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Sergio Sanchez March 5th, 2010 10:27 PM

Export Issues on AE CS4
2 Attachment(s)
I need to replace some shots from my premiere pro timeline, for the vfx shots. The problem is that those final shots look like crap compared with the originals. I rendered in AE in Filmscan 2 444 16bit with Automatic settings.

I went back to AE and discovered it was not the render AE is interpreting the image very different than Premiere the grain is terrible. And the problem is I cant export from Premiere since version CS4 the only way of exporting is from AE I´ve been jumping from system to system but it´s the same the debayering is different in AE than in Premiere, and in a bad way.

I´m including a couple of images showing the difference. Between the original RAW file in premiere, and the Final Render from AE.

The material I shot is intended for Theatrical release so I need to preserve the lowest amount of noise posible. In Premiere the image quality is very acceptable. But the renders I´m getting from AE are terrible. I´m starting to worry very much, since my deadline is tuesday for delivering all the reels for DI and my footage looks like a bad Youtube video.

Help please!!!

David Newman March 6th, 2010 12:44 AM

There are things I'm not understanding about you workflow, like why you can't export form Premiere -- you should get the same results from CS4 Premiere and AE, as there both use the same importer component. You have set which demosaic filter you have selected? This can be done in First Light (for a particular clip) or globally using the SetActiveMetadata tool (which is about to be obsoleted -- see the next beta.) Likely you just using default demosaic setting, which is automatically set quality on pixel format, 8-bit decodes use a lower quality and 16-bit decodes higher, but this is just a stop-gap until you choose something. There are six demosaic filters to choice from and they do have a significant control over grain and noise.

Contact support on Monday, as all this can be solved, if the above info doesn't help you out.

Sergio Sanchez March 6th, 2010 12:48 PM

The images i´ve posted have Cineform Advanced Detail 3 for Premiere, and for the Render is CF Adv. detail 1, thats why I´m so worried.

I don´t understand why this is happening, I´ve been rendering CF files for while, and the results where identical in AE and Premiere.

We cant export from Premiere, it´s a mistery for us, the Adobe Media Encoder is just a piece of sh***. It crashes when conforming the sequences. I just can export audio from premiere. All the video has to be exported from AE.

I will be trying different things today, and se what happens.

Mike Harrington March 7th, 2010 05:04 PM

you may have already tried this, but just make sure your ae comp is 32bit and using the proper color managment

also with media encoder, try deleting your prefrences folder for media encoder because it should work
deleting the prefs have solved several of my issues in the past with media encoder exports

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