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Ian Thomas May 13th, 2011 12:29 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dan No you can't defrag on Casie

Andy ian going to try 50mbs and see what happens and then try your solution, as for buying another editor i have sunk enough money into casablanca best part of 3k to afford any more

Ian Thomas May 13th, 2011 01:05 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Ok tested 50mbs footage the same as before
also 35mbs is the same as well so it does'nt look like the codec

Dan Keaton May 13th, 2011 06:34 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear Ian,

I found this on the Internet, describing the technical specifications for the Casablanca S2000 editing system:

The most important features at a glance:

- Powerful Intel E5200 2.5Ghz Core Duo processor with 1 GB RAM

- 500 GB hard-drive, 18-speed DVD Dual-Layer burner (optional BluRay)

- 1 or 2 monitor use, TV connection either via DVI/HDMI or SCART

- Video modes: 720p, 1080i and various VGA modes

- Bogart SE system software.

Please note that they did not mention 1080p.

What frame rate are you using?

What is your nanoFlash's Video|Record PSF>Prog setting, checked or unchecked?

Is your frame rate 1080p24?

Ian Thomas May 14th, 2011 02:00 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hi Dan

1 frame rate 50
2 unchecked
3 1920 -1080i

Dan Keaton May 14th, 2011 06:02 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear ian,

Well, in my opinon, that should work.

Ian Thomas May 14th, 2011 06:29 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hi Dan

well i wish it did, if i injest into the project the video is fine but the audio is unusable if i injest it into media manager then inport it into the project the video plays abit juddery but the audio is fine, there just does'nt seen to be a fix at the moment

All cards recorded in camera SxS, SD in the MxM adapter all play fine if was'nt for the beeb 35mbs would be ok but they want 50mbs so thats why i got the nano

Dan Keaton May 14th, 2011 06:55 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear Ian,

I am familar with "Media Manager" in Sony Vegas.

Are you referring to a feature or function in your Casablanca system named "Media Manager" or are you referring to something else?

Dan Keaton May 14th, 2011 06:57 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Dear Friends,

I would greatly welcome any assistance that DVInfo.net members could provide.

I am not familar with the Casablanca editing system thus I am of limited help to Ian.

Ian Thomas May 14th, 2011 10:24 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
yes Dan its a function

Andy Mangrum May 16th, 2011 10:44 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Hello Ian,

The only alternative I can think of that you could try is if the casablanca system has an audio program similar to Soundtrack Pro, you can save all of your audio (only) threw that utility, then import your video, with the method that plays your video without any jitter or skipping, then import your corresponding audio tracks, granted this would not be ideal, but I think we have pursued most other option's to help you work threw these issues.

Best Regards

Ian Thomas May 16th, 2011 02:10 PM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
well thakyou there is work rounds as i have said on older posts which is time comsuming but works, just can't understand why there is this problem on a editer that cost 2k+ with add ons and a recorder at 2.5k, hope it gets solved soon or they maybe no need to hang on to nano


Ian Thomas May 21st, 2011 08:54 AM

Re: NanoFlash Audio Problems
Ok for all those who might be interested i think i have found the way to go

1st change file in nano from MXF to MOV and then inject in to cassie vi the media manager and the import the clips into your project and both the vid + audio are fine, what a relief

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