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Harrison Freedman July 22nd, 2006 05:05 PM

After Effects for Beginners?
I finally was able to get a copy of After Effects 7.0 for my Mac from school, but I'm just starting to learn how to use it.
One question I have is that I imported a 30 second clip and when I play it back it stutters and isn't in real time. I figured it needed to be rendered but I could not find an option to render.

So I guess I know nothing about After Effects, so my question is if anyone could request some free tutorials so that I could learn how to use it, that would be awsome.

Thanks in advance.

Pete Bauer July 22nd, 2006 07:34 PM

Hi Harrison,

You have to add your composition to the render queue, which can be accessed via menu.

Someone who uses a Mac can give you a better idea about performance, which will depend not only on the computer itself, but the format of your video (eg DV or HD) and the complexity of the compositing work you're doing. I find it rare even on a very fast PC that compositions with any complexity at all will run in real time.

The Help has most or all of the info from the product manual in it, so that's always a good starting point. Adobe has some tutorials online:

and if you search around you'll find quite a few other tutorials on the web, many of them mentioned in threads here on DVi. AE is definitely a complex program and it'll take some effort and time to learn.

Harrison Freedman July 23rd, 2006 12:37 PM

Wow thanks Pete. I definetly would like to learn it, especially with Magic Bullet to add some better looks to my films. Thanks again.

Harrison Freedman July 23rd, 2006 12:37 PM

Wow thanks Pete. I definetly would like to learn it, especially with Magic Bullet to add some better looks to my films. Thanks again.

Henry Cho July 24th, 2006 10:29 AM

or you can also try the ram preview option to preview your timeline at full speed.

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