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-   -   XL2 main fuse blown -- FU-1000 culprit! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/canon-xl-gl-series-dv-camcorders/66139-xl2-main-fuse-blown-fu-1000-culprit.html)

Mark Sasahara June 30th, 2006 11:24 PM

Plugging into a monitor shouldn't cause a problem, because if there was a power surge, or something, then the monitor would be experiencing problems too.

Lucinda, did you check and see if the internal button battery was working? I forget whether, or not that takes the whole camera down, or not.

Sorry to hear of your trouble.

Jarrod Whaley June 30th, 2006 11:51 PM

If the button battery dies, it won't cause any power issues with the camera. The date and time will be reset, as will any stored settings.

Lucinda Luvaas July 1st, 2006 12:05 PM

I was concerned about that small battery, but people on this forum said that that wouldn't affect the cam's power.....I sure hope not, because if that's tht case I've wasted mucho time!

Jon Bickford July 1st, 2006 05:56 PM

i had the same thing happen to my XL-H1 a couple of months back during a feature shoot! i was told that it had something to do with phantom power mics, she really didn't tell me much more, on that particular shoot i was switching between a line level signal from a board and occasionally phantom power with a mike plugged straight in. it was during the latter that the fuse blew. before i could get the whole question out i was told "Phantom power mics aren't canon approved accesories because we have no control over that" my obvious argument being that mics are probably the #1 most common accesory one would use.

i've been a little nervous every time i plug a mike into the camera since but thus far no problems.


Lucinda Luvaas July 1st, 2006 07:24 PM


That's interesting that you mentioned the phantom power. The fellow I spoke to from Canon yesterday at the Irvine Service Center asked me how I plugged in my audio technica mic, etc., and I told him. He told me that I was doing it correctly. It's my understanding that power should be off when you plug or unplug your audio cables. However, in a rush and brain surge moment, one could forget and plug or unplug with the power on. I think it says right in the Canon XL2 manual that you need to make sure to perform these operations with the camcorder off.

Having said that, my problem occurred not on the day I was using phantom power.....and I've been using it for some time now with no power outage.
So, it's hard to know what's going on here. Hopefully, I'll know next week.

I was told that I wouldn't be able to speak with the person who fixes my XL2, but I strongly urged the fellow I spoke to to please ask the questions I have in order to avoid problems in the future if at all possible.

I want to thank all of you for the help and solice you've provided over these past few days. I want you to know that I appreciate it greatly.

Happy Fourth! By the way, the XL2 takes great clips of fireworks!

Say Jon, I just want to add that what the person told you-- that phantom power mics aren't Canon accessories and or approved and such is a stock answer from all the companies...and it's nonsense. They provide the option to use phantom power for mics, SVHS, etc., and all of these options should work fine, otherwise they shouldn't have them on the camcorder.

A.D.Wyatt Norton July 1st, 2006 09:42 PM

Freaking out, but good
Well, I find it tragic that I'm in this thread. I'd never heard of this problem until it smacked me in the face. I was prepping equipment to fly out MONDAY. I write this on Saturday night.

While I had a lot of equipment out, since I was checking a micro 35 and a couple of XLs, I only (foolishly it's clear) plugged in the standard viewfinder on an XL2. Poof. No power. Absolutely the first time this has happened in years of XL use. And at the perfect storm time.

I don't know how the rest of you feel, but the idea that a non user-changeable fuse can blow so easily is patently outrageous and furthermore the very definition of jiveass. These cameras are not inexpensive little toys and I'm at a total loss as to action. I'm sure Canon couldn't care less that I have organized a benefit show in the middle of the South Pacific thinking I'd use my XLs as part of the camera stable.


Okay. I apologize. I do wish the fuse (I do like fused protection of electrical circuits) could be replaced easily and was somewhat common. Even better would have been hearing here that some simple little overlooked item was at fault. BTW: I have had nothing like this happen all the way back to my first XL in 2000. Now I'm being redundant and will sign off.

