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Jeff Kosmicki October 21st, 2009 02:16 PM

Cineform AVI audio strange behavior
I've just installed CineForm Prospect HD (v4.11 b224a). I've converted a few EX files to CineForm files to try. At first it seemed like the files played fine, but then after using First Light, the files now play with the audio way out of sync. Short sections of the audio will also dissapear and/or repeat. It seems random. If I unlink the audio from the video clip and delete the video clip from the timeline, the audio will still play incorrectly.
This will happen to any CF file, wheter or not it has been CC'ed in First Light, so I'm not positive this is a FL issue, but they seemed OK before I ran FL for the first time. Any ideas?

Using CS4, Vista 64 all current versions.

David Taylor October 21st, 2009 06:57 PM


Hmmmm - that seems odd. If you have an "older" machine try using the clicking "Desktop Playback - Fast" switch in the CineForm --> Tools folder under Start Menu. This switch instructs the decoder to play back files at half-half resolution (a technique Wavelet compressors can exploit). This takes less CPU on the decode, so out-of-sync playback caused by overloaded CPUs can benefit from this trick.

If this is not the problem we'll have new builds of all products in the next couple days with many new features and some bug fixes that we'd like you to try.

Jeff Kosmicki October 22nd, 2009 09:28 AM

That did not make a difference, my machine is an 8-core Xeon, so plenty fast enough. I did notice an error with the clips that are a problem (see link below). I converted a few SD clips from Beta orignially that seem to work fine. The problem clips so far are all EX or P2 footage. I assume the error message is related to the problem.

error message from Premiere:

Jeff Kosmicki October 22nd, 2009 10:19 AM

Although the XMP error is a problem, it's not this problem. I just took an uncompressed HD clip, converted to CFHD and brought it into Premiere. The clip played fine, audio clean and no stutters or skips. Played with it for at least 5 minutes. Then I went into FL did a quick adjustment, then from that point on the clip now plays with the audio stuttering and skipping.
The thing is, the video is playing fine, realtime not a problem, it's just the audio that is weird. And like I said in my first post, I can separate the audio from the video and delete the video clip and the audio still plays wrong. And it plays wrong the same way everytime, even if I trim the clip, move it to a new spot on the timeline or import it into a new project.

Tim Bucklin October 22nd, 2009 12:52 PM

Hi Jeff,

Adobe can cache "conformed" audio, even if you've started a new project. It thinks it's smart enough to figure out that you'd prefer to use previously conformed audio, except you don't if it was corrupted during the original conform.

Try deleting all the media cache from your project folders and re-import the clip, let the audio conform, and try again. If that still fails, open up a trouble ticket and Jake can work with you more in depth to figure out what's causing the problem.

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