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-   -   Which mattebox do you have for your XL H1? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xl-h-series-hdv-camcorders/68025-mattebox-do-you-have-your-xl-h1.html)

Jonas Nystrom May 23rd, 2006 03:13 PM

Which mattebox do you have for your XL H1?
I'm going to buy me a mattebox, with follow focus (if I can afford, why does matteboxes cost like a better prosumer HDV camera?). Do you have any suggestions or experience in the mattebox business?

Steven Dempsey May 23rd, 2006 03:16 PM

I've got this system on order for my XLH1


Chris Hurd May 23rd, 2006 03:30 PM

Ah yes, the Chrosziel. Top of the line. Can't wait to hear how you much like that thing when you get it.

Ron Pfister May 23rd, 2006 03:34 PM

Impressive! But why on earth does this Chrosziel-seup cost almost half again as much as the camcorder? It's really not all that sophisticated, right? Are there any more economical solutions that work well? Any insights would be appreciated!

Steven Dempsey May 23rd, 2006 03:34 PM

I know, I've got so many filters I can't use right now, ND Grad, promist, NDs...it's back ordered. I think they are expecting to get them in around October of 2010


Steven Dempsey May 23rd, 2006 03:35 PM

I don't know where you are getting your prices from but there is a package deal you can get for around $1500 from B&H or ZGC

Chris Hurd May 23rd, 2006 03:37 PM

$1500 sounds about right for a Chrosziel kit.

Ron Pfister May 23rd, 2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Dempsey
I don't know where you are getting your prices from but there is a package deal you can get for around $1500 from B&H or ZGC

Then that's without supports and follow-focus, right? I mean it can't cost more than a few hundred bucks to make this stuff. Obscene pricing, IMO.

Steven Dempsey May 23rd, 2006 03:44 PM

No, that's the whole deal including follow focus and support rods.

Robert Sanders May 23rd, 2006 03:44 PM

I bought my iris rods, baseplate, Chrosziel matte box, side flags and follow focus unit from Birns & Sawyer in downtown Hollywood.

I love it. It's well built. Two stage. And it makes the rig look quite sexy.

John Richard May 23rd, 2006 03:44 PM

Chrosziel Matte Box
We have the Chrosziel Matte Box and Follow Focus rig and recommend it highly. Once you assemble it onto the H1, a simple turn of 2 levers at the base of the rods and you pull the whole assembled MatteBox & Follow-Focus rig off the camera for storage/travel/or change of lenses/adapters/converters.

It is just as simple to reinstall the MatteBox/Follow Focus - takes 10 secs.

I compare this to our Century brand MatteBoxes for DSR cameras which require partial disassembly and more time to R&R on the camera. Both the Century and the Chrosziel are well made - just that the Chrosziel is easier to work with.

PS - we had to wait a couple weeks for the Chrosziel after ordering at NAB.
You might try Band Pro in LA for stock...

John Richard

Steven Dempsey May 23rd, 2006 03:46 PM

I don't know whether it's cool to post a link but here is what I'm talking about:


Ron Pfister May 23rd, 2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Dempsey
No, that's the whole deal including follow focus and support rods.

Then what's included in the B&H kit for $ 3,099.95 here?


No details available, unfortunately, and Chrosziel doesn't list this P/N at their site, either...

Robert Sanders May 23rd, 2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Dempsey
I don't know whether it's cool to post a link but here is what I'm talking about:


That's pretty much my rig. I was very happy with it. The follow focus was better suited for the 16x manual lens than the 20x or 3x. But my AC said he still preferred to use the follow focus on the 20x because he didn't want to put his hands too much on the camera during a shot (particularly dolly shots).

Robert Sanders May 23rd, 2006 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ron Pfister
Then what's included in the B&H kit for $ 3,099.95 here?


No details available, unfortunately, and Chrosziel doesn't list this P/N at their site, either...

Considering the price I would assume the kit comes with the matte box, flags, adapter ring and follow focus unit. Not sure about the base plate and iris rods.

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