Joe Barker July 1st, 2006 10:34 PM

Having read about the numorous electrical problems being experianced with the XL2's, I am reluctant to hook my XL2 up to a flywire cable,or any other cable come to that.I use my JVC camcorder as a slave when down loading material through the fire wire.This is a fantastic camera, but if there is a weakness in the system,Canon should upgrade the system and retrofit the upgrade free of charge to all XL2 owner's.This is not a cheap camera to purchase and owners should not have to worry about the thing failing .The last thing anybody wants, is to loose the camera to a service centre for days or weeks, especialy during a busy shoot.

I can't wait to see what the damage report is on your XL2 Lucinda.I hope it is just a fuse.

Chris Owen July 1st, 2006 10:40 PM

Do I still want one?

Jarrod Whaley July 1st, 2006 10:54 PM

I guess the lesson here is pretty clear... don't so much as look at an XL2 without turning it off first.

Though I've yet to actually encounter this problem, the stories just keep pouring in. I'm afraid to touch the camera.

I wonder if this easily fried fuse is a "feature" of older cameras, or if the newer ones are rolling off the assembly line with the same issue right now. Maybe Canon quietly fixed the problem in later cameras; maybe not. To all of you who have come up against this: how old is your camera?

Lucinda Luvaas July 2nd, 2006 12:10 AM

This is getting a bit humorous, even tho' believe me I know it isn't!

Well, my XL2, as I mentioned I think, is the second one that I got because the first had a bad 20X lens, so my wonderful dealer traded that in for this one...and shameful to say: I haven't hardly used it...made one doc about an artist, and some last summer, it's about 10 months old and very very new in terms of use. I just started a new film and have all my time for my work now...yea! but, alas, my XL2 is in the shop and who knows how many times this will occur?

I do have a great idea and it could be a solution to this problem. Since a number of people seem to have a power out situation: contact Canon and register your chagrin about this. I believe if they get enough people telling them about this issue that they will do something about it. Canon is a good company and they already know as I said before, I'm sure they know about this issue.

Anyway, the fellow I spoke with at the Customer Center in Irvine, CA, encouraged me to contact Customer Service about this and tell them about it. When I told him that I doubted it would do any good, he said I was wrong and that if enough people call or write, or email with this problem that they will correct it.

You may wonder: well, how would that help me? it would because the problem has to be recognized as a true issue with the XL2 and not just customer usage errors.

We can do this! let's try to make Canon improve on this wonderful camcorder if indeed this is something that does need improvement and I have to say honestly that I'm not sure yet. But, it seems that a number of people have this problem......

Lucinda Luvaas July 9th, 2006 01:52 PM

I got my XL2 back on Friday and worked with it yesterday. All is well I'm happy to report. Unfortunately, I left the invoice which explained which parts were damaged at the Irvine Center and will have them send it to me, or email it to me, so that I have that information. But, what I learned was that a fuse did blow due to a faulty/defective part and this caused other elements to fry as well, so rather than just doing cold solders of those areas they replaced two large components and those parts are listed on the piece of paper I neglected to take when I left....it took me so long to get there that I was not operating at top potential for sure...anyway: I was told that the problem was due to a defective part and had nothing to do with anything I did in working with the camcorder. That was a major relief! and I have to say that I am very pleased with Canon's support and care.

Yesterday, I plugged the XL2 and tv monitor into a power surge strip. I noticed at one point a line going down the tv monitor, almost like a wave, but parallel waves, straight horizontal lines not wavy. I was very concerned about this. I rewound the tape and there was no evidence on the tape of any lines--I thought perhaps something was wrong with the tape.

