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Richard Adams December 15th, 2006 02:03 PM

Cineform Capture question
I am capturing into Premiere using the Cineform intermediate codec. I have chosen the Cineform 24f preset for the project. The camera tape is shot in 24f mode. But when I capture a clip (using the A1 as deck) it appears in the Source window as 30 frames per second. Then when I drop a clip from this into the timeline it appears as 24 frames. Does anyone know what is going on here? How I can import as true 24 frames.



Chris Hurd December 15th, 2006 02:32 PM

Moved from Canon XH to CineForm Software forum.

David Newman December 15th, 2006 03:39 PM

Within Premiere what frame rate does the properties panel report for that file. It should show 23.976.

Richard Adams December 16th, 2006 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman
Within Premiere what frame rate does the properties panel report for that file. It should show 23.976.

It shows 29.97 for the frame rate of the captured file. The timeline sequence shows 23.976.

Thanks for your response by the way, I appreciate it.


David Newman December 16th, 2006 09:53 PM

Seems like you didn't shoot 24F, 30F comes up as 29.97. This would explain you issues.


How did you capture / convert you footage to an AVI? Maybe you have a misstep there.

Richard Adams December 17th, 2006 12:36 AM

The footage is definitely shot 24F. When it plays back on the camera lcd, even during capture, it says 24f on the lcd.

Are there settings in Premiere that could be causing this to happen? I think I just chose the defaults. Or maybe the camera is doing the conversion? This is the canon (Xh-a1).

David Newman December 17th, 2006 01:08 AM

Are you caturing to an AVI or an M2T?

Richard Adams December 17th, 2006 12:52 PM

The captured files are .avi

David Newman December 17th, 2006 01:10 PM

Then you need to file a support ticket (www.cineform.com/support) as 24F data from the camera should always appear as 23.976 within Premiere.

Floris van Eck January 16th, 2007 07:10 PM

I have also encountered this problem. In my case, I am using a Canon XL-H1 as well but a PAL version. My footage is shot in 25F and it showed in the timeline as 29.97 which is impossible as it does not exist in PAL territories and I did not have Canon modify my XL-H1.

Devon Lyon June 16th, 2007 10:56 PM


I normally shoot 30f on my A1 for various reasons, but I have a few gigs coming up that 24f was requested of me. After chatting with you personally at NAB, I upgraded from Aspect to Prospect (good sell!).

So, just so I am bring the footage in properly when using PPRo 2.0, what settings should I use for the PPro PROJECT settings, and then for the CAPTURE settings?

Also, if this is going out to DVD as a final project, when I render out the the final project via export>movie>cineform, what settings should I make sure and use to keep the project at 24p?

Thanks for any help/direction you can give.

David Newman June 17th, 2007 08:40 AM


File a trouble ticket at www.cineform.com/support as if this is a bug it is very new, as we been supporting the Canon cameras for a very long time.


The 1920x1080 @ 23.976 is the present you want. The Canon cameras don't require the pulldown removal. Keeping 24p through out the workflow is very helpful for DVD mastering. I typical export to a 720x480 24p 16:9 CineForm AVI and import that into Encore. Works great.

Devon Lyon June 17th, 2007 09:39 AM


Thanks, as always, for Cineform's most amazing customer service. I want to work in a true 24p project and export a true 24p to DVD. So, setting up the project as you instructed sounds like it will create 24 individual unique frames, not a pull down situation.

Do you know of any good online source that very clearly explains the whole pulldown process? I don't really understand it. People throw around terms, but I would love to find a good overview.

Jon McGuffin June 17th, 2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Devon Lyon (Post 698026)

Thanks, as always, for Cineform's most amazing customer service. I want to work in a true 24p project and export a true 24p to DVD. So, setting up the project as you instructed sounds like it will create 24 individual unique frames, not a pull down situation.

Do you know of any good online source that very clearly explains the whole pulldown process? I don't really understand it. People throw around terms, but I would love to find a good overview.

I'm with you on this one. I *kinda* get it, but not entirely and would love to find some kind of link/page that could explain this more clearly.


David Newman June 17th, 2007 10:21 AM

Devon & Jon,

You don't want to have pulldown added to the AVI before burning the DVD. While that would work fine as a 60i stream, there would be no repeat flags to enable progressive DVD player to up convert the output to 480p cleanly. By using a 24p (23.976) file within Encore, or similar, the MPEG DVD stream can be created with the correct repeat flags. Basically the DVD authoring tool will add the necessary pulldown, meaning you don't have to worry about it.

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