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Tyler Hisel December 17th, 2004 09:51 PM

Cokin adapter ring?
I am about to purchase a cokin sunsoft filter for my XL1S, I know that I need a P series holder....but what size adapter ring do I need in order to mount it. I currently have a UV screw in filter already mounted. Can I keep this is place? Either way, what size adapter ring will be required? Any help would be appreciated!

Elmar Tewes December 19th, 2004 07:44 PM

when you have the standart 16x lense, i remember it's the 72mm ring for the cokin P. just screw it in the lense or in the uv screw-in filter and then click the ring into the cokin p filter holder. there you can use the p series filters.

Tyler Hisel December 20th, 2004 12:07 PM

thanks, i appreciate it

Rob Lohman December 21st, 2004 06:16 AM

Welcome aboard DVInfo.net Brandon!

Okay, so you have confirmed that your cable and your computer
are not the problem? If so then it is logical to assume that the
problem must be with the camera. Have you tried capturing from
it on another computer?

It sounds like you have a blown firewire port and your camera
needs to be fixed by Canon.

How do you normally connect the cables? Make sure that at least
the camera is powered down before (un)plugging cables!

Brandon Lehman December 23rd, 2004 05:45 PM

XL1s dead area question.
I just got an XL1s and I've noticed that on my recorded footage there is a black line at the very bottom of the frame that is dead, it just shows up as black. Also on the left side of the frame running from the top to bottom there is one row is pixels or so that show up brighter than all the others. I'm wondering if this is normal for an XL1s or if something is wrong.

These are both outside the tv and title safe area.

Can anyone tell me what this could be?

Ken Tanaka December 23rd, 2004 11:44 PM

This is normal. We've had several lengthy discussions on this over the past couple of years, but the short story is that Canon considered this normal as it lands in the overscan area of the image. It's basically related to manner in which Canon masked the CCD's of their video cameras. On some cameras it appears at the verticals.

I don't know if the XL2 also has this attribute but I do know that we complained pretty loudly when it first became an issue. When the GL2 was introduced several months later the issue seemed to have been fixed on those cameras.

Phil Holder December 24th, 2004 07:34 AM

Canon XL1s
Hi Guys

I bought an XL1s last September but have only used it a few times. When I first powered up the camera I had green, pink & white flashing in the viewfinder. This lasted about 30seconds then a picture appeared. I thought that this may just have been a first time power up thing and did not worry about it. I have used it a few times since without fault but today when I switched it on I had the same problem but this time it lasted for about 3minutes then a picture appeared. I rolled record and took some practice footage for about 2 minutes but then the viewfinder switched to black. There was no picture and no osd so I stopped recording. I switched to vtr mode and replayed the footage which played back fine with all osd. I then switched bach to auto and hit the record button only to see the green flahing in the view finder again. The camera actually records this flashing which is handy if I need to go to Canon. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Is it a botton or buttons that I have pushed? Or is this a major fault that I need to take to Canon. I must add that I'am not a Professional cammo but have been in the TV industry for 22 years. I bought this camera for my business with the intention of using a professional to shoot footage for me while I learn how to operate it.
Thanks for any help

Don Palomaki December 25th, 2004 07:01 AM

Does not sound normal. Check to be sure lens and CVF are mounted /seated properly. If that has no effect, call Canon customer service and speak to their reps. Probably need to send it in for warranty repair.

Phil Holder December 27th, 2004 11:13 PM

Hi don

I've checked the lens and CVF several times, they seem to be mounted correctly.
Not sure how I'm going to go with the warranty as I bought this camera overseas and I found out the other day that Canon has no international warranty. I beleive they have a 90 day manufactureres warranty (whatever they mean by that) and the place were I bought the camera has a 90 day warranty but that past 30 days ago. They are on Christmas holiday at the moment so I'll have to see how I go later.


Rob Lohman December 29th, 2004 04:52 AM

Ken: this problem seems to have been fixed on the XL2 as well,
some people reported this (here on DVi) earlier when it came out.

Garry Penner December 31st, 2004 11:53 AM

xl1 - Intermittent Orange Cast
I was shooting some interviews a couple of days ago which went very well. The interviews were shot indoors with available light and a small 500 watt Lowell Tota light. However when I checked the tape on location I noticed that every few minutes an orange cast would appear. This would be most noticeable on faces. The orange dissappears after a few seconds. When I returned home and played them back on a Canon ZR60 which I use as a deck the same problem existed. This problem isn't one with pixels dropping, etc. which would indicate dirty heads. I recall reading that a long recording session can cause possible overheating. If this is so, what are the usual symptoms of overheating? I usually don't have any problems with my camera but on a couple of occassions towards the end of a long interview I have had crackling in the audio with a ME66 contacted with a Beachtek DXA-4C adaptor. Could these two issues be connected?

Don Palomaki January 1st, 2005 07:49 AM

Manual or auto white balance?

Did lighting change at all during the shots?

Was camera movement or panning accoicated with the color shifts?

Did the conmposition of the scene change during the shots, especially bringing in some saturated blue-greenish materials?

Was ambient light (e.g., from windows) changing?

What shutter speeed were you using? Using a higher shutter speed can cause some slowly changing color shifts if standard flourescent lighting is present.

Dennis Liu January 7th, 2005 05:28 PM

16x Focus/Zoom Ring Sound

I just ordered the 3x wide angle lens, arrived yesterday - its great.

However, this has brought to light one problem - my 16x lens (the first one with the XL1), came with the 2nd hand XL1 that I bought a couple of months ago. Well, the lens works fine, there's nothing wrong with the image or the features.

However, the focus ring is really noisy. And it's not an electronic noise, it's just that it's not turning smoothly, so you kinda hear it rubbing whenever you turn it. The zoom ring is not too smooth either. This compared with the new 3x lens with both rings really smooth and spinning with no sound.

Is there some sort of lubricant/grease or something I can put on to make the rings turn smoothly?


Josh Allen January 7th, 2005 07:50 PM

Remote/mobile power?
Hello All,

I use my XL1 at motocross tracks and the basic canon batteries require frequent changing and recharges. Can anyone suggest a could battery belt (or something along those lines) that would be in the couple hundred dollar range?

Thanks in advance.

Rob Lohman January 9th, 2005 06:32 AM

No you can't. These components are not user servicable. I would
send the lens to Canon for a checkup!

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