However, I'm still wondering about not so much power surges, but the opposite. We have two air conditioners a pump outside for the water and other appliances and at times when the main ac comes on we get a dimming of lights for a brief moment...I was wondering if that was happening--a power depletion rather than a surge--when the lines appeared on my video monitor. I didn't see any lights dimming or my ac in the studio hesitating so I'm not sure that was even happening. Yet, I wonder: could this be problematic for the XL2? Nothing seemed to happen to indicate that there was any problem with the camcorder. However, I'm wondering if I should use the battery pack instead of plugging the XL2 into the power strip? Anyone with any advice about this? Also, would that make any difference since the XL2 is connected to the video monitor with the rca cables and the video monitor is connected to the power strip?

The Canon rep told me that the support tech who worked on the camcorder said that I had nothing to do with this power outage problem--that it was a defective part which caused other components to blow....but I still wonder about the above, if it could ever be a potential problem even if it wasn't before.....

Chris Owen July 9th, 2006 02:17 PM

Thank you, Lucinda, for sharing your experience and problem. This makes me a little less apprehensive about buying the XL2. I am really curious to know about the others in this forum that experienced a power loss and what Canon says is wrong with their cams.

Lucinda, it may not hurt to get one or a couple of the "no-name" 945 batteries off eBay (usually around $20) if you are really concerned about power fluctuations.

If you don't mind spending a little extra $$, get a large UPS (Uninteruptable Power Supply) from your local Best Buy, Office Depot, etc. Run your computer, camera, and essential PC add-ons (printer is not essential) off the conditioned/powered outlets. A 1500 watt XPS from APC should only set you back $180 (or less). This will compensate for surges, blackouts, and brownouts (loss of power when the AC kicks on or due to electrical storms or heavy loads on the power station).

I use 2 rack mount BR1500XRS units in my home office at the bottom of my rack and power everything from them, even my 19" cheapo TV I use for real time preview during editing.

They run for quite some time if the power does go out and keep a consistent flow to all of my gear (even during brownouts). I have one hooked up to the a USB port on my workstation that keeps reports of all the times it has had to intervene - thankfully, not very often where I live now, but VERY frequently when I lived in Birmingham.

Lucinda Luvaas July 9th, 2006 03:45 PM

Hi Chris,

I use a dual battery pack mounted on the back of my XL2, have been all along and I use the ASB surge protector for my computer equipment. In fact, I was using it yesterday out in the studio when the wave stuff happened on the video monitor.....so I still wonder what that was. What I asked in the previous post was if the XL2 is powered using my battery pack and the video monitor is still DC will the XL2 be safe from power surges and depletions?

David Calvin July 9th, 2006 06:01 PM

Just as a related curiosity
Whats the longest anyone has had an xl2? And whats the most amount of use in terms of shooting hours? Anyone care to chime in?


David Calvin July 10th, 2006 01:13 PM

Twould have been nice if we could have gotten a sense from the tech as to how often these "defective" parts occur in the xl2. Is this a rare thing or a more common one?

I suppose its doesn't matter. It will either happen or it wont and if it does it'll need to get fixed. Its nice to know that they _can_ and are _willing_ to fix it without blaming the operator.


Lucinda Luvaas July 11th, 2006 12:59 PM

This is a good question and one I forgot to ask...how often does this happen? I'm waiting to get the invoice from Canon which will explain what happened and then I'll mention all.

One thing that Chris at the Owner's Club mentioned was that power drops or surges won't affect the XL2 because the AC adapter has a fuse in it that will kick off if there are any problems due to uneven current and that will happen before anything occurs in the XL2. So that adapter has this safety feature for power surges and drops.

I was concerned that our power drops here could have caused the problem I had and he said the above, and also that what happened to my unit was a faulty/defective internal part...the control transport was defective which shorted out other circuits, so they put in a new mother board/PCB and replaced the chassis.

Since I haven't seen the inside of an XL2, I don't know what the Control Transport is? anyone take a guess or know?

And, perhaps if others have had this happen they could respond....I doubt that this is something that has happened to a lot of users, but I can't answer that.

