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Guillaume Roques February 15th, 2009 10:40 PM

Crash in CS4 w/ Neo Scene
Hi everyone,

I downloaded Neo Scene in order to use CS4 Premiere Pro w/ my Canon 5D Mk II footage. I'm able to convert my MOV files into Cineform format (with output frame format set to 24p) via Neo Scene and read the resulting AVI files w/ Windows media player. Unfortunately, I'm unable to import the resulting file into CS4. I'm always getting an error message telling me that the dimensions of the files are too big? Do you have any idea on how to use the Neo Scene generated files? Did I missed something? Thanks,



Guillaume Roques February 15th, 2009 10:55 PM

...and After Effect crash before even loading...
Do I need to install or unstall something to ensure that CS4 (premiere and after effect) works w/ Neo Scene? Thanks,


Andy Urtusuastegui February 17th, 2009 01:35 AM

I had this same error message. I can't remember how I fixed it.

Search this forum. There is a thread about removing some Cineform files in a couple of directories.

Ryan Thom February 17th, 2009 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Guillaume Roques (Post 1012750)
Do I need to install or unstall something to ensure that CS4 (premiere and after effect) works w/ Neo Scene? Thanks,


I'm getting the same thing. After Effects CS4 crashes as soon as I drag 'n drop a converted CineForm file into the application.

Ray Bell February 17th, 2009 09:12 AM

I didn't even know that Cineform supported CS4.... ;-)

David Newman February 17th, 2009 10:14 AM

Uninstall any previous version. Manually remove cfhd.dll from C:\windows\systems32 or c:\windows\wow64.. and remove CFHD components from c:\program files\adobe\Common\MediaCore\CS4. Re-download Neo Scene 1.1, it was patched on Sunday. CS4 should work fine.

Guillaume Roques February 17th, 2009 07:00 PM

Thanks but....
I can't find the folders you mention (c:\program files\adobe\Common\MediaCore\CS4). I'm running Windows Vista 64bits. Do you mean C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 or anither folder? Thanks again for your help here.


Manuel Lopez February 17th, 2009 07:05 PM

Yes, in Vista64 the 32 bit applications is in C:\Program Files (x86)\.

Charles W. Hull February 18th, 2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 1013469)
.... Re-download Neo Scene 1.1, it was patched on Sunday. CS4 should work fine.

I've loaded Neo Scene on my system that has PPro CS4 (and Elements 7). While the timeline runs okay for Neo Scene converted 5DII files in Elements, PPro CS4 won't run these files smoothly. Of more concern, the converted 5DII clips seem to have crushed blacks, similar to the issue that was resolved with QT 7.6. I'm wondering if there is a color conversion issue.

Andy Urtusuastegui February 19th, 2009 12:19 AM

Go see David Newmans blog:
CineForm Insider

It has good explanation of what is going on.

Charles W. Hull February 19th, 2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Andy Urtusuastegui (Post 1014350)
Go see David Newmans blog:
CineForm Insider

It has good explanation of what is going on.

Yes, I had read that; Neo Scene should be able to correctly cover the color range with Premiere, but that's not what I'm seeing - I see it crushing the blacks. I've submitted a ticket with RGB-parade examples.

I have this issue on two different systems, and I'm interested in what others are seeing; is it just me?

David Newman February 19th, 2009 03:36 PM

Put a 32-bit color correction filter and lift the blacks and lower the whites, all the data is there.

Charles W. Hull February 19th, 2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by David Newman (Post 1014709)
Put a 32-bit color correction filter and lift the blacks and lower the whites, all the data is there.

That works, but it seem like lots of steps to recover the data. Maybe I'm missing something, I'm using the Three-Way-Color Corrector in CS4. Is there an easier way? And how would you do this in Elements?

David Newman February 20th, 2009 12:16 AM

This is very easy for Prospect HD under Premiere and Vegas users, but you are correct that not making it automatic for Elements users should be something to address. The way we currently handle the data preserves the most tonal detail (we don't get the bands, showing as spikes in the history on my blog), however is you use an simplified NLE, sometime you want to range reduced data (spikes and all.) Submit to support a "limit range" feature request to be added to Neo Scene.

Yisroel Schenkolewski February 21st, 2009 06:41 PM

Crash in CS4 w/ Neo Scene
Does Neo Scene work in CS4. If not when will it be available?

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