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Serge Victorovich July 20th, 2006 03:54 AM

Cineform RAW implementation onto fpga design
This is possible in near future?
How much cost licensing of Cineform RAW?

Glenn Chan July 20th, 2006 05:41 AM

The SI camera just uses a portable PC to encode Cineform... the exact details should be in the SI forum on dvinfo somewhere. So you don't necessarily need a FPGA..? Although it might have advantages in power consumption.

I'm not sure what the Wafian does, I'd be curious about that.

David Newman July 20th, 2006 08:27 AM

Yes CineFrom RAW can go into FPGA, we originally planned an FPGA implementation yet CPU got fast enough that we haven't needed to do it. The architecture is still in place for an FPGA version. Contact the office if you serious about licensing.

Serge Victorovich August 2nd, 2007 08:33 AM

David, why not to ask people on this forum about wishes to have Cineform Camcorder on fpga based and be sensor agnostic as Elphel camera?
A lot of people can prepaid $500-1000 only for encoder platform (CMOS imager with coder and interfaces) without lenses and storage.

With this hardware platform (CMOS - FPGA) your company can sell more software and accessories :)

David Newman August 2nd, 2007 08:48 AM

All do-able, just need to work out how to pay for the port to that FPGA.

Serge Victorovich August 2nd, 2007 09:39 AM

May be, Andrey Philipov (developer of Elphel cam) can help to you in that question?

Serge Victorovich August 10th, 2007 04:50 AM

This GIGe camera ready for CineformRAW code ? ;)
"A large on-board FPGA allows for realtime filtering of up to 500 full frames. Filtered image data volume is usually way below 100 MB/s. Thus GigE based inspection and motion analysis at 500 fps becomes an easy task."

David Newman August 10th, 2007 09:04 AM

Yes that would work, although camera is likely not the best choice of entertain work at 10-bit linear -- you need 12.

Serge Victorovich August 25th, 2007 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 726727)
Yes that would work, although camera is likely not the best choice of entertain work at 10-bit linear -- you need 12.

Micron released special HD edition 5Mpixel 1/2.5" of cmos image sensor MT9P041.

I hope this CIS can be first non expensive sensor to get CineformRAW :)
David, i have free $20K in my wallet:) I love Cineform codec and i like versatile and modular concept of Elphel camera.
But i'm not developer and dont have knowledge how to start to implement CineformRAW onto Elphel cam...

Source code (c++ ?) of CineformRAW need convert to verilog code for fpga, right?

David Newman August 25th, 2007 09:54 AM

We are open to do FPGA implemation, and yes there is NRE involved. Source code would be part of the development guideline.

Serge Victorovich August 25th, 2007 10:24 AM

David, what is NRE? I know only about NDA.

David Newman August 25th, 2007 10:39 AM

If you have ask you don't want to know :) -- "Non Recuring Engineering" costs.

Serge Victorovich August 25th, 2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 734179)
If you have ask you don't want to know :) -- "Non Recuring Engineering" costs.

I want to know - how much need to pay to implement Cineform code to Elphel's camera?:)

David Newman August 25th, 2007 12:19 PM

So much detail not suitable for forum discussions. If your are serious contact David Taylor for discussions.

Serge Victorovich August 25th, 2007 01:01 PM

Thank you, David. I will ask another David (Taylor).

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