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Laurence Kingston April 19th, 2011 11:43 AM

Cineform tools open in notepad instead of running.
When I try to run the accelerated playback script from the Cineform Tools menu in Windows, it just opens in Notepad. What program do I need to associate with the Cineform scripts?

David Newman April 19th, 2011 12:14 PM

Re: Cineform tools open in notepad instead of running.
Are you talking "Fast Desktop Playback"? That script is depicated as you can use the 'C' icon in the system tray and set that within decoder options.

For VBS script support the Window default file association should be to use the "Microsoft Console Base Script Host".

Jay Bloomfield April 19th, 2011 12:15 PM

Re: Cineform tools open in notepad instead of running.
File Association Fixes for Windows 7 - The Winhelponline Blog

Scroll down to the vbs fix. Probably a 3rd party software install changed the associated program to Notepad from the Windows Scripting Host.

Laurence Kingston April 19th, 2011 03:53 PM

Re: Cineform tools open in notepad instead of running.
vbs_fix_w7.reg opened in notepad as well! AAAHH! Yeah, I must have installed something that screwed up all the file associations.

edit: OK, I see how to do it from the C icon in the tray. Now my problem is that somehow the 3d playback is confused. I'm only getting the top half of each frame and that is stretched. The file I'm using is one that I rendered a while back in Sony Vegas. Maybe there is a flag that's messed up or something in that file.

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