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Frank Pitsikalis July 4th, 2006 08:25 PM

Cineform and x64 Windows Media Encoder
Does the x64 version of the Windows Media 9 Encoder work with the Cineform codecs?

When I try and convert a file with the x64 standalone Windows Media 9 Encoder I get an error message that it can not find the proper codec for the file.

It plays (Cineform .avi) in the Windows Media Player, as always, with no issue.

Any help would be much appreciated...the Adobe Media Encoder (32-bit) in Adobe PPro 1.5.1 took over 2 days encoding my raw wedding footage (3.4 hours worth)...would love to be able to utilize my 840EE (x64, dual core, HT) CPU and x64 O/S more fully!

Christopher Walker August 4th, 2006 11:38 AM

p2 is not compatible with xp64...the p2 viewer and drivers will not install...therefore no codec in the computer. Go figure...Adobe, Cineform,DVfilm Raylight,
Serious Magic,,,all support xp64....Panasonic does not

David Newman August 4th, 2006 01:49 PM


Check that you Video for Window CineForm codec is installed, as I think Windows Media 9 Encoder uses that.

Alexandre Lucena August 24th, 2006 01:55 PM

I have done a few tests, and it seems that Windows Media Encoder
converts MXF files to AVI just like the Cine Form does. Am I missing
something, What else do I get from the Cine Form package that
WME does not offer? Thanks


David Newman August 24th, 2006 03:02 PM


Well everything if you intend to edit your footage. We only convert footage to a CineForm AVI to make editing faster and easier. Tools like Aspect HD then enhance the editing experience further with real-time acceleration of effects and transitions.

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