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Piotr Wozniacki December 13th, 2009 09:34 AM

Nano clips in Vegas 9.0c
Again sorry if this has already been discussed when I was away, but just wanted to ask:

All my 100 Mbps clips from the nano show this nasty "green frame" at the very beginning while on Vegas t/l.

Is it a known bug?

Paul Inglis December 13th, 2009 11:53 AM

Hi Piotr,

I haven't experienced that problem in 9.0c (64-bit and 32-bit) not 8.0c (32-bit) or 8.1 (64-bit). I have just tried a fresh clip.

Seems like one of those Vegas problems that some suffer while others do not. Maybe its a hardware issue?

Paul Inglis December 13th, 2009 11:58 AM

Thats spooky now I do have it???

Piotr Wozniacki December 13th, 2009 01:08 PM

Thanks Paul for the reply - many people on the Vegas forum have been complaining about their installations showing up black or red frames for many years now, and of course with many Vegas versions. I personally never suffered from it - neither with HDV, nor with my EX1's native mxf's. The clips from my nanoFlash are the first to show this behavior; I need to check many variables to find out when it happens, and why...

So far, I only tried the 100 Mbps long-GOP clips; I guess the method of starting nanoFlash recording may also be a factor (whether it's triggered with the button, or TC increment in the SDI signal).

Anyway, chopping off bad frames is not a big problem, but it might be annoying.

Piotr Wozniacki December 13th, 2009 01:29 PM

Interestingly, I'm only getting the very first frame green using Vegas 9.0c (both 32 and 64 bit), but NOT in 8.0c...

Paul Inglis December 14th, 2009 05:14 AM

Hi Poitr,

I have sat down this morning and had a good look at various files from the nanoFLASH (different bit-rates as well as have the cache on and off – I did wonder if that was part of the problem). I hadn't realised there was a problem as I was finishing a project in Vegas 8 so hadn't really tried 9 until yesterday.

The results;

8.0c (32-bit)

No Green Frame – Works as should.

8.1 (64-bit)

No Green Frame – Works as should.

9.0c (32-bit)

Green Frame – I don’t see it in the preview at all.

9.0c (64-bit)

Green Frame – I see a green block in the preview when it is first dragged onto the time line.

I haven’t suffered from the Black nor Red frame problem either, except once with my first nano I where had Red Frames, solved now. The green frame in 9.0c (32-bit and 64-bit) is strange to say the least. My work usually involves cutting multiple clips together and having to chop of the first bit every time would become a proverbial pain in the backside. However, when playing over the green frame are you seeing it in the preview as well? I don’t think it is affecting the clip though.

This is in my opinion a problem with Vegas 9.0c not the nano. Wonder if this could be fixed?

Piotr Wozniacki December 14th, 2009 07:54 AM

Hi Paul,

I didn't have enough time to take a good look at it, but I fully agree this is a Vegas-specific issue, not the Nano.

I agree with you it is a pain in you know where - especially when editing a multi-camera, multi-clip project.

As yourself, I can only see green block on preview in Vegas 9.0c 64-bit; unfortunately this is the version of Vegas I use most often!

Having said that, I have done a couple of test renders of the offending clip(s), and I do NOT have the green frame in the output - regardless of the format used...

Piotr Wozniacki December 18th, 2009 03:38 PM

I've been wondering: is it only Paul and myself among the nanoFlash users who edit with Vegas Pro 9.0, or it so happens that the green frame problem has only affected the two of us?


Perrone Ford December 18th, 2009 03:51 PM

If you can get me a clip, I'll check it on my Vegas systems.

Piotr Wozniacki December 18th, 2009 04:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Perrone;

I extracted the very first 2 frames from a 100 Mbps clip and rendered into 50/422 mxf using 9.0c 64bit. Interestingly, the render preserved the first green frame (which is bad news - I was hoping it would vanish during render, just like it does when I render out to formats other the mxf).

Thanks for your readiness to help!

PS Just checked, and have even worse news: the rendered clip now DOES show its first frame as green block in Vegas 8.0c, where the original nanoFlash didn't (see Paul's summary above)!

Dan, Mike - it turns this IS a problem, after all :)

Perrone Ford December 18th, 2009 04:49 PM

Getting me the already rendered file probably isn't going to help me, help you. What I wanted to see was if I opened it in something OTHER than Vegas, if it was ok.

Does it only do this for the first frame?


Piotr Wozniacki December 18th, 2009 05:01 PM


I will get you an original clip soon - need to record one short enough to be able to upload.

In the meantime, I just realized the output clip I posted (2 frames) is shorter than one full GOP; made a 1 sec one - and the leading green frame is gone, even in 9.0c 64-bit.

Uff - sigh of relieve.

To answer you questions:

- yes, it's only a single frame at the very beginning
- no, it doesn't show up on other systems I was able to check (like Vegas Pro 8.0c and Edius 4.6).

Judging from how the offending frame disappears when rendered out into full, fresh GOP structure, I guess it's some combination of the nano-specific file properties, and the way Vegas Pro 9.0 decodes it.

Perrone Ford December 18th, 2009 05:04 PM

Oh ok... looks like you've got it sorted. :)

Yes, an incomplete GOP could certainly cause problems.

Piotr Wozniacki December 18th, 2009 05:07 PM

Well, not quite sorted yet - having a multi-camera edit with hundreds of clips on the timeline each starting with a green frame is a nightmare, even if you can hope they will vanish after rendering!

Dan Keaton December 28th, 2009 01:27 PM

Dear Piotr,

We will look into this.

This seems to be a Vegas 9.0 issue since it does not occur in Vegas 8.0.

We have a limited staff this week due to the holidays.

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