I do know that there's much pressure on tech people and engineers who make these parts....perhaps the pressure has hurt the overall standards of product perfection....

However, as I mentioned before, I was very pleased with the care that Canon provided. They could have simply soldered the parts and done a "used XL2," job, but they put new parts in, hopefully insuring a safe unit for the future.

I do recommend that everyone joins the Owners Club. You get speedier service and that can really help.

Adam Oas July 13th, 2006 04:26 PM

Non Stock XL2 viewfinder = No power
So I got bit by this bug today.

I had a viewfinder issue on a different camera and while troubleshooting without thinking that it'd be an issue, I plugged it into my XL2 and poof! No power!

Which engineer do I need to thank for putting a standard plug on a non standard output? My boot would like to meet with his butt. Oh yeah... the engineer that puts a main fuse that's apparently easy to blow in a non user serviceable spot too!

Does anyone know what Cannon will pop me for $$$ wise for this kind of repair?

David Calvin July 13th, 2006 07:31 PM

That sucks. So there is a problem, then, beyond the faulty part that Lucinda was experiencing. Is this confirmation of the viewfinder frying XL2s rumor?

Adam Oas July 14th, 2006 09:28 AM

I can't say 100% for sure, but it seems so to me.

This was a non-standard viewfinder for the XL2 (it was from a JVC GY-HD100u). My JVC came back from a firmware update and I reattached my VF (they asked that the VF not be shipped with the camera) and I get nothing in my finder on the JVC, so in an effort to isolate which component was bad I thought i'd try my JVC finder on the XL2 and the XL2 finder on the JVC.

As the plugs/ports look and are identical I thought they'd be interchangeable. I slapped a battery on my XL2 and it was working fine. I swapped out the viewfinder and tried flipping on the Cannon. Nothing else changed and poof, no power anywhere on the Cannon.

As an aside the Cannon VF doesn't work on the JVC either.

There is a possibility that the JVC VF has some sort of short in it that would cause it to blow out both cameras, but it WAS working fine when I took it off of the camera before I sent it in and it sat on my desk untouched for a week, so I doubt it broke just sitting there.

Jon Bickford July 14th, 2006 09:55 AM

You mixed the canon and jvc viewfinders?????? i'd say that would do it, there's no way that you can blame canon for such a mistake!

Adam Oas July 14th, 2006 10:14 AM

I've swapped Viewfinders between different cameras with no ill effects before.

I'm still not 100% sure that there isn't some sort of problem with the JVC viewfinder itself and if it is where my problem lies, then it might just work fine and it's not Cannon's fault at all. But....

If you're going to use a standard viewfinder plug (such as on the XL2), you should use standard viewfinder engineering. Is there ANY other plug (FW issues notwithstanding) you could put in ANY port on this camera that would cause it to blow a fuse?

Not unless you make your own XLR to 120v AC "adapter"....

David Lach July 18th, 2006 11:08 AM

Need help finding a replacement part for the FU-1000
I realize I might not be posting this in the right forum but since it's about the FU-1000 and is used with my XL2 (not really relevant in this case though), might as well post it here. Mods feel free to move this thread if it is judged misplaced.

So I bought a used FU-1000 that was broken when I got it (I knew about it at the time). This was a couple years ago. It doesn't really affect functionality too much. What is broken is 2 out of the 3 plastic hooks that attach the cylinder eyepiece part to the mirror/viewfinder unit. So I need to tape it down so it can hold firmly in place. This over the past couple years has been somewhat of a pain because I need to unhook it at times to use my Tiffen x2 magnifier which also attaches via those hooks. I'll spare you the rest of the details about the functionality.

