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Matthew Pugerude May 4th, 2007 10:46 AM

Neo Player
I have some confusion about the Neo Player. But first I would like to say that it works beautifully as a way for clients to playback the CFHD avi files in windows media.

• The confusion I am having is that it seems to be saying on the website that you can use it to edit with if you have multiple machines and that you only need one mdachine to encode with to get the CFHD Avi file.

From the Cineform web site
“ Premiere Pro and After Effects Importers. This means the product is fully-functional for doing real work on multiple workstations on which you don't need to render back into a CineForm file. Rendering to CineForm files requires an encoder license through our Aspect/Prospect or NEO products.”

Is this right? I loaded the Neo Player on another Machine and opened a Premiere Pro 2.0 project and it need to be rendered. I am using the Cineform HD Codec V3.0.3 in the preferences. What am I missing? If the video needs to be rendered it not a real positive way to work with the video.

The only thing that is one the Machine right now is the Neo Player. I used to have the trail version Aspect V4 (with some of the later builds but I am not sure which one where on there) on the machine. So I am thinking that there might be some thing lingering in the registry but I am not that confident in my software skills to go digging around in the registry.

David Newman May 4th, 2007 11:00 AM

Sorry I'm confused by your question, could you please restate it?

NEO Player is playback only, allowing others to view your CineForm media and even manipulate it in a range of tools, but without CineForm export and real-time processing options. It is pretty cool.

Peter Ferling May 4th, 2007 11:53 AM

David, I gotta ask, is there a Mac version in the works?

David Newman May 4th, 2007 12:00 PM

Of course. The Mac Beta today with have it encoding ability removed and that will become the NEO Player Mac.

Frank Pitsikalis May 4th, 2007 12:35 PM


Is there a NEO Player equivalent for Aspect HD owners?

David Newman May 4th, 2007 12:41 PM

All our products use the same CineForm codec, some with higher end features, but otherwise the same. NEO Player is just a CineForm decoder installer, it work with all CineForm media whether that media is from NEO, Aspect or Prospect.

Peter Ferling May 4th, 2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 672855)
Of course...

We can't trip you up. You're always one step ahead!

Matthew Pugerude May 4th, 2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 672811)
Sorry I'm confused by your question, could you please restate it?

NEO Player is playback only, allowing others to view your CineForm media and even manipulate it in a range of tools, but without CineForm export and real-time processing options. It is pretty cool.

What tools can one use to manipulate the footage.

David Newman May 4th, 2007 07:09 PM

AFter Effects, Premiere Pro, Virtual Dub, Sony Vegas, Combution, Fusion, you name it. But remember it is decode only with no acceleration. It is ideal your sound guy, our an outside effects house that hasn't yet seen the benefit of encoding to CineForm. The point is content your create with CineForm is freely decodable to the widest range of potential users (including Mac apps very soon.)

Salah Baker May 4th, 2007 11:29 PM

Fusion dont see the look , but afx nails it.
PPRO2 dont

Matthew Pugerude May 5th, 2007 08:52 AM

The footage in my PPRO 2 project need to be rendered (red line in timeline) is that the way it is or should it not have to be rendered?

David Newman May 5th, 2007 09:14 AM

Matthew, for the free decoder only components (from any vendor) that is the way it is with Premiere. So our free tools aren't a replacement for Aspect and Prospect, that would be a wrong more on the companies part. Yet, now all the media is usable by any one who wishes.

Matthew Pugerude May 5th, 2007 10:54 AM

Makes sense
David that makes complete sense. I thought it was strange that you guys would release a free product that at first reading seemed to replace Aspect/ Prospect for some one who did not need to output in the Cineform Codec. I now understand the workflow that you guys are trying to do for the people who use your Cineform Codec. You guys are truely one of the Software companies that actually listen to your users and I am sure I can say that we are all greatful that you do listen.

Matthew Pugerude May 8th, 2007 03:04 PM

Third party problem
Okay first of all I think this is operator error issue but I have to ask.

I have a third Party that has an SD CFHD avi file. I sent him the Neo Player exe. He says he installed it and still no go. Does the Neo Player have any system requirements?

I can not seem to find it on the website.

Help I have to call him tomorrow.

I have tried it on my wifes computer and it played flawlessly that is why I think this operator error.

David Newman May 8th, 2007 03:09 PM

Matthew, we do require Window XP -- Vista may work. Otherwise doing else is expected on the system.

What do "no go" mean? No video, does he here audio? Bad video? Slow playback? etc.

Matthew Pugerude May 8th, 2007 03:29 PM

he hears the audio but he has no video. he is on XP

David Newman May 8th, 2007 04:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
from the start menu select "Run..."

