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-   -   Kaku Ito's XL H1 video clips -- here's the second batch (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xl-h-series-hdv-camcorders/52110-kaku-itos-xl-h1-video-clips-heres-second-batch.html)

Chris Hurd October 2nd, 2005 04:14 PM

Kaku Ito's XL H1 video clips -- here's the second batch
Howdy from Texas,

Play these on an HDTV display if you have one available. And if you can't view .m2t files on your system, try the free VLC player from www.videolan.org -- Enjoy!

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/baygamma0.m2t (45.7M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/baygamma1.m2t (49.4M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/baygamma2.m2t (43.3M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/XLH1biketrick.m2t (98.8M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...cklabrador.m2t (37.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...aberration.m2t (95.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/XLH1darkstreet.m2t (47.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...eliteonsea.m2t (14.5M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...tefreeway1.m2t (10.9M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...tefreeway2.m2t (18.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/XLH1niteodaiba.m2t (22.9M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...iteodaiba2.m2t (18.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...sngamcycle.m2t (13.3M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...anoramapan.m2t (113M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...aandbridge.m2t (24.1M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...aticclouds.m2t (30.2M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo...bletopjump.m2t (64.0M)

http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/XLH1triple.m2t (18.1M)

John Jay October 2nd, 2005 04:24 PM

once again the chroma aberration clip is dust - wonder if it is the ? in the title which causes the problem

Soroush Shahrokni October 2nd, 2005 04:50 PM

WoW, great footage so far...crystal sharp with nice motion...still downloading!

Soroush Shahrokni October 2nd, 2005 05:27 PM

Well, now that I have seen all the clips there is no doubt that Canon delivers great footage, but I think that I have stared myself blind with all HD content in the last 12 months. I think they all have theire look to the footage. I can see if it was shot on a Z1, HD100 or a H1, but they are all about equal depending what one is looking for!

You can clearly see that Canon has more pixels than the Sony but for the price diffrence I wouldnt go for the Canon. I dont think that the quality is that much better than the Z1/Fx1...and the interchangable lenses and some extra features doesnt justify the price diffrence...unless you really need them!

I still like the 24P of HD100 more than the 24F of Canon and I still dont know what makes the diffrence but for sure there is something!

I never jumped on the XL2 as the HDV´s had arrived and also if I had no choice but to shoot DV I would have choesen the DVX as the Panasonic 24P looked better than XL2´s. Now with all the HDV´s on table I think the closest to DVX 24p in HDV is JVC HD100´s 24P.

All cameras are great, just choose according to your taste of look and budget...and thanks alot for posting these clips!

Bob Thompson October 2nd, 2005 05:51 PM

For some reason these latest files aren't .zip files as the 1st batch were but end up on my mac as .txt files, but after deleting the .txt the play OK in VLC.

Thanks Kaku for all the hard work

Kaku Ito October 2nd, 2005 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by John Jay
once again the chroma aberration clip is dust - wonder if it is the ? in the title which causes the problem

I was not sure if the clip has the aberration problem and that is the reason why I put ? mark in the title and Chris can remove that if he thinks htat is right. I should recaptue this before i return the cam.

Chris Hurd October 2nd, 2005 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Thompson
For some reason these latest files aren't .zip files as the 1st batch were but end up on my mac as .txt files, but after deleting the .txt the play OK in VLC.

That's my fault. I asked Kaku to just send 'em as .m2t because the zip wasn't compressing it that much anyway. Sorry if I was being PC-centric with that; didn't mean to inconvenience our Mac folks.

Kaku Ito October 2nd, 2005 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Thompson
For some reason these latest files aren't .zip files as the 1st batch were but end up on my mac as .txt files, but after deleting the .txt the play OK in VLC.

Thanks Kaku for all the hard work


That is what I guessed because from the experience we had when I provided FX1 clips. This time, Chris suggested to send the file as is because we are experiencing a problem with the aberration file.

You are welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed then.

Nate Weaver October 2nd, 2005 06:55 PM

biketrick.m2t is soft either because of focus was bad, or aperture diffraction. I'm guessing diffraction. So far I haven't seen one HDV camera with auto iris that has a function to avoid stopping down beyond a certain point to avoid it.

One way to spot it is it will look like shooting thru something like a ProMist 2.

Be aware of stuff like this when slinging arrows...

[edit: add blacklabrador to that list]

Dial Yoshioka October 2nd, 2005 07:14 PM

If I'm not mistaken then all these and the previous lot of sample videos are HDV and not captured from the XL H1's HD-SDI port. Is that right?

Sorry, just wanted to check.


Chris Hurd October 2nd, 2005 07:23 PM

Dial -- everything from Kaku is HDV.

Nate -- this is one major difference between the XL2 and XL H1. The XL2 stops down to f/16 before closing. The XL H1 stops down to f/9.5 before closing. Diffraction is indeed a big issue with small-sensor HD, isn't it...

Nate Weaver October 2nd, 2005 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Diffraction is indeed a big issue with small-sensor HD, isn't it...

It's huge. I have stuff I shot last year with the FX-1 that I'm just realizing now is soft and furry because I wasn't paying attention. I barely knew what it was at the time anyway. And I didn't have a proper HD display. And so on and so on...

Barry Green October 2nd, 2005 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nate Weaver
So far I haven't seen one HDV camera with auto iris that has a function to avoid stopping down beyond a certain point to avoid it.

Actually the FX1 and Z1 have exactly that menu option, for exactly that reason. The choices are f/5.6 and f/8, IIRC.

Kaku Ito October 2nd, 2005 08:16 PM

Good news and bad news
Good news is that me and my staff at CreativeSuite are successful capturing some footage in DecklinkHD uncompressed 1080i format along with recording HDV at the same time.

Bad news is that the distributor didn't return the reflecmedia to us to be able to shoot green back. What a downer.

Chris Hurd October 2nd, 2005 08:51 PM

Great, this confirms HD-SDI output with simultaneous HDV recording. I figured it was possible but didn't know for sure. Thanks!

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