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Per Kristensen March 20th, 2010 09:40 AM

AVCHD NeoHD conversion looks horrible
When converting AVCHD files from my Sony TG3e with NeoHD/Scene, the avi files look horrible. The playback is very jerky.

Also they wont open in Pinnacle Studio 14 :(

David Newman March 20th, 2010 09:54 AM

Not much to go on there. It is unlikely that look any different frame to frame, as that is something this compression excels at. Sometimes there are presentation issues with the graphic card setup -- we recommend loading the AVI into a tools like VirtualDub (free) which will not produce artifacts due to the gfx card (scale, colorspace, deinterlacing weirdness etc.) If you have a older PC, playback can be improved greatly by selecting from the Start Menu -> Programs -> CineForm -> Tools -> "Desktop Playback - Fast". As for Pinnacle Studio 14, you would think after 14 versions they would support a standard codec API. :) Neo's output is compatible with Video for Windows, DirectShow and Quicktime -- i.e. 99%+ of all video tools support one of these. So for Studio 14 you should report a bug to them.

Per Kristensen March 22nd, 2010 11:13 AM

I tried playing back another cineform file converted from 5D mkII video and that looks fine.

David Newman March 22nd, 2010 11:27 AM

Sound like gfx card then -- interlaced vs progressive playback.

Per Kristensen March 22nd, 2010 02:46 PM

I tried changing the deinterlace settings on my Radeon HD 5770, but no change.

Per Kristensen March 22nd, 2010 02:50 PM

Ok, I uploaded both the original AVCHD 1440x1080i mts file and the NeoHD converted file and I would really appriciate if anyone would be willing to download them and give me some feedback.

I was very happy with using NeoHD with my 5D mkII files and was hoping to use it for my AVCHD files also.



David Newman March 22nd, 2010 05:26 PM

Nothing wrong with those files -- other than there are interlaced. Interlaced playback on a progressive monitor requires some form of deinterlacing (bob, weave, blend etc.) Go to Start -> Program -> CineForm -> Tools and select "Desktop Playback - Fast", that will give you a blend on you interlaced source.

Per Kristensen March 23rd, 2010 12:36 AM

Ok, setting the fast quality did help some. I dont care if the playback looks "off" as long as I can use it for editing I am happy :)

Per Kristensen March 23rd, 2010 12:48 AM

Well I just discovered that the cineform AVI's has no audio?!? I tried converting clips recorded with both 5.1 and 2.0 audio but sound is lost... :(

Per Kristensen March 23rd, 2010 06:20 AM

I may have found the solution to the audio problem in this thread http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/cineform...chd-files.html

I will try installing AC3filter when I get home.

Per Kristensen March 23rd, 2010 10:15 AM

I am closing this thread and starting another regarding audio.

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