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Rob Lohman June 21st, 2004 02:29 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by Betsy Moore : The HD-1 isn't pseudo-anything -->>>

The quote psuedo came from psuedo-HDV. Chris is saying that the
camera is NOT following the HDV **STANDARD**. For the rest it
is all HDV (just a term). It is simply not using the HDV standard
since that came out AFTER the camera. No "shame" in that!

Personally I don't want MPEG2 for HD (which is what HDV is). So
I'm really hoping that if they went some sort of HD route they
resolved it differently. I'm hoping Canon's presense in the HDV
world is for their lower range of products whenever they move
into HD.... then again I'm probably betting on the wrong thing.

Francesco Marano June 29th, 2004 08:29 AM

Only two days?
still two days and the reduction in price on the ends

what we will see ?



Jean-Philippe Archibald June 29th, 2004 08:52 AM

XL1t ?
XL1s2 ?


Francesco Marano June 29th, 2004 09:32 AM


0 ,0

Chris Hurd June 29th, 2004 09:39 AM

You guys are convinced there'll be a major announcement immediately after the rebate expires? Is that what history teaches us?

Luis Caffesse June 29th, 2004 11:06 AM

"You guys are convinced there'll be a major announcement immediately after the rebate expires?"

Come on Chris, this is the XL2 WISH list, isn't it?

"Is that what history teaches us?"

Good point.
Do you care to jog our memories?
How long was it between the time that the XL1 rebate expired and the XL1s was announced? Does anyone remember?

I think a few weeks is to be expected.
Conveniently, Canon is one of the main sponsors at DV Expo East which starts two weeks after the rebate expires.
Seems like the perfect opportunity to show off a new camera.


Barry Goyette June 29th, 2004 11:48 AM

The announcement was made a few weeks ago, but it's been in lock down at an undisclosed location, It will to be made known to the general public just prior to the election. Don't you guys know anything?


Francesco Marano June 29th, 2004 01:09 PM

"You guys are convinced there'll be a major announcement immediately after the rebate expires?"

Do you know something that we don't know?

;-) HeHEheheHE ;-)

Bob Safay July 1st, 2004 06:17 AM

Ok Canon, this is July 1st. Where is it???

Rob Lohman July 1st, 2004 06:41 AM

As I wrote in the other thread:

As explained time and time again NOTHING IS SURE until
Canon decides to announce something. It is as easy as that.
Everything else is complete speculation or just bogus and you
should treat it as such.

Yes, the rebate expiring is a good indication. BUT, as has been
said time and time again in this thread the announcement for
the XL1S happened *mid* July, two weeks after the rebate

So if (and that IS a big if!) something would happen shortly your
best bet is in two weeks give or take a week.

Now please don't take my word as fact (because it isn't, I know
as much as the rest does) and for all I know there could be no
replacement at all or if there is one it might be announced in
time for Christmas.


Don't get hung up by any dates. Yes, a film studio will announce
the exact date of a movie months and months in advance. Canon
doesn't with its camera's so stop expecting an announcement
when people are just speculating about it!

So let's just wait till they announce something. Okay?

Jacques Mersereau July 1st, 2004 07:41 AM

<<<Now please don't take my word as fact (because it isn't, I know
as much as the rest does) and for all I know there could be no
replacement at all or if there is one it might be announced in
time for Christmas. WHO KNOWS.>>>>

I'll bet Chris Hurd knows, he just can't say ;(

What I do know is that Canon has a real 35mm CMOS chip in the EOS-1Ds:
(From B&H website)
11.1 million pixels.
A full-frame CMOS sensor.
This is what professionals have been asking for.
The EOS-1Ds advantage starts at the imaging sensor.
And what a tremendous breakthrough it is. A full-frame CMOS sensor manufactured by Canon with an imaging area of 24 x 36mm, the same dimensions used by full-frame 35mm SLRs. It has 11.1 million effective pixels with a maximum resolution of 4,064 x 2,704 pixels. This is almost double the resolution currently considered state-of-the-art by most professionals.
I am hoping that the next generation is
REVOLUTIONARY and not just a yawn (HDV). I'll go deep in debt to
buy something like this.

Jeff Donald July 1st, 2004 08:04 AM

The 1Ds takes 3 pictures a second. It's a little slow for video use. I think were still a few years off before we see anything like that chip in a prosumer camera

Jacques Mersereau July 1st, 2004 08:18 AM

That's correct Jeff, but I guess what I am saying is that
it is *possible* that 3fps is a camera memory/pipeline limitation and not a
chip output limitation. Even with a huge flash memory card,
11 megapixel output would fill it in a few of seconds of 24 fps.

It's probably only my hope, but if Canon's CMOS
chip can output 30 fps or 24, THEN it is also possible to pipe and transcode
that info into an HD SDI stream.
I believe this is being done now (or soon) with cameras like
Kinetta and Dalsa so it is possible. Kinetta uses something like
8 or 10 laptop drives RAIDed together for on board storage of upto
40 mintues of uncompressed 4:4:4 at some high bit depth.

I have to believe that Canon has the resources to bring the price point
WAY down from a company like Kinetta which is two guys; only one
of whom is a digital camera engineer. The Kinetta is supposed to
cost like $60K without lens.

Chris Hurd July 1st, 2004 08:46 AM

Bob Safay: << Ok Canon, this is July 1st. Where is it??? >>

And as I wrote, in another thread in our Area 51:

My friend, you haven't been reading my posts, or you would have known better than to expect something from Canon today.

Once again: you have to study Canon's history, because by studying history you can predict the future. And Canon's history clearly states that in the past they have *never* announced a major new product the very next day after a former one expires.

Canon's history also clearly states that for a flagship product of the XL1 caliber, announcements are always made at major industry events such as, say, a trade show. Was there a major industry event yesterday or today? No? What major industry event is about to happen, then? I wonder if Canon will make an announcement at that show.

Now I'm legally bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement, so even if I did know anything specific, I couldn't tell you. But it's no secret that Canon tends to operate by a very predictable pattern, and if you look at their past as we've been discussing here, it helps you to see that the future is quite clear. You can put two and two together. Hope this helps,

Francesco Marano July 1st, 2004 08:59 AM


Dv expo 14-16 july 2004

Platinum sponsors:


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