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Matt Ramphal January 16th, 2007 01:58 AM

Best Intro Guide Book to AE 6.5?
Any recommendations? I don't know anyone that uses that program that can help me, and I don't have time/money to take classes...at least none that I can find in my area.

Can anyone recommend a good intro for someone who knows nothing about the program?

Thanks in advance!

Eric Lagerlof February 7th, 2007 01:30 AM

Trish & Chris Meyer's books 'Creating Motion Graphics' are a great start and will continue to be good references for the future. They're my idea of what a great software book should be...

There are also online tutorials-check out VTC (Virtual Training Company) and Lynda.com. For around $20-30 a month, you get an organized set of web videos, starting at the begiining. The AE guy that VTC uses is very good. And if you have lots of money, the Total Training Series of videos by Brian Maffitt are also very good and Brian brings both a lot of knowledge and infectious enthuiasm to the videos.

Really, I don't make money selling this stuff, but After Effects is a huge, deep program, and a friendly instructor, whether written or on DVD can make a huge difference! As a beginner, if you end up with some version 6 or 6.5 tutorials, don't worry, the basics don't really change much. Go slow, have fun. And the Meyers' books will make a great compliment to any of the video based tutorials. Welcome to AE and some great adventures!

Margus Lillemagi February 7th, 2007 02:03 PM

I also recommend Trish & Crish Meyers "Creating Motion Graphics", incl The Essentials and Advanced Techniques, and After Effects in Production. The 3 books are best I know.



Scott Brickert May 18th, 2007 02:51 PM

CD missing
I received a copy of Creating Motion Graphics along with a bunch of hardware and software I purchase awhile back. Now that I'm finally moving into AE (just purchased 7.0) it's time to work through the book.

Unfortunately the seller had lost the accompanying CD.

Any chance someone could copy the CD and send it too me for 5 bucks?

Let me know.

PS I also have "AE In Production" and just bought "AE7 Classroom in a Book" and "AE7 Studio Techniques", all of which have the CD/DVD's...wow, let the homework begin. Maybe by December I'll see the light at the end of the tunnel...but it's gonna be fun along the way.

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