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Dennis C. September 22nd, 2001 06:25 PM

help on 16:9 Guides xl1s
I need help on setting up 16:9 guide on my xl1s. When I'm in 16:9 mode the option under Display setup menu is pink and not available (similar to greyed out sptions in a windows menu) hence, guide can't be activated. In normal aspect mode it can be activated. What am I missing on this?
Dennis C

Guest September 25th, 2001 10:25 AM


The 16:9 guide can only be used if you are shooting in 4:3 and need to frame your shot for 16:9. If you are shooting in 16:9, you don't need the guide because what you see in your viewfinder/monitor will be 16:9 already. The 16:9 guides are used for those who wish to shoot in 4:3 and then add letterbox "bars" during post production.

shawnee_wolf November 25th, 2001 07:12 AM

no 16:9 guide lines on xl1s
After switching to 16:9 from the "Cam.set up menu" I then go to the "Disp.set up" menu to turn the 16:9 guides ON, but the 16:9 guides item is "purple" color and is not available to select.
Thinking it was a camera malfunction, I went to the store and tried it on their camera to no avail. (The guy at the store couldn't do ti either)
Thanks for any help.

Chris Hurd November 25th, 2001 11:46 AM

Let me guess, you had the camera switched on to Green Box (Easy Recording) mode, right? Not all features are available in this mode, and this is one of 'em.

Turn the camera on to any other program mode, such as A (full auto) mode. That menu item should no longer be purple (unavailable), and you should be able to select it.

Hope this helps,

Andrew Hogan November 25th, 2001 10:46 PM

When you are in 16x9 mode then you don't get the guide bars. The image is stretched vertically to fill the viewfinder. I get around this by using a small 34cd TV/monitor set to 16x9 when shooting to see what you are getting in the correct aspect.
(however I am a newie and could be wrong)

Chris Hurd November 25th, 2001 11:54 PM

You are correct *despite* your newbie-ness, Tourist.

If you have selected the 16:9 widescreen option, then of course the 16:9 guides will be purpled out. They are available *only* when shooting in normal 4:3 mode.

You win a cookie.


P.S. -- OILS to return to USA early next year? Hope so!

Sammi Funk January 27th, 2002 12:48 PM

16:9 mode
Doesn anyone have any comments about shooting in the 16:9 mode or using an anamorphic lens?

John Klein January 28th, 2002 12:28 AM

My tv is regular old 4:3. So 16:9 is not of use to me (yet).


Chris Hurd January 28th, 2002 11:24 AM

See my article, "The Myth of Mini-DV Widescreen," in the Articles Menu section of the XL1 Watchdog.

Peter Koller March 27th, 2002 11:50 AM

16:9 Markings on XL1 Viewfinder
Does anyone know how to get 16:9 marking lines on the viewfinder display of the XL1?

I heard the XL1s does have these markers. Are the incorporated into the glass or projected on the screen?

I want to shoot 16:9 but with the camera set at 4:3 mode, because during testing I found it a real pain to keep the microphone out of the frame, I never know how close I can get it until it enters the frame. Besides it gives me the chance to alter the framing in post, compared to 16:9 mode where WYSIWYG.

My local electronics store does sell plastic foils with these markings for smaller camcorders to put on the fold-out screens. Is there something similiar for the XL1? Or has someone found another solution?


Ken Tanaka March 27th, 2002 11:58 AM

On the XL1s the 16:9 guides are projected onto the viewfinder. That is, you can turn them on/off from a menu. This feature was new to the XL1s model.

You may be able to rig some type of template that can be inserted into the XL1 viewfinder's eyepiece. Perhaps someone knows of one available commercially?

Good luck.

kushnerb May 8th, 2002 12:31 PM

XL1s 16:9
Is the 16:9 on the XL1s true 16:9... I want to shoot footage for TV broadcast but cant get an answer wether I should shoot on 16:9 on the canon or not... footage tends to look slightly bunched when I shot on 16:9..
is there anyone that can help..
then another amateur question... What are the bset settings to use on the Canon when filming in a poorly lit room, all my ffotage comes out grainy..

Chris Hurd May 8th, 2002 09:40 PM

Howdy from Texas,

See my XL1 FAQ at www.dvinfo.net/xl1faq.htm -- no camera in this class offers "true" 16x9.

One way to increase low-light performance is with the gain control. Try it at +12db or +18db. There will usually be some grain with this, that's the price you pay for low light shooting. Hope this helps,

kushnerb May 9th, 2002 03:44 PM

Howdy From Cape Town,
Thanks Chris will go ahead shotting in normal size. and the Gain trick worked a charm.. Much thanks, as i wade through getting to grips with the CAnon.

zavetsky August 2nd, 2002 08:11 PM

Svideo input is 16:9!!??!!??
Hi all....new here.....and I am utterly confused,...

I am having problems with recording to MiniDV using my JVC VS-10 deck..so I thought I'd try the XL1s for testing...

When I hooked up my s-video cable to the XL1s's s-video input and then the other end to the output of my VS10, I got a 16:9 flag in my viewfinder......

After much experimenting I have concluded two things: First, my VS10 is erring when recording any source to MiniDV...

The other is that the XL1s is seeing ANY S-video signal as 16:9...

The camera is set to 4:3 as far as I can tell...

Am I missing something!?!?

When I look in the viewfinder, the signal coming in looks normal.....the recorded tape plays back in 16:9 though on any video out!!!!!!

Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks in advance.....

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