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Glenn Davidson April 10th, 2011 06:32 PM

NanoFlash Audio Problems
I have had my NanoFlash for about a year and I am getting frustrated with capturing good audio. I am using the Nano as a fixed position 'B' rig with a Sony HC3, Sound Devices 302 (Balanced out to mini-plug in) and Marshall monitor. Here are the problems:

1) Embedded audio from HDMI stream is very noisy. (High frequency video or digital noise)
2) Analog in from Sound Devices is tinny. If I plug in the Marshall via SDI it messes up the audio with video/digital noise.
3) TheNano preamp setting at 16 db does not pass audio. I can only use it at 0 or 32 db.
4) Metering is slow with poor resolution.
5) The audio sounds much worse than what I was capturing on my Sony FX1.I have to spend lot's of time in post filtering and EQing for marginal audio and need a solution.

Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated.


Andy Mangrum April 11th, 2011 09:49 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hello Glen,

I would suggest to update to the latest firmware, the Pre amp 16, and 32 Db has been changed since 1.6.29, now it is an adjustable range, - to +, for more precise adjusting. in our latest Firmware 1.6.248


Also The the Analog audio can be monitored via the Headphone out or Embedded in the SDI Stream Output,

As for the Noise and interference, I would suggest to make sure all of your cables are 75 Ohm, to reduce interference, including your Analog Audio. this will reduce and noise that may be picked up.

As a general reference, the NTSC audio standard is -20 db, So I would adjust your levels so they reside around that, so peaks will not rail.

Best Regards

Ian Thomas April 11th, 2011 04:23 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
I also are having problems with audio, When footage is played back on a tv vi the hdmi lead all is ok but when i ingest it on to my casablanca editer some times its slow motion or theres interferance noise

I have spoke to the people at casablanca and they said can you change the audio settings to dolby instead of psm can you please help

Andy Mangrum April 11th, 2011 04:56 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hello Iam,

If the Audio is taken in Embedded then the nanoFlash does not modify it, but if the audio is coming in Analog then there can be adjustments made.

Have you tried loading the new firmware? or performing a restore defaults (Found under system)on your unit to see if there are any changes?

Also what exactly do you mean by dolby? please explain further

Best Regards

Ron Aerts April 12th, 2011 06:45 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
did you have the cable right? From balanced XLR to mini jack you have to put a bridge between pin 3 and 1 on the XLR to get it unbalanced. 1+3 is ground and 2 is signal. Otherwise you get "thin" audio and level loss.

Glenn Davidson April 17th, 2011 02:39 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Thanks for the help.

Ian Thomas April 20th, 2011 02:06 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Still having audio problems, people at casablanca don't know, as i said before playing the footage from nano on to a hd tv vi hdmi is fine but when its downloaded onto casablanca its slow motion with a crackling noise the firmware on the nano is 1.6.248

Any ideas

Dan Keaton April 20th, 2011 04:46 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear ian,

If you play the footage in the nanoFlash, monitoring via the headphone output, is the audio Ok?

When you play the footage in the nanoFlash out via the HDMI output to a television, the audio is Ok, correct?

If you upload the footage to a PC or Mac and play the footage via appropriate software, is the audio Ok?

If all of the above are Ok, then I would suspect the Casablanca system.

Ian Thomas April 21st, 2011 03:15 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Thanks Dan

I have changed the audiio settings to analog on the nano as this could be the problem with the sorftware on the editer to try but iam not getting any sound to the nano the audio moniter lines on the nano are not moving

Any ideas

Dan Keaton April 21st, 2011 07:10 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear Ian,

With Audio|In|Analog, then you need to supply the audio via the 3.5mm (1.8") mini-jack.

If you do not, then there will be no audio.

If the audio comes in via embedded HD-SDI or HDMI, the proper setting would be Audio|In|Embedded.

I hope this helps.

Ian Thomas April 22nd, 2011 01:32 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Thanks Dan

so that means that the mini jack goes in to the nano and then do you put the other end (red+white) into the cameras red and white audio sockets?

Dan Keaton April 22nd, 2011 06:22 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear Ian,


Then set the Audio|Gain to -3.0dB in the nanoFlash.

Ian Thomas April 22nd, 2011 08:08 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Ok Dan I will try that


Andy Mangrum April 25th, 2011 11:23 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hello Ian,

What version of Casablanca are you using? is it Smart Edit 9?

So that I can Try to replicate the Issue, and get in Contact with Casablanca,


Ian Thomas April 25th, 2011 12:32 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hi Andy

My model is the S2000, Have tried it with analog coming from the nano and the sound is even worse when captured on to the casablanca but again when monitored from the nano vi headphones is fine

Either way its a casablanca problem, When i ingest the backup from the sxs cards all's fine,

When speaking to the casablanca technoman here in the uk he's not sure not heard of any problems and thinks that they maybe not many users here with the nano

Many thanks

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