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Barlow Elton April 4th, 2006 08:29 PM

New XL-H1 speed clip
Here's a clip of a timelapse/undercrank I was going for with the H1. It's called "FountainsSpeed". There's also a PhotoJPEG version that's 53.7MB. It's higher quality and easy to step through frame by frame.

Lemme know what y'all think...


John Cordell April 4th, 2006 09:07 PM

Very nice. Great looking night footage. Thanks for sharing.

Barlow Elton April 4th, 2006 09:22 PM

Thanks John. btw, it's kind of fun putting it in loop mode in QT player.

Bill Anderson April 5th, 2006 08:34 AM

Thanks Barlow. I assume this is the HDV mode.

Barlow Elton April 5th, 2006 09:42 AM

Yeah, shot 24F wth a slow shutter. Sped up in FCP.

Robert Sanders April 5th, 2006 10:59 AM

More great experiments from Barlow! Right on. I love it.

Oh, and I'm a PhotoJPEG@70% convert now.

Barlow Elton April 5th, 2006 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Sanders
More great experiments from Barlow! Right on. I love it.

Oh, and I'm a PhotoJPEG@70% convert now.

Thanks Robert! Oh, for PhotoJPEG you can thank Graeme Nattress for that. He told me a while ago that it was the best all around codec for HD intermediate work as far as what was actually available in QT currently. I had to finally get around to really testing it before I could confirm it for my own work.

Cineform someday in FCP may change this, but PhotoJPEG is a killer bang-for-the-bit rate codec.

btw, hope your trailer/feature shoot's going well.

Lauri Kettunen April 11th, 2006 10:18 AM

Barlow, I'm just curious: Is that magenta tone in your basket ball footage the same tone you actually saw while taking the footage?

The reason to ask is that it seems most of the XL H1 sample footages people have posted --such as Kaku, Pete Bauer etc.-- seem to share this same (unnatural) magenta tone. In your footage this bit coldish magenta tone pops up, for it does not seem to match with the warm reddish sunset. However, this may well be in the eye of the beholder.

Nevertheless, it would be interesting to know how big are the individual variations between different XL H1s. The custom settings I've used to avoid the magenta bias are:

RGN -2
BGN -2
RBM -1
GRM -2

Could you please try the same settings and tell whether the image became more neutral or not?

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