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Peter Vaughn October 31st, 2006 02:36 PM

Best Presets for Indoors by Sunlight?
Hi everyone, Happy Halloween. Does anyone know what would be a good preset for indoors with a lot of sunlight coming onto a subject's face? Thanks in advance
Peter Vaughn
Savvy Home Buyer

Jim Benton November 12th, 2006 08:08 AM

Well, I used this one on an interview I did for a documentary I'm working on.
There wasn't loads of sunlight available to me but I like working with more subtle light sources for interviews. Remember that what's done to get good lighting much of the time is the blocking out of excess light. I don't know what your shooting but if it is an interview I would reduce the loads of light that you have available. Of course this depends also as always on the look your going for.

gamma: cine
knee: middle
black: middle
color matrix: cine
color gain: 0 or (1+ for a bolder look)
color phase: middle
R G B gain: middle
V detail: normal
sharpness: -1 or -2
coring: middle
setup: -1
master ped: -1
NR: low

Again these are for a bit of a lower light situation that worked well for me on an interview.

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