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Brian Tori January 1st, 2009 04:10 PM

Neo Scene -- various topics
I've downloaded the trial of Neo scene to use with CS3 and have successfully converted a HDV clip to a Cineform AVI with no problem. The issue arises when I place the clip on the timeline to playback. The file has above it a red render bar which means it wants to render. I've made sure to create a new project with custom settings to match the Cineform AVI with no success. Here are proj. settings:

Desktop editing mode
upper field first
1.333 pixel aspect
Video for windows
Cineform Compressor

How do I eliminate the need to render?

David Newman January 1st, 2009 06:16 PM

It is CS3 limitation, CS4 fixes that. Simply ignore the Red bar, it plays fine.

Jeff Harper January 4th, 2009 04:54 AM

Neo Scene trial isn't seeing FX1000
Title of this thread says it all.

Is there something I need to do to get Neo Scene to see my camera?

David Taylor January 4th, 2009 09:21 AM

CineForm uses the Windows capture interface, so the first question is - are any other applications seeing your camcorder?

Jeff Harper January 4th, 2009 04:00 PM

Thanks for your message David. That likely is the issue, David. I will reconnect my camcorder later and try again after a reboot when I have time. I will report back.

Earl Laamanen January 7th, 2009 05:00 AM

Neo Scene's Smart Rendering has no effect?
I'm trying to nail down some preferences for my AVCHD to CFHD archiving, and have done some tests with Neo Scene, first testing each quality setting but then using the medium quality as a baseline, I turned off the smart rendering option (I use vegas). I saw no changes in either conversion times or in output file size. I'm not sure how I would test this in Vegas, but it would seem that it isn't working because the manual says "Enable Smart Rendering: This feature is for Sony Vegas users who want faster exports at the
expense of larger file sizes. Select this option only if it fits your needs."

Here is the source data, 23 seconds, 17Mbps AVCHD, 1920x1080, FP24 from Canon HF100.

00011.MTS 49,840,128

Now the conversions:

00011-high-smart.avi 315,959,296
00011-low-smart.avi 196,836,352
00011-med-smart.avi 244,527,616
00011-med-dumb.avi 244,527,616

I have had some problems with my Neo Scene install due to older HDV installs, but I follwed a tech support response about removing all signs of previous CF products, and then I successfully reinstalled so I think everything is working as well as it should be. Can anyone confirm that the smart option is making a larger AVI output file? I was trying to quantify the claims in the manual about "faster exports" at the expense of "larger file size" but ran into this problem and wasn't able to compare outputs.

David Newman January 7th, 2009 12:26 PM

Good find, Smart Rendering is stuck on at the moment, we will get that fixed later today.

Todd Clark January 10th, 2009 09:47 PM

Neo Scene Question??
Sorry if this is right in front of me but I can't find it.

I know that Premiere handles the playback for Neo Scene AVI's but I can't find any information on how well Premiere will handle the files. I know that Prospect has a real time accelerator for Premiere so the files play back smooth. Can you give us an idea on the performance for Neo Scene as compared to something like Mini DV on a mediocre system using Premiere? How many real time streams? How about when using Premiere color corrector effects and does Neo Scene come with editing presets or do we just create our own in Premiere? Does Neo Scene support scene detect in the capture tool?


David Newman January 11th, 2009 10:14 AM

The native Premier engine is so machine dependent, we don't provide any guestimates. Typically Prospect is 3X faster than the native Premiere engine. Give them both a try.

Graham Budd January 18th, 2009 05:44 PM

Cannot complete the uninstall of Neo Scene (Vegas 8.0c)
I recently installed the 3 day Neo Scene trial. After uninstalling the software, every time I start Vegas 8.0c I get a 'popup' "Key Expired …. Thank you for evaluating this software. Your evaluation period is over. Please visit CineForm Home Page to purchase the software …. etc. "

I've searched for any remnent Cineform files or dll's and renamed those I have located.

Does this mean I need to uninstall & re-install Vegas to rid myself of this 'popup'? or are there entries in the registry (XP) which require removal?

Thanks in advance, Graham

David Newman January 18th, 2009 05:49 PM

No. There is only one file involved, CFHD.dll, likely you PC had a lock on the file when the uninstall happened. It is located in c:\windows\system32, just delete it.

Graham Budd January 18th, 2009 06:18 PM

Thanks for the quick reponse David. I am sure that was the problem. I re-installed CF Neo Scene and uninstalled again. That seemed to fix it.

Again thanks

James Lynch January 19th, 2009 03:59 PM

Neo Scene and Intensity
Can Neo Scene capture from my Intensity card?

David Newman January 19th, 2009 04:03 PM

No and by design. If you are using an Intensity card you want NEO HD or Prospect HD.

James Lynch January 19th, 2009 04:08 PM

At the great price I thought it would to good to be true...

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