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Bhaskar Dhungana August 19th, 2008 08:16 PM

Speedgrade - CF Raw to CFHD render issues
Using the latest build of P4K. I imported CF raw 1920 x 1080 24p files to Speedgrade DI and graded. No problems... But when I try to render to CFHD444 avi, I got garbled image, now with the latest build I am getting blank (black) image. The files seem to render onto the disk (the file size seems about right), but there is no image. With CFHD444 quicktime, the render stops after about 1%, says its complete, but the file is not complete. Am I missing something here?

I spoke to Patrick from Iridas, and he said they were able to convert to CineformHD444. What am I doing wrong?

David Newman August 19th, 2008 09:29 PM

Only within SpeedGrade or is this render issue happening elsewhere?

Bhaskar Dhungana August 19th, 2008 09:42 PM

I think its only Speedgrade, Premiere CS3 and AE CS3 renders ok. SG renders to Uncompressed QT and DPX fine.

David Newman August 19th, 2008 09:57 PM

Sounds like SG problem, but submit a trouble ticket with Iridas and CineForm.

Pedro Rey August 20th, 2008 08:27 PM

Try CF quicktime
Hi Bhaska and David.
I have the same issue...dont know why.
I can render a CF quicktime no problem from within SGHD, but avi will not do. You can then try HDLink to rewrap it...but my HDLink will not like that CF quick...stil dont know why.
Another quick fix is to render uncompressed avi, though i dont know if this will preserve 444 color space and 10bit, and then reconvert with ppro or vdub to CF444.


Bob Hart August 20th, 2008 08:59 PM

A related question.

My method, probably wrong, was to open my project in Premiere Pro 2 with the Prospect 2K 1280 x 720 25fps (selected in SI2K to match JVC footage.)

By much misguided fooling around I found that I could apply the look-up file to the raw footage by finding it in Explorer and double-clicking on the filename icon while Premiere was also open.

Everything visible in the project and clip view screens did a little jump and colour balanced itself according to the look-up file. So far so good. Exports and renders were fine, though I did not try a direct to CFHD export which I will now attempt.

My problem now is that when I try to apply another look-up file to different footage in this project or another project by this method, I am prompted that a look-up file has aleady been installed. This leads me to ask, is a look-up file iniextricably linked to the original footage from the camera or can it be substituted by another.

The speedgrade software is not installed on my machine. Neither is Silicon DVR as this machine is for editing only, not aquisition.

If anyone can advise here or point me to the appropriate instructions on how to do it, this would be greatly appreciated.

David Newman August 20th, 2008 09:21 PM

2 Attachment(s)
You seem to be missing a huge slice of the workflow. Here is how to add or change the look data for a particular file.

1) Place the clip in a Premiere Pro sequence using Prospect 4K.

2) Scrub so that clip is visible in the program monitor.

3) Open Playback Settings

4) Click on File Metadata data, welcome to new found power.

5) Under "Apply Look" Preset are all the installed 3D LUT look files, you can use any, alone with controller many other image characteristics.

Just the tip of the iceberg for what is coming.

Bob Hart August 20th, 2008 10:25 PM


Thank you again for your prompt response.

"4 Click on File Metadata data, welcome to new found power."

Now I shall have to discipline myself to use this absolute power responsibly.

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