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XL H1 Custom Presets Download Library
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I'm no expert with Excel, but here's a spreadsheet covering all of the user-submitted XL H1 custom preset files that I've been able to dig up around here. So far there are seven from Alister Chapman; two each from Luis de la Cerda, Steven Dempsey and Lauri Kettunen; and one each from Oleg Kalyan, Daniel Epstein and Bill Taka. The sheet is called "v.20060604" in order to keep track of its date. I hope it grows up to be a lot bigger!
The actual .CPF files to follow in other posts below. *updated 2006 / 05 / 20 -- added B&WJECTA and OLEGWARM* *updated 2006 / 05 / 30 -- added DVXMATCH, EOSPHOTO, NATURALO and OUTSIDEN* *updated 2006 / 06 / 04 -- added PANALOOK |
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Here are seven presets from Alistar Chapman. See http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost....81&postcount=8:
"If any H1 users out there want to try out some of my presets I have posted some H1 preset files here: http://www.ingenioustv.co.uk/forum/f...57&posts=1#M76 They include a couple of film stock emulations. They are not perfect but do show how tweaking the matrix can create quite different looks." Some notes from Alister about the presets: PRESET01.CPF: AC PREF1 -- Alister's prefered general setup. PRESET02.CPF: AVG FILM -- designed to emulate an average film stock, best used with 24F / 25F. PRESET03.CPF: 5248FILM -- supposed to emulate Kodak 5248 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F. PRESET04.CPF: OPTICONT -- for optimum latitude, similar to AC PREF1. PRESET05.CPF: 5296FILM -- should be like Kodak 5296 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F. PRESET06.CPF: FACTORY -- simply the Canon factory default settings. PRESET07.CPF: LOWLT12 -- for shooting in low light with 12db gain. Please discuss these presets here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost.php?p=416781 |
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Here are the two "Terra" presets from Luis de la Cerda and the "Disjecta" preset from Steven Dempsey.
PRESET08.CPF: TERRA1 -- is a soft unsharpened image, shadows retain detail without looking washed out. PRESET09.CPF: TERRA2 -- is like TERRA1 but sharper, with coring turned down to keep noise levels at bay. PRESET10.CPF: DISJECTA -- most resembles the colors Steven Dempsey used with his Panasonic DVX100. Please discuss Terra 1 & 2 here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=66581 Please discuss Disjecta here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=66605 To use any of these presets in your XL H1, just create a folder called "PRESET" on an SD card, download these .CPF files to that folder on the card and and insert it in your H1. Use the CP Select button on the camera to cycle through the available presets until you reach those that are on the SD card. |
Speadsheet and CPF download files updated. Replaced the single "Terra" preset by Luis de la Cerda with the two different versions (Terra 1 & 2) he describes in the discussion thread linked above.
Speadsheet and CPF download files updated. Modified "Disjecta" per Steven Dempsey as explained in this discussion: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost....46&postcount=3
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Speadsheet and CPF download files updated. Added "Nomagent" by Lauri Kettunen. This preset compensates for the Magenta cast that Lauri detects in the stock XL H1 image. Some folks feel that the White Balance on the XL H1 is slanted a bit toward Magenta; if you notice this then Lauri's "Nomagent" preset will correct it.
PRESET11.CPF: NOMAGENT -- negates the Magenta bias that some XL H1 owners detect in factory settings. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Lauri first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthrea...295#post462295 |
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Speadsheet and CPF download files updated. Added "B&WJECTA" by Steven Dempsey and "OLEGWARM" by Oleg Kalyan.
PRESET12.CPF: B&WJECTA -- B&W with detail in darks without blowing out lights, no diagonal stair-stepping. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Steven first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=67532 PRESET13.CPF: OLEGWARM -- warm, saturated and film-like when combined with Skin Detail: Middle. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Oleg first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=67587 See the first post in this thread for the presets spreadsheet download. |
Loading Card .cpf Files to Camera
Having trouble importing these .cpf files from the Card to the Camera.
