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Tim Palmer-Benson June 11th, 2008 03:40 PM

Well, I read that page and realized I might be getting in over my depth! :) Can I not take the XLH1 editor that I downloaded, load in the VIVID RGB from the preset I have on the XHA1 card and then remove the card and insert the card from the XLHI and click save on the My preset sidee of the application. Doesn't this application do the math that you outline in your page...or do you have any idea what the preset settings might be for achieving the VIVID RGB look on the XLH1? I am just after one preset at the moment. I just got my XLHI following the recent price drop. I have not yet tried the original XLH1 presets you have on this site. Do any of them look close to VIVID RGB. I might be happy with something that is close..


Felix Theissen June 12th, 2008 02:37 AM

Converting presets
Hi Tim,
if you have downloaded the XLH1 Editor from my website it is possible to open a preset from the XH A1 (it shows a messages that it will convert the preset). It will be roughly converted then to a XLH1 preset (the math is similar to what i have read one year ago in this forum about the different preset schemes, though tweaking could be still necessary). If you save it then it will be saved as a XLH1 preset.


Chris Hurd June 12th, 2008 06:18 AM

Wow, that's great Felix! I had no idea about that capability. Thanks for clarifying this -- much appreciated,

Tim Palmer-Benson June 12th, 2008 06:37 AM

Well, I thought this might just be the case...any idea how close the very popular VIVID RGB might be?

Tim Palmer-Benson June 12th, 2008 06:52 PM

viviD RGB to XLHI
I tried this but it doesn't show up in the list as preset30.cpf

Felix Theissen June 15th, 2008 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Tim Palmer-Benson (Post 892270)
I tried this but it doesn't show up in the list as preset30.cpf

Hi Tim,

the names of the presets must be from PRESET01.CPF till PRESET20.CPF


Tim Palmer-Benson June 15th, 2008 04:06 PM

What if any existing preset is closest to the Vivid RGB available for the XL1 H1. I am now out in the field and can no longer edit my presets. I do have the presets from Chris's list loaded onto disk....but which one to use...The camera default is pretty bland when viewed on a portable Ikan LCD which I have hooked up via an S-video cable.


Stuart Graham August 26th, 2008 11:36 AM

Does anyone know of some "safe" settings to use when recording on the XH-A1 if you want to apply a filmic look in post?

By "safe" I mean minimising the possibility of clipping or colour aberrations. And recording the video data in such a way that all the data needed for generating the filmic look in post is recorded.

Michael Chenoweth August 26th, 2008 05:34 PM

Steven Dempsey has a preset that he designed around using the Letus Extreme / Ultimate - very flat image with neutral color tone that is designed to be manipulated in post.

I don't recall the name of it off my head though - just have it stored.


Chris Hurd August 26th, 2008 06:40 PM

It's called VIVID RGB. Just search for it.

By the way, this is the Canon XL preset thread. Wrong forum for Canon XH.

Stuart Graham August 27th, 2008 01:42 AM

Thanks Chris I'll search for that.

Sorry about posting in the wrong forum. I think my dyslexia is rearing its ugly head again.

Dan Keaton August 27th, 2008 07:50 AM

Dear Stuart,

Go to post 78 in the following link:


Stuart Graham August 27th, 2008 10:49 AM

Thanks Dan!

That's just what I was looking for :)


Denny Thompson October 22nd, 2008 04:12 PM

Procedure for Copying Custom Presets

Originally Posted by Dan Keaton (Post 609852)
I highly recommend that you initialize your SD card in the camera.

This is preferred over initializing it in your computer as the SD card will be properly formatted. Your computer may (or may not) initialize the card in the proper format.

This is described on page 128 of the XL H1 manual (English Version).

This process will erase any and all data on your SD Card.

1. Turn on your XL H1, by setting the Power Wheel to "VCR/Play".

2. Set the Tape\Card Swith to "Card".

3. Open the Menu (by pressing the Menu Button).

4. Select "Card Operations".

5. Select "Initialize".

6. Select "Execute".

7. Select "Yes" in the confirmation screen.

8. Wait for the initialization to complete.

9. Then remove your SD card and insert it into your computers SD Card Reader's slot.

10. Then, using standard computer procedures, access the SD Card, create a new Directory named "PRESET".

(I will be happy to describe the "standard computer procedures", if requested.)

11. Then copy your Custom Presets to the "PRESET folder.

12. When the flashing light stops, you can then remove your SD Card and re-insert it into your camera.

13. You may then choose to copy up to 6 of your favorite Custom Presets into the internal memory positions of your XL H1.

14. When done, be sure to restore the "Tape\Card" switch to "Tape" for normal camera operation.


Could you please describe the “standard computer procedures” that are required to create and copy the Custom Presets to the PRESET folder. (# 10 & #11 in your 14 step procedure). I want to make sure I do this correctly.


Freddie Hoekerd October 26th, 2008 08:22 AM

I Have made a movie on Custom Presets. In this movie you can see the difference between 18 Custom Presets for the Canon XL-H1. Yo can find the movie at :Canon XL-H1 Custom Presets Movie on Vimeo


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