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Mike Falconer December 10th, 2010 06:32 PM

Mixing MXF and Red clips on same timeline
Help! My brain is busted and I could use some guidance.

I am combining cineformed MXF and R3D files onto one 29.97 timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. Some of the files are 23.976 and some are 29.97.

The problem is that a 23.976 file placed in the 23.976 sequence in CS4 show fine in the Source monitor and dark in the Program monitor. And they encode out dark also. Unusable.

Native MXF and R3D's of that same mix don't have a problem, but I would of course, much rather use Cineform.

Am I missing something?

Mike McCarthy December 11th, 2010 11:04 AM

Are you in a sequence using a Cineform editing mode, or one that uses an Adobe editing mode. It should work either way, but that is the first bit of info that would be helpful in troubleshooting it.

Mike Falconer December 11th, 2010 12:26 PM

MIke, good point. I'm editing in a cineform preset 1920x1080 24fps.

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