I can copy these presets to the Smart Card from my laptop, but then when I put the Card into the H1, when I menu down to the Card>Camera option the Card is greyed out. I tried initializing the Card again, copying the .cpf custom presets provided by you kind folks, but again the Card>Camera option is greyed out - unavailable. What am I doing wrong - I can record Stills to the Card and play them back so the camera is seeing the Card. ??? |
Hi John, I see this is your first post here, welcome to DV Info Net.
You've got to have a folder on that card called PRESET -- just like that, all caps, and in the root directory of the card. All of the CPF files go in that folder. If for some reason you're still having trouble with it, I've got a trick that will help you out but it's a longer process. Try creating the PRESET folder first, and if that doesn't do the job, let me know. |
Presets Management
Thanks a bundle Chris - I'll try that.
This is an awesome forum - so much valuable info from so many knowledgeable, generous and helpful folk. Glad to be allowed to participate. |
SD Card to Camera
Thanks Chris - your PRESET folder instruction did the trick perfectly.
Was that instruction in the manual somewhere? If so I missed it. Great tool for sharing presets with other users and other cams in multicamera shoot. |
Glad to hear it John. The manual leaves out a lot of stuff, but we're working on that here. You could say that's what this forum is for, I guess.
Some members may have use for a preset that resembles the natural outdoor colors as close as possible. I use this outdoor preset the most and I find that I do the least amount of CC with it. It also comes very close to my warm cards though not as "artificial". GAM Cine1 KNE L BLK M PED 0 SET 0 SHP 0 HDF M DHV 0 COR 0 NR1 0 NR2 0 CMX N CGN 3 CPH 0 RGN 2 GGN 0 BGN -2 BGM 0 RBM 0 GRM 0 GBM 0 BRM 1 BGM 0 |
Thanks Bill, I'll add yours and a couple others to the spreadsheet!
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Speadsheet and CPF download files updated. Added "DVXMATCH" by Daniel Epstein, "EOSPHOTO" by Mark Plomp, "NATURALO" by Bill Taka and "OUTSIDEN" by Lauri Kettunen.
PRESET14.CPF: DVXMATCH -- closely matches the Panasonic DVX100 at WB of 3200K; also try Knee: Auto. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Daniel first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=68520 PRESET15.CPF: EOSPHOTO -- is optimized for Canon EOS photo lenses; much brighter with more contrast. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Mark first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=68335 PRESET16.CPF: NATURALO -- closely resembles natural outdoor colors, requiring minimum correction. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Bill first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=67960 PRESET17.CPF: OUTSIDEN -- gives the XL H1 a neutral image outdoors while managing bright whites. To discuss, please refer to the thread where Lauri first posted these settings: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=57663 See the first post in this thread for the presets spreadsheet download. |
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Here's a new "disjecta" setting that I've been working with almost exclusively and, to me, it most closely resembles the look and feel of my DVX although the setting just feels right to me for all applications.
The previous disjecta setting was fine but didn't necessarily render color accurately, giving the image and exaggerated warmth. So attached is my favorite and permanent general setting. I call it "Panalook" |
Thanks, Steven! Speadsheet updated. Added "PANALOOK" by Steven Dempsey, see his post above for the .CPF file download. See the first post in this thread, on the previous page, for the Excel spreadsheet download.
Test Shots
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So here is a sequence of test shots. One with each preset (sorry to the author of 12, I accidently didnt roll on that one)
These were not in a controlled enviornment so some minor lighting changes may have occured. They were taken 1 hour prior to sunset with a shutter of 1/150, F6.2 and Daylight balanced. I began with preset 10 through to 17, then from 1 to 9. Dont ask for a reason to my madness. They were exported with final cut still image JPG best quality. They came out in 4:3, but you get the point. More controlled tests to come. |
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Imges 2-9
Thats it-- |
http://members.dslextreme.com/users/pre-set_shots/ Forgive me - I'm not a web-page guy. |
Thanks for the quote. I hope to get some better footage up very soon. I have some clips, but am waiting for some web space from Chris.
Looks like the photos saw some quality loss in the process. If you get a chance, the high rez photos are available if you click on the thumbnails. |
Yeah - had to down-rez them to get them to fit on the page - otherwise you'd be scolling forever in all directions and that would defeat the purpose of seeing them side-by-side. Like I said - not a web-guy, but if someone knows how to make them smaller to fit on the page and not lose quality (using photshop), I'm more than happy to repost them.
