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Steven White August 19th, 2007 09:26 PM

AspectHD 5 and 32-bit compositing
I recently purchased AE CS3 (along with all the other CS3 apps in the Master Collection), and I was playing around with the 32-bit compositing in After Effects. I use AspectHD 5 now, and I was hoping to do some linear compositing in AE on some of my Cineform files. There were several things I noted:

#1. The .709 colour profile is not embedded in the Cineform avi files for AE to use, and thus has to be set manually. If it could be added as metadata, this could be a handy little time saver.

#2. My Cineform files would not process correctly under 32-bit float in AE. I assume this is an embedded limitation to AspectHD that is not present in ProspectHD? I found this frustrating, as while workarounds are obvious, they're also painful.


David Newman August 19th, 2007 09:45 PM

Sounds like Aspect HD issues, Prospect is the tool for this, although the next version will help AE CS3 for all our products.

Steven White August 28th, 2007 07:22 AM

Just so you know, I downloaded the latest build of AspectHD (build 90), and all of these issues are gone.

32-bit compositing in AE works fine, and all the importers work as well without having to delete the original AE importers.

Thanks a lot for the fixes!


David Newman August 28th, 2007 08:49 AM

Thanks for the feedback, this new build addresses a lot of CS3 issues, so I'm happy it helped here also.

Bruce Findleton August 28th, 2007 10:24 AM

I just installed today's latest build and selected 10 bit import in the pop-up. I imported some previously captured footage but when I try to switch my project to 16 or 32 bit all I see is a big green screen, I can only see my footage at 8 bit. I quit and ran the AE fixit script in the Tools folder and tried it again but got the same results. Is there something I'm missing?

David Newman August 28th, 2007 10:27 AM

You do not need that 10-bit selector, that is for AE 7.0 not CS3, but it does sound like something didn't install, please contact support for advice.

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