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Adam Burtle April 21st, 2004 10:03 PM

Hey guys.. i didnt get to take any pics at all today. Today was super hectic, trying to get all the ducks in a row for submission to my bosses, and it lookslike i may only have 1-2 hrs at NAB tomorrow, if even that. I am going to stop in to the canon booth to say hi to chris hurd, but i dont think i'm going to be able to get any video. I might get lucky and get all day there tomorrow, but i'm not counting on it.. it's possible i may not even get to go at all if my boss drops something on me.

I'm glad you all liked the pics so far, and Chris hopefully i'll get a chance to stop in tomorrow!

Ronald Lee April 22nd, 2004 12:34 AM

So is mini35 looking like it will be the star of the future? Is there a lot of attention and hope for it by NAB patrons?

And can you tell us in detail what Sony has in store for use and what cameras they are displaying (out of curioisity, are they displaying the PDX10 and PD170?).

Adam Burtle April 22nd, 2004 10:29 AM

I honestly havent even had a chance to see the sony booth yet.. i'm not a sony guy, and my time is prettymuch limited to seeing te stuff that i feel would be worth aquiring in the future. the sony booth is near the canon booth.. when i go to nab in a bit (barring unforseen stuff popping up here at work), i'll try to stop into the sony booth and have a look at some of their displays.

the mini35 isn't getting a lot of attention that i saw at the ZGC booth.. but in the canon booth, a lot of "regular" people who might be considering an XL1 now have a chance to see the mini35 in action.. i saw don berube there yesterday demo'ing it for several people.. i think this effort on the part of canon, helps to "mainstream" the technology. i would also mention that the filmstream viper is fitted with a pro35, which speaks to the quality of P+S's product.. i doubt that TGV would outfit a $150k camera setup with the pro35 if it wasn't a quality item.

James Emory April 28th, 2004 01:17 AM

Dots and Dashes?
Hello Adam. I was wondering what those dots over the lines are under random crane and jib pics links on page two of this thread. The links work but why are they dots and dashes? Great job on the narrative with pictures throughout NAB!

Adam Burtle April 30th, 2004 09:06 PM

james, those are just random dots i typed because i was bored with giving links names.. took me a long time to write those posts and i was sick of naming links haha.

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