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Heath McKnight August 5th, 2005 08:05 PM

Bizarre "break up" on tape shot with XL-1
I'm having really bizarre, and bad, digital break ups on a tape shot with a Canon XL-1. I'm also having a heart attack, because said tape is part two of a short film shot 2.5 years ago and I'm trying to edit it.

My friend said to try and play it from the original XL-1; no can do, since it's long gone. Tape 1 doesn't have this problem, and the dv dubs I made two years ago seem to be fine, according to my friend.

I'm going to try playing the tape on a Sony DSR-11 or something other than a JVC camera and see what happens. I'm going to step away from the ledge now.

FYI, I've tried cleaning the heads, but no luck.


Shaggy Franks August 7th, 2005 04:46 AM

Urgent info needed! (XL2 Footage on XL1s)
Hi community,

sorry that I haven't been around for awhile, been out of town for a year. (Jobs)
Anyway, I need some urgent info and help. I will be going on to a 2 day shoot, where they will be using the XL2.
My problem is since I will be editing it but only have a the XL1s to feed any footage to my Mac.
Will there be any problem or quality loss when playing back footage on the XL1s that was captured on the XL2?

Thanks for any info and for the fast reply.

Also just wanted to say I'm back now. :-)


Mike Teutsch August 7th, 2005 07:30 AM

Others will know more and I'm sure will chime in, but I see no problem with what you are going to do.

The video goes onto the tape already compressed and whatever camera or deck you capture on will just be reading 1s & 0s. No loss at all!


Robin Davies-Rollinson August 7th, 2005 09:51 AM

Quite correct - in fact, you could even use a little Euro400 camera to play back and it would be fine...
(and don't anyone dare ask if Euro400 is a make of camera!!!)


Pat Kiel August 8th, 2005 03:56 AM

Help insettings for bright sun settings
My Friends,

I am new to the XL1s. I have a firestore 3.

What do you suggest the best settings for me on a 3x lens in bright sunlight?
Thank you! (I am a newbie on this site and hobby)

Mathieu Ghekiere August 8th, 2005 01:37 PM

Hello Pat,

Welcome to the boards!
You could use a UV filter, not only to protect your lens from the sunlight, but just to protect your lens. Cheaper then buying a new lens, if there is a scratch ;-)

I don't know if the 3x has any ND filters on it, maybe you should buy one seperately if not.
So you can have an (relatively) open iris in bright sunlight (so you still can have a small Depth of Field = filmic - if that is what you are looking for of course)

David Kidd August 8th, 2005 03:51 PM

XL1 or XL1s used
Can anyone tell me what an xl of xls is worth used? I am intersted in purchasing but not sure about price?

Boyd Ostroff August 8th, 2005 03:53 PM

A search of our classifieds would be one way to get an idea of this:


Mike Teutsch August 8th, 2005 04:03 PM

Also check Ebay, especially auctions that have ended. Not much of a better way to find out. Also check with dealers like B&H for used equipment. You are probably looking at $1,800 to $3,000 depending on accessories.


Christopher C. Murphy August 10th, 2005 01:39 PM

We're the tapes left somewhere that there were magnets?? Also, monitors can mess up tapes.

Oh, and the main thing I have found that is a tape (and all equipment) killer?? Humidity...and FL has lots of it. Right now, the humidity up here in New England is horrible. I run a de-humidifer 24/7 and keep all my tapes and equipment in the room. The ideal humidity is between 45-50%..

Heath McKnight August 10th, 2005 05:50 PM

True, true, true. I hooked up the FX1 and had little problems, except one walking shot. My friend is going to capture that shot and we'll do an iChat/AOL IM transfer this weekend.


Clint Grant August 11th, 2005 01:59 PM

Cavision mattebox for Xl1s
Hello Everybody

I've looked into matte boxes a great deal, and know quite a bit about them, but not enough about some "technical" stuff. (not technical, really; just concerns about sizing/vignetting.). What I'm wondering is if the Cavision 16x9 matte box (found on B&H for $400) and 3 filter stages will pose any problems for use on an xl1s. (any vignetting?) Because it's a 16x9 box, and I'll be shooting in 4x3, wilil there be less shade protection? I'm just thinking toward the future when I'll be upgrading to the XL2, and will have native 16x9. Oh, and does the Cavision 16x9 box use 4x4 filters, or 4x5?

I knnow all about Chrosziel, Century Optics, Petroff, etc., but have decided that Cavision is the one for me right now. But, as always, you get what you pay for.....I know......

Thanks a lot everyone!

~Clint Grant~

Clint Grant August 12th, 2005 07:35 AM

Forget It
AH, forget this. I'm just gonna save up a bit longer and buy the Century Optics stuff. Thanks anyways.

~Clint Grant~

Karl Heiner August 15th, 2005 04:34 PM

just would like to share my expirience.
have my xls-1 exact one year. at my first shoot the autofocus (green square) was hunting and i posted here to get some answers.

since i got a lot advice, i have never used the auto setting anymore, and since most of my jobs are in a theatre/ studio setting, i shoot in spotlight/ or man, autofocus off, stabilizer off, mode.

super quality...thanks guys/ gals

super board


Bruce Wilkinson August 16th, 2005 05:53 AM

XL1-S Firewire Cable
Has anyone found a supplier for a 90 degree firewire cable (one that goes up, not sideways) so the user can access the main start/stop buttton while outputing to a DTE device such as an FS-4?

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