And type

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm\CFDecode2.ax"

The is the only component used in Mediaplayer playback. So it is either missing or not registered. Could you please find out which.

When is registers with the above command you will get this response.

Matthew Pugerude May 8th, 2007 04:18 PM

Thanks David I will check on it

Matthew Pugerude May 8th, 2007 04:24 PM

What do I do next if it registars ok. By getting the pop up window

David Newman May 8th, 2007 04:40 PM

if registring the CFDecode2.ax worked and mediaplayer will still not play the file, that means user error or somehow mediaplayer is trashed.

Gerrit Schroder May 8th, 2007 10:13 PM

Similar Problem - Neo Player install trashed Vista Media Player
This is happening on a new install of the latest version of Vista Ultimate.

The initial install of Neo Player crushed the horizontal aspect of .avi playback and removed some colors. An uninstall left Media Player completely unable to play video.

This is my new editing machine, so it's a show-stopper.

How do I reinstall Media Player and start over again?




I ran

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm\CFDecode2.ax"

The response was that CFDecode2.ax was loaded, but "the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005".

It looks as if Vista doesn't completely install Neo Player....

David Newman May 9th, 2007 09:48 AM


NEO Player didn't break you MediaPlayer. I just installed and uninstalled NEO Player on Vista will no issue. NEO does install any component that directly interfaces or changes MediaPlayer. The decoders which MP will use are C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm\CFDecoder2.ax and C:\windows\system32\CFHD.* nothing else is added.

The DllRegisterServer error is stating you don't have premission to install that component, why some Vista systems do that and others do not is a worry. My feelings is that Vista is not ready for video production, yet we are working to make our components fully compatible.

Gerrit Schroder May 9th, 2007 11:23 AM

No, my Media Player isn't broken - it just won't play Cineform AVI codecs and it could do that before Neo Player.

I won't be able to use my new desktop editing machine with Vegas until this is resolved, unless I find another viewer than Media Player to use to preview during editing.

Guess I'll be on my XP laptop until then.

David Newman May 9th, 2007 11:32 AM

So we are talking user error? Why did you install a decoder when you already had one? Removing NEO Player will remove your decoder. Reinstall Vegas add you will get the old decoder. For some reason your Vista will not allow the installation of DirectShow components yet is work with VFW codecs.

Gerrit Schroder May 9th, 2007 11:46 AM

"User Error" isn't always the answer.

Vegas works fine on my desktop - it's Media Player 11 that's out of whack for Cineform codecs.

Of course I already had a Cineform codec. I installed Neo Player because I wanted the advanced playback features it offers. I'm now using Neo HD to capture (on my XP Laptop) and I wanted the completely compatible player on my editing machine.

I've also experimented with turning off Vista's security features, including "User Account Control", with no luck.

I'm sure this will be resolved at some point, so I'm not stressing.

David Newman May 10th, 2007 04:59 PM

To allow NEO Player to install on Vista, go into Users control panel and turn off the User Account Control. The UAC is preventing our DLL/AX files from registring with the system; a requirement for codec components. Vista paranoia strikes again.

Marty Hudzik May 10th, 2007 08:25 PM

So is it not advisable to install the NEO player on a system with Aspect HD? I thought it would be slick to have a standalone player that accelerates the playback of your codec but it sounds as if it might cuase problems with the Aspect HD install. Is this right?


David Newman May 10th, 2007 09:08 PM

Yes, NEO Player will break your encoders as it is not licensed for that. "Player" really means decoder, you already have that. There is no playback tool other that what you already use.

Marty Hudzik May 10th, 2007 09:16 PM

OK. I was expecting a cool little player that had some nice features that I could use in place of Media player.

However, this NEO player would be the right thing to install on a 2nd machine that does not have Aspect HD if I want to watch the files, right? Also, would I be able to import these files into a NLE and render them out as mpgs or wmv files? This way I could continue to edit on my main workstation with Aspect HD?

David Newman May 10th, 2007 09:24 PM

Now you get what makes NEO Player a cool addition.

Marc Colemont May 16th, 2007 08:25 AM

Quick question. Does the Neo Player plays all the Cineform formats 8-10-12 bit?

David Newman May 16th, 2007 09:16 AM

Neo Player and all our comerical tools will decode everything else : 8-10-12-bit, YUV 4:2:2, RGB 4:4:4, CineForm RAW. Meaning our entry leave tools like NEO HDV and Aspect HD will still decode a 4k RAW file and 12-bit CineForm 444, NEO Player has the same ability.

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