Now a couple months ago I decided I had had enough taping and untaping this thing and wanted to buy the replacement part (the cylinder part) from Canon Canada. From there the nightmare began. I was in contact with the part rep for Canon Canada during that period trying to figure what part I needed, with no cooperation whatsoever. I was trying as best as I could to describe it, I even sent a Jpeg with the detailed graphic info on what I needed. I could have spoken to this girl in Chinese it wouldn't have made a difference, she had no idea what I was talking about nor did she seem all that willing to help me out anyway. I've just had it with her. She never returns my calls, can't give me a straight answer on any of the questions I have, I'm through wasting my time. I've tried Ikegami also with no success.

Now ranting aside, I need to find somebody within either Canon Canada or Canon USA that will be ABLE and WILLING to help me out find that part. It's so ridiculous when you think about it, it's just a little plastic/metal tube with a couple of plastic hooks. I can't for the life of me imagine how this thing, even with the glass element mounted on it, could cost much more than $200. But I need to find it and regardless of my efforts in the last couple months, I can't seem to find a competent rep that will know the product, what to look for and how to find/get/buy it. I guess it's the downside of dealing with big businesses such as Canon, you can kiss the personalized customer service goodbuy.

So if anybody here has the name, phone number or Email contact to ANYBODY from either Canon Canada or Canon USA that will be able to quickly and efficiently resolve this ordeal I would be eternally grateful.

Adam Oas July 18th, 2006 11:53 AM

Following up...

My viewfinder was fine so plugging in a standard viewfinder into the port on the XL2 will blow the fuse.

This might all be covered in the manual, but the guy who originally got the camera can't find it and I havn't downloaded it yet.

David Calvin July 18th, 2006 01:29 PM

Thanks for the follow-up
I'll stick with the standard viewfinder.

Mark Sasahara July 18th, 2006 02:24 PM

I don't have the info in front of me, but go to Canon's website and get the # for a repair facility. Ask to speak with someone there. They can probably send you the replacement part. There's a repair facility in New Jersey.

A.D.Wyatt Norton July 19th, 2006 05:06 AM

Irvine today
I'm back from the shoot that was almost destroyed by this bug. 2400 miles away in the Pacific. To reiterate: My fuse-fry happened when plugging in the standard viewfinder while powered up on battery (XL-2). While this may sound anecdotal to others, to me it is a fact.

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this!"

"Then don't do that!"

I'm driving to Irvine today and will give reports as available.

David Lach July 21st, 2006 08:17 AM

Thanks I'll give that a try. I was under the impression the Canon USA's repair facilities weren't allowed to deal with Canadian Customers (well that's what I was told anyway) but it's worth a shot at this point.

Mike Teutsch July 21st, 2006 09:10 AM


I looks does not matter, and all you need is functionality, you could simply use a velcrow strap. Easy open and close.


David Lach July 21st, 2006 09:27 AM

Well Mike it could be an improvement on the taping that's for sure but there's 2 out of the 3 plastic hooks that are completely broken off (the second one broke recently) so it's really too unstable now to firmly hold in place.

Plus I'm thinking I'll be switching to HD in a year or so and I will then want to sell the FU-1000 along with the XL2's I own so to have a perfectly working one will increase its value substancially.

I called the NJ facility today and they told me what I likely need is the Finder Unit. I'm waiting for confirmation on it, as well as if I can get a smaller part than the whole Finder Unit since all I really need is the plastic part with the hooks (don't need the ground glass nor the metal cylinder that attaches to it).

Anyway they seem much more aware of what I need in NJ than they ever did in Canada. Night and day, so I'll keep my fingers crossed this will be resolved shortly.

Mark Sasahara July 21st, 2006 11:29 AM

Wait, David, is your viewfinder color, or b&w? I think you are talking about the color stock LCD viewfinder. The FU-1000 is a b&W crt. On the FU-1000, the eyepiece is metal and bayonets onto the rotating mirror section of the eyepiece.

David Lach July 21st, 2006 12:31 PM

Mark I'm talking about the B&W FU-1000's finder (or eyepiece I guess, language barrier here maybe, English's my 2nd language) which is both metal and plastic, with a metal cylinder shaped part with a plastic casing for adjusting its length (at least on mine that's the way it is, don't know if there were revisions to this product). The inside is indeed all metal I believe though.

