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Urban Skargren January 22nd, 2025 07:22 AM

How to properly chroma key people with glasses on
When it comes to recording with green screen behind a person, there is often the issue of wearing glasses. When the person turns to the sides, it is often hard to get the keying right in that small part of the glasses where the background shines through. Does anyone have tips on how to do this the best way?
Of course, not using glasses in the first place or not to turn to the sides would be a solution! But some people need to have their glasses on and they need to turn a little to the sides.

Christopher Young January 23rd, 2025 02:00 AM

Re: How to properly chroma key people with glasses on
Do you have a short original green screen camera clip you can upload? Also, a short clip of the background image?. Also, what software are you using to chroma key with?

If you have, someone may be able to help. Just discussing tips with topics like keying nearly always doesn't come to much.

Things that can effect keying. Lighting, codec, I-Frame or Long GOP, bit -rate, 420 or 422 color space. So many variables. Much quicker to just supply clips so we know what we are up against.

That will be your quickest way to an answer.

Chris Young

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