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John Wheeler October 21st, 2005 10:18 PM

XL2 Footage
Hello all. Got bored and made a new version of a video i made about a year ago. Shot with xl2, and a wide angle adapt. The original version could not have any camera shake, or out of focus footage. So I had to trash most of the footage you are about to see. I was looking through my files the other day and came across all of these unused clips i shot, clips with jerky movement and bluriness, and thought i'd put them to use. :) file is about 40 megs

also note, the short close up face shot of the girl toward the end, is the girl singing in the video.



Miguel Lombana October 21st, 2005 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by John Wheeler
Hello all. Got bored and made a new version of a video i made about a year ago. Shot with xl2, and a wide angle adapt. The original version could not have any camera shake, or out of focus footage. So I had to trash most of the footage you are about to see. I was looking through my files the other day and came across all of these unused clips i shot, clips with jerky movement and bluriness, and thought i'd put them to use. :) file is about 40 megs

also note, the short close up face shot of the girl toward the end, is the girl singing in the video.



WOW JOHN, phenomenal, superb eye, great editing, excellent look, just made me want to take a ride down south for a few beers and a tequila! Any chance of you sharing the settings you used for that shoot or after a year are they long gone and forgotten?

Anyway, again superb, I didn't see if the first time around.

John Wheeler October 21st, 2005 11:44 PM

haha, No, the settings are not forgotten, thats because there were no settings. :) other than 30p and 16:9. I used no picture (color) enhancement settings on the camera or in post. I've messed around with color correction and film look plugins, and they do make the footage look better for the most part, but with those effects added, it makes for a longer render time, and im not that patient.


Pete Bauer October 22nd, 2005 07:19 AM

John, I must congratulate you! Talented videographer + top-shelf camera = beautiful footage. In one short montage you've demonstrated several capabilities of the XL2 that some of the more negative-minded people cast as limitations -- outstanding color, creating shallow depth of field, slow zoom, maybe preset focus (or is your hand that good on the focus ring?). Outstanding!

John Wheeler October 22nd, 2005 08:00 AM

Thanks pete. The thing is, i dont feel that I should take THAT much credit. In my opinion, the camera creates most of the magic. It's really all about good lighting. And on that gig, i tried my best to take full advantage of the sun to create some good images. It was tough though, I had to fight the sun moving behind clouds all day. And as far as the zoom is concerned, even though i love the zoom options on the xl2, most of the "zooms" in that video, were done in post. I'm a cheater :)


Steven Salmon October 25th, 2005 04:11 PM

John, how did you do the slow moving left to right shots? Did you use a dolly or something?

Steve Witt October 26th, 2005 05:27 PM

That's awesome John. Were some of those shots using a dolly. That was very cinema-like footage. could you show us more please?

John Wheeler October 27th, 2005 08:48 PM

Steven, Yes I used a home made dolly. I'll include a picture of the setup.

I did a re-edit that includes only the dolly shots. There are some repeat shots from the first clip, but also some new shots. The file size is about 60 megs. But it should stream.


here's the picture of the setup


Steve Witt October 28th, 2005 12:40 AM

That is most excellent John......Thankyou. Did you go to school for videograghy? How did you learn to get such great shots? I like the dolly set-up!!!

Steven Salmon October 28th, 2005 01:07 AM

I agree with the other Steve. I love the dolly. Certainly looks heavy duty and very portable. The track looks good also. Very simple but perfect for the job. Can you give us any build tips on the dolly? Would love to have a go at putting something similar together.

Many thanks


Michele Lombardo October 28th, 2005 02:24 AM

Congratulations John!!!

Please can you tell me what transitions you used, when the two clips fade burning to white?



Steven Salmon October 28th, 2005 02:35 AM

Hi Michele

My guess is that John did a disolve to a white still but I could be wrong!

Many thanks


Daniel Wojtowicz October 28th, 2005 12:25 PM

I love the fact that most of your shots are so smooth. Makes the whole video look really nice. Someday i will make videos this good

John Wheeler October 28th, 2005 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Witt
That is most excellent John......Thankyou. Did you go to school for videograghy? How did you learn to get such great shots? I like the dolly set-up!!!

I'll take that as a compliment. :) No, i didn't go to school. I'm anti-school. :) ....When I see something i like in a movie, i try to mimic it. Usually when i watch movies, i'm looking more at the technical aspects instead of following the story. If you want to watch a movie with beautiful crane and dolly shots, look for Baraka.


Originally Posted by Steven Salmon
Can you give us any build tips on the dolly? Would love to have a go at putting something similar together.

I put together a link to explain the dolly a little better.


Originally Posted by Michele Lombardo
Please can you tell me what transitions you used, when the two clips fade burning to white?

It's a transition in Sony Vegas, called "Sony Flash"


Originally Posted by Daniel Wojtowicz
I love the fact that most of your shots are so smooth. Makes the whole video look really nice. Someday i will make videos this good

Thanks. It's really easier than it looks. Just take a little time, construct or buy a dolly. watch a few movies, then mimic the shots. :D


Steve Witt October 30th, 2005 08:52 AM

I just might check out this movie "Baraka". Is this a movie that would be at a video rental place or something? I don't think I've heard of it before. But I will take your advice and check it out. I like the fact that you are using the movie theatre and the TV screen as your classroom. It must be working. The dolly plans are also inspiring.

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