I was thinking that just seeing the difference in the handling of color and light might be enough to give folks an idea of what each pre-set does. From then on they're on there own |
Do you have your forum settings set to show images in the thread? If you choose that setting you can see the images thumbnails side by side, you could copy those very easliy.
thanks again -brian |
JBe 1&2
I like these settings, they compensate for some of the colorspace loss of HDV.
I like what the Negative Coring does to the texture of any noise or gradations (by making it grainy instead of blocky). Otherwise I would call thesr settings HVX JBe_1: Gam:1 Knee:Low Blk: Pressed Ped: -5 Set: -2 Sharp: 2 Hdf : H DVH: 3 (?) I think it increses the vertical frequency Cor: -2 or -3 N2 1&2: off Cmx: 1 Cgn: 5 Cph:0 Rgn:2 Ggn:1 Bgn:2 everything else is O & I dial in the K to tweak JBe_2: Gam: Cine2 Knee:Low Blk: Med Ped: -5 Set: -2 Sharp: 1 Hdf : H DVH: 0 Cor: -2 N2 1&2: off Cmx: 2 Cgn: 4 Cph:0 Rgn:2 Ggn:2 Bgn:3 everything else is O & I dial in the K to tweak |
Im likin the new presets. Thanks for posting them!
I think they will come in useful while out in the field. I'm a little lazy and havent read the manual on this, but does anyone know if the camera has a maximum number of presets, or is it just how many you can fit on the card? |
Technically it's 20 presets on the card, but there's a very cool trick which bypasses that limitation... see my post called "Practically no limit to CP files on SD card" here:
http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?t=55137 |
Thanks Chris - That''s really useful !
Anyone had time to play with color matching to an F900 or Varicam?
If it could be matched, or made close, that would be a great point for clients looking to rent a matching B camera. |
can someone help me create a look that will closely resembel the look of a sony Z1. i dont have access to the Z1 so i'm finding it difficult. |
reading cpf files
Can anyone tell me what application to use to open a cpf file on a mac?
Thanks. |
cpf files
Sorry about that. Didn't read the beginning of the post thoroughly. Understand what to do now.
Presets onto Stick?
I sorry for being such a Newb, but can someone please direct me to a link on how to download these presets into my camera? I know they have to start on the stick (which is where I am loosing it). Once there, it must be in a directory called Preset and that can then get transgered into the H1. I just dont get how to get these presets onto the memory stick. I know I can enter each individually, but since you all worked so hard on making them Presets, I figure its the least I can do to download them :-)
Thank you! |
In other words you can only really store 20 and access them directly....right? Edit:Okay....so can you only access the 6 presets in the cameras ROM? I was thinking that if you had some on the card you could access them directly.....like it would becomne preset 7-10 or whatever.....I am thinking I am wrong though. I never setup more than six so I never had to worry about this until now! Thanks. |
Dear Marty,
I am doing this from memory. If you have the option set that stores the preset with any photos that you take, then you can recall and display that photo. Then you can load that preset (the one associated with that one photo) into your camera. |
I was just playing with my new presets (found here) yesterday. As memory serves (camera is at home), I had access to 7 presets from the the H1's memory, AND 10 that I had on the SD card. So flipping through the presets, it first gave me the camera's presets, then went through the card's presets too.
I have 6 on Camera and 20(ish) on the card,
I would also appreciate a Z1 preset. Have to do a shoot Feb 8th with an XL2 and a Z1. Would like the best balance possible.
Thank you Martin |
Hey Marty!
I have 10 presets on on the card in my camera. When I go through the presets just hitting the preset button, it will go through the 6 that are built into the camera memory (1-6) and then start again with number one from the card, (1-10). I haven't looked to see if I can renumber the ones on the card, I'll have to try that today. I got a new 1 gig card, so will put that in and play with it today.
Haven't tried directly accessing them, just have not had the need. Easy to push that little button. Just remember to follow Chris's instructions above and have a folder with the exact name of PRESET all in caps. Mike |
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