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Joel Corral October 27th, 2005 10:15 PM

TIP - Export to DVD from PPro Timeline
Well i just figured this out, some of you may know but some may not know.

When i would export to DVD from Cineform HDV Ppro Timeline i would get a pretty bad interlacey, if you will, look on fine detailed edges. (for instance lips of a subject) well i tried many options encoding one way
exporting another…


But i found the best results are to...

Reverse filed dominance in the timeline then export to DVD or encode to .mpg using lower fields first.

The results excellent!!!! Finally!!!


David Newman October 27th, 2005 10:25 PM

What verson of Aspect HD are you using, because this should not reflect the current experience?

Are you trying to use the Adobe Media Encoder -- that is broken for HDV.

Michael Stewart October 27th, 2005 11:24 PM

You know it is funny Joel that you should bring this up, I had previously made some great looking DVD's from the Premiere timeline (not sure what Aspect version, I know I had a work around) anyway, just recently tried to go do this with Aspect 3.3 and every which way looked like crap, the downconversion from the camera looked better (did not used to be the case) anyway I am using MPEG PRO 1.06 the new one from Mainconcept. I even exported to DV first and just played it out to the TV and that is when I noticed that downconversion from the camera looked better, I am trying your procedure as we speak (tried everything but that up to this point) hope it works I have trashed 4 DVD's trying out different settings, I will post later.


David Newman October 27th, 2005 11:59 PM

I just tried exporting to CFHD and DV and both had the correct field dominance when using Export Movie. One of the difficultly, is the Premiere app. itself has some features to avoid. We simply recommend creating a CFHD AVI SD master first (via export movie) then use that file to create your DVD, either directly within Encore or via Premiere. The CineForm support should have the steps to creating a new DVD.

Joel Corral October 28th, 2005 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by David Newman
I just tried exporting to CFHD and DV and both had the correct field dominance when using Export Movie. One of the difficultly, is the Premiere app. itself has some features to avoid. We simply recommend creating a CFHD AVI SD master first (via export movie) then use that file to create your DVD, either directly within Encore or via Premiere. The CineForm support should have the steps to creating a new DVD.

well i find its better to use reverse field dominance even in 3.3.


Michael Stewart October 28th, 2005 12:35 AM

Trying it as I type David, will report back later


Joel Corral October 28th, 2005 07:41 PM

any luck michael?

Michael Stewart October 28th, 2005 11:13 PM

Hi Joel, tried it your way, it does not seem to work that well for me, the way david described it (the cineform site described it) seemed to look pretty good, I think part of the problem was I was viewing the SD DVD on my high Def TV and it looked worse than my other DVD's that I have rendered, HDV looks so good (even when moving quickly with a Steadicam) the SD conversion did not look quite as good and was a little blurry, compounded with going to SD mpeg2, I think was my problem. What I did to test it is captured the same clip from a camera downconvert and compared it to a cineform down convert and the cineform looked a little better (layed both tracks one on top of another and clicked the eyeball on and off with the top layer. Don't know if this helped you any, but here is the cineform procedure if you have not seen it yet.



Joel Corral November 17th, 2005 08:39 PM

i have made several DVD's with my method since i posted this thred... i am sure the results are better.

reverse fields in the Ppro Cineform 1080/30i timeline...then in the export to dvd options use lower field first...

i swear by this method..

i will post results shortly...


Daniel Rudd December 28th, 2005 11:07 AM

progressive DVD
Are there any good options for creating a progressive dvd?

David Newman December 28th, 2005 11:22 AM


Progressive 16x9 DVD looks great and are easier to do than interlaced. Please ask your question in a new thread, detailing you source material (interlace vs progressive, 720 vs 1080 etc.)

Joel Corral December 28th, 2005 05:47 PM


try my method to make great interaced dvd from cineform 1080i

1. set up 720 x 480 (1.2) in ppro 1.5.1
2. drop HDV file into timeline
3. scale clips manually or set the option to scale clips in the project settings
4.reverse field dominace
5.export to dvd or mpeg using lower field first....

you'll see the great results....

it is important to not reverse fields in the HDV timeline but the 720 x 480 timeline...



i think you may have tried reversing fields in the HDV timeline....you gotta do it in the DV(NTSC) timeline...

Dave Campbell December 28th, 2005 07:04 PM

Joel, as David asked, what are you starting with? If its HDV, why would anyone start a 720x480 project??

I just spent the last month working with David to get the process down to go HDV to DVD.

I started with doing all the editing in PPro in HD. I used prospect with 1920x1080, 10 bit, and upper field. 1.0 pixel size, upper fields. My Sony 1440x1080 was upconverted. (Aspect at 1440x1080 would be fine also)>

Then when done, you use CFHD to export a avi movie to a 720x480 project, 1.2 pixles and lower field.

Now, I pulled this clip into a new project. I then used Procoder to export my elementary stream. Lower field and 16x9. (I kept have issues with AME so I will not use anymore!)

I then converted my wav file into an ac3.

Pulled the mv2 and ac2 into reeldvd and exported my DVD.

Works great!!!

David, does this seem okay?


Joel Corral December 28th, 2005 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Campbell
Joel, as David asked, what are you starting with? If its HDV, why would anyone start a 720x480 project??

I just spent the last month working with David to get the process down to go HDV to DVD.

I started with doing all the editing in PPro in HD. I used prospect with 1920x1080, 10 bit, and upper field. 1.0 pixel size, upper fields. My Sony 1440x1080 was upconverted. (Aspect at 1440x1080 would be fine also)>

Then when done, you use CFHD to export a avi movie to a 720x480 project, 1.2 pixles and lower field.

Now, I pulled this clip into a new project. I then used Procoder to export my elementary stream. Lower field and 16x9. (I kept have issues with AME so I will not use anymore!)

I then converted my wav file into an ac3.

Pulled the mv2 and ac2 into reeldvd and exported my DVD.

Works great!!!

David, does this seem okay?



after you have a finished HDV project... i am not working with HDV in a SD timline that would be stupid.... i am talking about the finished HDV project ready to be down converted to SD DVD...
if you read some of my earlier posts i was complaining about a "interlacey, if you will, look around some of the fine details, like lips and eyes... i found using my method to be the best quality..


Dave Campbell December 28th, 2005 07:36 PM

So, I gave you the process I got from David and works perfectly.

Yep, I spent a month getting from HDV to SD.

Just do as David says, works great.

So, what did I post that you say does not work?


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