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-   -   XL-1 tape can't play on sonys, etc !! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xl1s-xl1-watchdog/30346-xl-1-tape-cant-play-sonys-etc.html)

Billy Merryman August 10th, 2004 01:16 PM

XL-1 tape can't play on sonys, etc !!
what i shoot on my canon plays back fine on the canon and fine when i get it in the computer, but when i play the tape in a sony cam there are digi squares and sound drop outs. the other day i tried playing it off a new panasonic 100a.....the visual (video) was fine, but the sound would go in and out.....what up???


Ken Tanaka August 10th, 2004 01:46 PM

This is not at all unusual. Of course you want to make sure you are always shooting in SP mode (never in LP mode) for best compatibility. You can send your XL1 to Canon to have the heads checked and realigned. But that's about it.

Billy Merryman August 10th, 2004 02:55 PM

ok....i haven't shot yet in long play.
about getting the heads re aligned....
i'm well past warrenty, so how much would that cost?
could the manufactures do this, as to make it difficult on using
the other guys camera?


Ken Tanaka August 10th, 2004 02:59 PM

You'll have to contact Canon Service for an estimate. I would guess that such a routine service would run around $250-450 and take 7-10 days.

No, I seriously doubt there's a conspiracy. This can,and does, happen even between cameras of the same brand and model.

Kyle "Doc" Mitchell August 11th, 2004 10:33 AM


I had a situation similar to Billy last Monday.

I shot footage on my XL1 and then played back in a Sony DSR-11 at my local university. When playing, every once in a while, I had digital square holds and audio dropouts/bleeps. I brought the tape to a friend's and he played it fine in his GL1. I'm still upset that my camera is having troubles.

Looks like I might have to send my camera in to get realignment. Stinks when this stuff happens in the middle of the production schedule.

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