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karibrown June 19th, 2002 03:42 AM

Have you checked out your DV cable?

Suikeoden June 19th, 2002 09:19 AM

I don't think it's the DV cable because the computer recognizes that something is being plugged into the cable when I turn on my camera.

wefdenver June 19th, 2002 03:30 PM

When to use polarizer filter
Is it a good idea to always have the polarizer filter on when shooting outdoors (sunny days)?

If not, why?

Thanks in advance from a simple hobbyist.

Jeff Donald June 19th, 2002 03:44 PM

I can think of a couple of times you might not want to use a polarizer outdoors. A polarizer reduces the amount of light hitting the chip by about 1 1/2 stops to 2 stops. This loss of light means reduced depth of field, by the lens opening up 2 stops to compensate for the loss of light. In close up or macro photography i usually need as much depth of field as possible.

If i wanted to stop action or motion of a fast moving subject I would choose a higher shutter speed. The loss of the 2 stops of light means selecting a shutter speed slower with the polarizer than without (2 stops slower).


Barry Goyette June 19th, 2002 05:12 PM

while I don't keep my polarizer on the camera very often...I always have one close by... they can be very handy at controlling reflections, and reflected highlights, and can be used to increase overall saturation when your camera is angled near perpendicular to your main light source (sun). I usually keep it in my pocket while I'm setting up a shot, then I rotate it in front of my eye to see if (and how) it effects the shot.

Typically in bright sunlight, your xl1 will request that you engage the ND filter (if you're not in the green box)...using a polarizer usually negates the need to engage the ND, thus your exposures will be about the same.

Takeshi Fukushima June 20th, 2002 05:35 AM

What is 'Balanced audio"?
I've once read an article of XLR connectors and minijack mics. They have mentioned balanced audio and unbalanced. It didn't go into great detail of what balanced audio is.
What is the
can someone be kind enough to explain this?

Steve Savanyu June 20th, 2002 08:15 AM


Without getting real technical.

In a balanced audio circuit you have two signal carrying conductors (+) and (-) (Pins 2 &3 on an XLR) plus a shield. The shield does not carry any signal. Since the signal is flowing in opposite directions (+ -) down the cable at the same time, any noise or hum induced into the line would cancel itself out. It is also possible to "lift" the shield at one end of the connections (known as a ground lift) to eliminate potential differences or ground loops betweeen devices whcih often causes hum

In an unbalanced circuit the signal is carried by the center conductor (+) and the shield (-). The signal is only flowing in one direction down the cable so the nulling effect of the balsnced line is lost. Also, you can not lift the shield to eliminate grounc loops or hum.

The minijack mic inputs are unbalanced. (left channel, right channel, shield). for the short distance from an on camera mic to the camera input they are fine. however, for lnger runs, I prefer to use the MA100 with XLR connection and balanced mic lines.

There are several more detailed articles in some of the video magazines on this very subject.

Hope this helps

bill in japan June 21st, 2002 05:00 PM

A cranking noise coming from the XL-1
Hi gang,

I looked up "zoom" noise in the forum, but I'm not sure that this is what I'm experiencing. Just last week I notice kind of a cranking noise or grinding noise coming from the zoom motor. The lens is quiet (I took it off and turned it a couple of times) and it's not the mic or holder. It's coming from inside the camera. Is this something that you have had happened? Is it easy to have fixed? How long did it take and how much did it cost?

Thanks for any help.

bill in japan

kushnerb June 22nd, 2002 01:15 PM

I have just bought a sony MZ-500 minidisc recorder and an Audio Tehnica ATR 35s Lapel mike...although it does record, the audio is extremely soft... I have tried adjusting the audio volume manulaly etc, but to no avail! ALso I have no clue as to ho one can transfer the audio to PC for editing... I ahve a PC link with a USB cable...but how does one get the PC to recognise the sound and store it as a WAV file.....
Would apreciate any input..thanks!
P.S Just completed my showreel using the XL1s and have had rave reviews from broadcasters re the quality of the XL1s footage!!

Don Palomaki June 22nd, 2002 03:56 PM

I do not know the Sony you have. Some Sony did have an issue with audio level control while recording - can't be adjusted on the fly. You have to pause recording to change the record level.

Many portable consumer MiniDisc recorders do not support digital output. Easiest way to capture the audio is to feed it to an analog input on your sound card and digitize at the desired sample rate.

Alternatively, if you have a MiniDISC player with S/PDIF output, and your sound card supports S/PDIF input, capture the digital audio stream that way.

Chris Hurd June 22nd, 2002 06:05 PM

Sounds like your best bet is to take it to Canon Service. Let us know how it goes,

CarterTG June 23rd, 2002 09:06 PM

Law & Order
I forgot that the FOURTH (or is that fifth) Law & Order spin-off aired tonight... Law & Order: Crime & Punishment.. so I only caught the last few minutes of it.

First thing I noticed was it was shot in some kind of Film/Progressive/Frame/(insert other euphamism here) mode... as the tripod-mounted camera kept getting panned around this was clear... at first I was wondering if they used an XL-1.... but judging from how MUCH strobing I saw, I'm almost convinced they used the 15fps progressive mode from a Sony. I've panned with the original XL-1 in frame-movie mode and no way it looked THAT "strobey"... unless the florescent courtroom lighting exacerbated things.

Anyone have behind-the-scenes info on the new series production?

peter davidson June 24th, 2002 12:19 PM

XL-1 tape drive glitch after G force event
Greetings, My XL-1 has been a delight for over a year. My most recent tapes are showing what appears as a tape studder with sync'd audio loss at average thirty second intervals randomly distributed during record function, and also at start and stop record. My heads are clean, but the camera did suffer a drop of 18 inches onto concrete while in its soft case just before the problem started. Any suggestions are welcome. It looks like I've got to send the camera to a Canon service center, but I'm checking with the community-at-large before I part with my precious workmate. Thanks, Peter Davidson, 805-969-1413 / 455-0008, macgyver@thegrid.net

Thomas Berg Petersen June 24th, 2002 01:24 PM

Monitors (14'' or 5''-9'')
Dear all,

I am about to purchase an external monitor, but I am not sure what to buy exactely. I have been looking into either a small monitor 5'' - 9'' which can be mounted on the camera or tripod or an external professional 14'' monitor. I guess it all comes down to what my needs are. I believe my needs are:

- I would like to use the monitor for critical focus when the DP is operating the camera.

- I would also like the director to be able to see the cast when filming.

I am going to use my XL1S mostly for mounted on a tripod shooting both interrior and exterrior.

I guess the obvious comment is that I need 2 monitors, but right now I really only have the means to buy one. At lease for now.

Currently I am leaning toward a small one monitor which can be mounted on the camera itself for the DP (but can also be used by the director and then the DP needs to use the EVF). And then buy a small cheap TV for the director.

Another option could also be to buy a portable DV deck incl. display. Then I would have a dv deck as well as a monitor? But I doubt that this display can be mounted or even be used for critical focus?

Any comments or suggestions???

Thanks in advance.

Gerard Foucher June 24th, 2002 01:27 PM

stuck cassette
Hi all !

I'm sure someone knows the solution to this very simple problem: a cassette is stuck in my XL1... impossible to unload. The cover opens, but the cassette compartment remains tightly shut.

Thank you for your help!


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