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Steven Dempsey May 16th, 2006 08:03 PM

Another black and white shot
I'm pretty happy with this new setting (will post later). Here's a shot I took recently:


Ken Diewert May 16th, 2006 10:49 PM


That's a nice setup, especially given that it looks like you shot it at mid-morning or mid-afternoon (I'm guessing mid morning as it looks like the tide is dropping). You managed to bring out the detail in the darks and not blow out the lights. I'd like to know the settings. We've been having some un-typical hot, sunny weather on the west coast. I was going to shoot some footage at a kayak festival the other day, but thought the harsh mid-day lighting would just create crap footage.

I wonder how those (exposure) settings would work in colour?


Steven Dempsey May 16th, 2006 11:18 PM


Yes, you were right about it being mid morning and I was very concerned about how I shot this. It was a fine balance between under- and overexposure.

I actually took the same shot with my color settings (documented on this site) The actual exposure is about a 1/2 stop darker using the color. It's the nature of how I have set up the blacks in the bw footage.

Anyway, here's the color version


Here are the black and white settings:
Gamma: Normal
Knee: Low
Black: Press
Master Ped: -5
Setup Level: -1
Sharpness: 2
H Dtl Freq: Middle
DHV: 0
Coring: 3
NR1: Off
NR2: Off
Color Matrix: Normal
Color Gain: -9
Color Phase: 0
RGN: 0
GGN: 0
BGN: 0
RGM: 0
RBM: 0
GRM: 1
BRM: 0
BGM: 0

Ken Diewert May 17th, 2006 12:04 AM


Thanks for the settings. The color comes out real cool looking. Meaning it doesn't look nearly as hot as it has been out here. I'll have to try it. I see what you mean about the 1/2 stop, but I'd take it, considering the time of day it was shot. I tend to shy away from the middle 6 or 8 hours of the day. It sure is nice to see that this camera can handle it if you set it up right.

On the other hand the 'Three Kings' style heat has it's place too, which would be fun to try to recreate.

Keep shooting and posting, as a new H1 owner I sure appreciate it.


Steven Dempsey May 17th, 2006 08:08 AM

Here's another bw shot from the same day demonstrating that, even with the sharpness turned up to 2, there is no stairstepping in thin diagonal lines:


Ken Diewert May 17th, 2006 10:26 PM


I've tried twice today and can't access the site to download the new clip.


Steven Dempsey May 17th, 2006 10:27 PM

Try it now, I misnamed the file.

Ken Diewert May 18th, 2006 12:06 AM

Got it.

That's a tough shot, white building in the sun, but it manages it well.

Funny, I thought I saw some kind of artifacting along the ridgeline of the roof, but on closer inspection it looks like a row of spikes to keep the gulls off.

BTW, have you tried a polarizer filter? I picked up the Canon 3 pack (UV, ND8 and Polarizer) and will play around with it while we've got this weather.


Chris Hurd May 21st, 2006 01:09 PM

Steven's B&W custom preset file is now available for downloading from http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost....20&postcount=7

Paul Chiappini May 22nd, 2006 08:10 PM


Thanks for all of the clips. By any chance have you shot any indoor stuff that you could post?


Steven Dempsey May 22nd, 2006 09:08 PM

I've got a black and white clip I shot with some lights I slapped together.


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