The bayonet portion of the mount on the mirror assembly is indeed metal but what broke for me are the 3 plastic hooks on the eyepiece side that hook to this mount (at least I'm fairly certain they're plastic, been a while since I untaped this thing, but they wouldn't have broken off had they been metal made I'd think).

Mark Sasahara July 21st, 2006 12:45 PM

No problem, your english is fine.

Yeah, that's a real drag. That shouldn't be too much of a problem to fix. I think it's a few small phillips head screws.

Good luck.

How are things in Montreal? I used to live in VT and went up there pretty often.

David Lach July 22nd, 2006 08:57 AM

Things are always great in Montreal, when it's not cold, that is 3 months a year. ;-)

That aside, love the city, perfect place to both live and work for me.

Wouldn't mind moving to NY city in a distant future though, I love that city. Is the videography business a very competitive one there? I would assume it is.

Mark Sasahara July 22nd, 2006 09:39 AM

Montreal is a beautiful city. I always have a good time there and I almost always see a production truck somewhere in the city. It's really beautiful in the winter.

New York is great, it's also completely insane and the driving induces road rage. Knowing people here helps, because it's all about who you know, as it is everywhere.

It's pretty competitive, but things have picked up in the last year. Now there is a fair amount of work happening here and in the surrounding area. NYC has lots of gov't incentives for production, which has helped. I've been lucky, I know a lot of people who are talented, ambitious and like my work. But, my other job is still looking for a job.

David Lach July 22nd, 2006 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Sasahara
But, my other job is still looking for a job.

I can certainly identify with that as I'm sure many who post here. ;-)

The insanity and fast pace found in NY is actually what attracks me the most. I get bored when things aren't insane enough. I'll try to master my craft here before thinking of moving though, I'm in no hurry.

Rainer Hoffmann July 25th, 2006 02:20 AM

Hi everybody,

sorry to hijack this thread, but yesterday the main fuse of my XL2 blew. May be, I have some additional info.

I disconnected a phantom powered mic and I swear the camera was powered down (I always power down when I plug or unplug something due to reports of blown main fuses here on DVinfo)! So obviously powering down is not enough. There must still be power on some systems.

The next time I plug or unplug something I'll even disconnect the power supply. When I told the tech at Canon that my XL2 would not power up he said: "Oh, well, then probably the main fuse blew". So they obviously are aware of the problem.

Jonathan Gossett July 25th, 2006 07:44 AM

After reading this thread, I flipped through the xl2 manual and saw that it recommends powering down to do anything, even change out the tapes. I was wondering if any of you guys did that, or if not doing so would cause the fuse to blow. With all these reports of blown fuses, I'm paranoid to even look at my xl2 the wrong way.

Rainer Hoffmann July 25th, 2006 08:08 AM

Well, I did exactly that: powering down even to change the tape. But it seems, it's not enough to power the cam down, you even have to disconnect the battery or whatever power supply you use. As long as the battery is attached, there is some power supplied to the cam. Otherwise you would not be able to change the tape with the camera switched off.

I wonder when it will happen to me again...

Mark Sasahara July 25th, 2006 09:40 AM

I wonder if you should turn off the phantom power switch on the back of the camera before disconnecting?

I'm looking at getting another body to keep as a back up. What a piece of junk.

Jonathan Gossett July 25th, 2006 09:50 AM

Thanks for the info Rainer. I suppose this fuse is just a ticking time bomb, not a matter of if, but when it goes off. I just pray that it doesn't happen to me right in the middle of a shoot. I can't understand why Canon wouldn't fix the problem in newer xl2's if they already knew about this problem. It is certainly serious enough to warrant their concern, because I really don't like the idea of being on pins and needles waiting to see if my xl2 will be kaput when I need it.

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