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Tim Homola May 4th, 2007 12:27 PM

I uninstalled Aspect and everything works fine now. Hmmmmm.... I would really like to use Aspect but I've got to get this fixed or work without it.

David Newman May 4th, 2007 12:32 PM

ATI only tends to get the YUV levels correct with the overlay switch on. I use an ATI 9800Pro and the levels are spot on.

Tim Homola May 4th, 2007 12:33 PM

Actually, I spoke too soon. Things are still screwed up. I'm working on it.

Brad Tyrrell August 8th, 2007 12:29 PM

Just thought I'd mention, - I had the same brightness shift between stills and playback, but I don't have a card. I have Intel Integrated Graphics.

I went to the control panel, opened up the GMA driver control, increased the overlay brightness from 7 to 17 and now everything matches. Don't know how accurate anything is, but stills match scrub match playback.

Rafael Lopes September 25th, 2007 11:47 PM

I have an nvidia card and I have the same problem. I was thinking about getting a matrox parhelia, since it's one of the official cards supported by aspect hd (and since, according to David Newman gets it all right). Is anyone with this card experiencing the same problem?

Matt Vanecek January 1st, 2008 05:30 PM

5.2.2b101 Exacerbates black level
I have the GeForce 6600 video card installed. I also have the 169.21 Forceware installed, and there is not an option to go to the "Classic" view. So there is not any overlay settings that I can find in the new nVidia control panel.

Here are my project playback settings:
  1. checked: Enable Overlay Surface
  2. unchecked: De-interlace video
  3. checked: Use HD Colorspace
  4. checked: Use video systems RGB
  5. unchecked: Disable preview mode
  6. checked: Force YUV Desktop playback
  7. Memory size: Max

When scrubbing through my AHD project in PPro 1.5.1, using AHD 5.2.2b101, there is a significant brightness gain during scrubbing as opposed to simply viewing. Changing the settings in the nVidia control panel does not have any effect on the levels difference between scrubbing and holding still (overall screen levels are changed, of course--but there is still a noticeable difference between scrubbing and not scrubbing). I've changed about every setting in nVidia control panel WRT video, and while the changes were definitely reflected in the video playing, the relative level difference between scrubbing & not scrubbing was always quite evident.

I uninstalled 5.2.2b101, and regressed to 5.2.1b98. There is now no discernable difference between scrubbing and playing, with respect to levels. There's still some blur going on during scrubbing, but I think that's expected.

It appears from my empirical efforts that there is a problem with 5.2.2b101. Could somebody besides myself confirm this? I'm only reporting what my eyes are seeing....if I need to I can file a trouble ticket.

I don't much care for the new nVidia interface, but I'm not sure how to get the old interface back without regressing drivers. :(


Matt Vanecek January 1st, 2008 09:15 PM

Just as an update, I returned my GeForce driver to the previous level (89.91 or something like). AHD 5.2.1 still works great, but AHD 5.2.2b101 still exhibits the disturbing level change between still and scrub.


Matt Vanecek January 2nd, 2008 11:17 PM

I went ahead and opened trouble ticket #611-5530276 on this, since there is definitely a difference between 5.2.1b98 and 5.2.2b101. 5.2.2b101 seems like it's ignoring the YUV settings or video card settings or whatever. I attached screen shots of my CF playback settings, the nVidia color correction settings, and the nVidia Video Overlay settings. The settings I attached in the ticket work on 5.2.1b98, but nothing works on 5.2.2b101.


David Newman January 2nd, 2008 11:25 PM

This scrubbing error is actually not related for thread about preview playback. However, I believe have have just fixed it. New builds hopefully in the next few days.

Matt Vanecek January 3rd, 2008 08:28 PM

w00t! I'll keep a weather eye out.


Michael DAmbrose January 12th, 2008 10:08 AM

So, Is there a way to scrub/preview with the proper brightness/contrast when using AspectHD and PremierePro? I am going nuts trying to get the image right. The cookbook setting found when searching this forum were for the old Nvidia driver.

Still this is a bug in Cineform in my opinion.

Graham Hickling January 12th, 2008 02:36 PM

Yup - download the latest version of Aspect HD and uncheck "Force YUV" in playback settings. On my Nvidia GS7600 doing this fixed the issue perfectly.

I agree that the advice on the Cineform website has no longer been applicable for recent Nvidia drivers.

Michael DAmbrose January 12th, 2008 03:03 PM

I just downloaded Build 104 and it works with the Force YUV off. Graham, thanks for the help!

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