair Permissions.

But I must warn you. This rarely works and you'll probably have to reinstall FCP HD. I can provide a list of files to delete so that FCP HD can be un-installed. You will need to re-serialize FCP HD, so have your serial number handy.

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 12:01 PM

If I uninstall FCP, will my media files and saved project files remain intact?

Sharon Lawler June 28th, 2004 12:10 PM

The Pro Apps update did not appear in the software updates, after I deleted the files you mentioned. Only another Airport update.

Gary Chavez June 29th, 2004 08:38 AM

this happened to me.
my 20 year old consultant guy called a friend who said
there is some bug that will cause this if you are connected to an Ethernet.
they then did some voodoo and problem solved.

if this describes your situation
i can get more info.

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