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Henrik Joensen April 28th, 2008 03:45 PM


Thanks alot. After reading yours and the manual, I loaded the card
and first initialized it and then hit complet init. Obviously it erased
the only PRESET named folder on there. Then again make new folder
PRESET and then I downloaded the (say) PRESET01.CPF to the desktop
and then into the folder. Tried both card and tape setting on right-hand
side of camera (A1) but still got DATA ERR showing in my viewer.

Nothing seem wrong with the card as I can take photos from the camera
no probs.

Where do I go wrong?

Appreciate any advise.

Dan Keaton April 28th, 2008 03:57 PM

Dear Henrik,

Just to be clear, did you initialize the SD memory card in the XL H1?

If so, all of the steps that you listed seem to be ok.

I welcome suggestions from others.

Chris Hurd April 28th, 2008 04:07 PM

Try another SD card to see if it duplicates the problem.

Henrik Joensen April 29th, 2008 01:13 AM


Yes it was initialized in my A1, will try another card as Chris

Thanks yr help.

Dan Keaton April 29th, 2008 02:32 AM

Dear Henrik,

You mentioned that you formatted the card in your A1.

I had assumed that you were using an XL H1.

The custom presets for the XL H1 and XH A1/XH G1 are different.

Please download and use the XH A1 presets from the XH A1 forum on DVInfo.net.

Daniel Loomis April 29th, 2008 09:54 AM

Explanation for Newbie
As a new owner of an XH A1 I appreciate the fact that there are so many presets already setup for download. However, I wish to learn more about how each preset affects the image appearance and quality.

I understand the basics about gamma, color gain, black stretch and such, but was wondering if there is an online source that explains each setting in a bit more detail . . . until I get up to speed.

Dan Keaton April 29th, 2008 10:01 AM

Here is one "White Paper" for the XL H1.

Note that the XH A1 uses different values, such as -9 to +9, however the principles are the same:


Here is another way to access more info on the XL H1:


Henrik Joensen April 29th, 2008 03:05 PM


Thanks for politely kicking me over in another forum, I somehow never
picked up there actually existed one for the A1, and my apologies for not
being clear on model: XH A1. Still learned alot here though and hopefully
one day I'll be able to contribute, if not just a little.

Dan Keaton April 29th, 2008 03:43 PM

Dear Henrik,

No problem at all, that is why we are here.

The XH A1/XH G1 Custom Presets are 40 bytes long while the original XL H1 presets are 39 bytes long.

Henrik Joensen April 29th, 2008 05:00 PM

Ahh, that could be why I got 'DATA ERR' from downloading XL H1
presets.. Anyhow, seem I already surfed the A1 forum before without
knowing, life is most wonderful when you are abit confused even for
a Newbee like me.

Thanks again for your help.

Henrik Joensen April 30th, 2008 04:43 PM


All done and dusted. Thanks alot your help.

Dan Keaton April 30th, 2008 07:08 PM

Dear Henrik,

You are most welcome.

I am happy it is now working for you.

Tim Palmer-Benson June 11th, 2008 01:58 PM

Looking for procedure for importing the VIVID RGB preset on the XHA1 to the XLH1. Not sure what the steps are and now to use it. I have downloaded the XLH1 Editor for MAC. Do I just put the little card from the XHAI in my reader, then click on open Preset, then remove the card, and inset the XLHI card and go save preset? Is it as simple as that?

Dan Keaton June 11th, 2008 02:10 PM

Sorry, but the XH A1 Custom Presets are different than the XL H1 Custom Presets.

You can not just take an XH A1 Custom Preset and load them into the XL H1.

Chris Hurd June 11th, 2008 02:36 PM

For some guidance, see my posts in this thread:


...but you'll have to work backwards from the steps I took there.

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